Category Archives: Without Apology

Occasional commentary from the Editor and Publisher of this site.

Bennett ~ Before I Sleep

The following is edited from a column that I wrote over 20 years ago, and although much has changed in those years – much has remained the same. Although I had re-posted the original column in July of 2023 – it is the early part of said column that has now come back to haunt me – due in part to a number of columns relating to Agent Orange that I have recently published. Can ya’ dig it? I can’t, but my fight will not cease.

Oh – and in case you are wondering about the title of this column? It was taken from a book about Dr. Tom Dooley that was written by James Monahan. Tom Dooley??? – Well just who in the hell was he?  Thomas A. Dooley M.D. was an American physician who worked in Southeast Asia at the outset of American involvement in the Vietnam War. I became aware of the Dr., his work AND his books in 1961 – the year that he died at the age of 34. As time went on – it would appear that we had a few things in common. ~ Editor
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THIS one is for Maegann!!!

As always, my visit with you was Perfection!

Let the good Doctor know that in my opinion – although I have had some superb work done on my behalf at  Gillard Dental –  YOU are the best Dental Tech in the practice.

Thank you much for today!

Bennett: There is a Cancer Upon the Nation

No, no, no… we are not talking about political cancer here – although politics does have a nasty way of contributing to this epidemic by way of ignoring the economic drain upon the afflicted, to include the cost of care (they really don’t), ‘treatment’ and drugs. In addition – THEY have chosen – by corporate bribe – to ignore the Truth as relates to the dreaded dis-ease known throughout the world as CANCER. Continue reading

Bennett: But it’s all OK – Just Take a Little Pill

ADHD drug Ritalin affects the brain like cocaine – so why is it being prescribed to children?

I was a third week Senior at Glenbrook North High School in 1965 – and I knew that something was wrong…

As I progressed from the 5th grade on – through the 6th grade and then into Middle School at Northbrook Junior High and subsequently into High School, I found myself beginning to lack in numerous areas of my education. In English, I was an astute reader (and still am), and Science classes were interesting to me – chiefly due to the exciting talents of one teacher in Junior High – who smoked a pipe in class! History was always a subject that I thoroughly enjoyed, but as time went on, many of the teachers became boring – hence I became bored – more so in High School. Continue reading

A Journey to HELL and Back!

First, Do No Harm…but they did it anyway!

The Beginning, but it was not meant to be the end… ~
September 2, 2021- the day that we buried our son. Late that night I got into somewhat of a vile argument with my daughter in the manner that she was speaking to her daughter – our then seventeen year old daughter (who still lives with us and we have been raising for a good number of years). I told Kylie to go into the house as she did not need to be a part of her Mother’s asininity and vulgarity, at which point – the sperm-doner – the child’s “Daddy” jumped my case and started his crapola, at which time I went over to him and told him to stay out of it. OOPS – that opened up another can of worms and he started getting physical with me and as I was returning his actions – my daughter decides to participate in the action – but against me as well. One thing led to another, and within a half hour – I had a minor heart attack.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho – it’s on the Gurney and off to the Hospital we go.

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Post-Op Observations: Abscess make the farts go ‘Honda’

It is interesting how things come back around to haunt you once again. Note the date – and this is when I had hernia surgery back in the day. Five months later I moved into my sons’ house to begin an 11 month renovation and restoration to prepare to sell the home for his family. The following was a letter which I sent to my Physician while I was going though my recovery. He laughed his rear-end off and asked if he could frame the letter and hang it in his office.

During that 11 months – I brought myself to the best health I had ever been in in my life. It is now eight-plus years later and once again – I am feeling rather poopy. ~ Jeff
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Bennett: Tired of the Jive!

~ Foreword ~
My Sunday morning has been busy putting the following together. It has also been a superb follow up to my broadcast from this past Wednesday night. Didn’t hear it? Here you go! (Primum Non-Nocere – First, Do No Harm, April 20, 2022)

And the story will continue… ~ Ed.

April 25, 2022

Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona
1331 N. 7th St. ~ Suite 375
Phoenix, AZ  85006-2707

Reference Account #: 120600

Having had the “services” of Dr. Edward Evans, M.D. on the night of September 2 or early September 3, 2021 due to what I would refer to as a minor heart attack – and then two subsequent scheduled appointments at his office – the attached bill is an insult – for several reasons.

To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Evans could not be bothered to do a follow up in my hospital room during the next several days – and yet Banner Estrella Medical Center recommends that I make contact and make an appointment within the following seven days or so?

Before the heart surgery (where two stints were put in me) Dr. Evans also had a catheter installed in me – for alleged reasons that I had urinary issues. Continue reading

The Greatest Assault On Our Civil Liberties: Mask Mandates Have No Place In a Free Society

“We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?” ~ Dr. Ron Paul, former U.S. Congressman [Texas]

A mandate to wear masks may seem like a simple matter and a “minor inconvenience” to some or many. But I don’t think those who take this position have really considered all its implications and the long-range ramifications and consequences that might accompany the meek and compliant acquiescence to even a “temporary” mask mandate.

. . . .

Let me educate all of the above who are participating in one of the largest propaganda and misinformation campaigns in United States history, because it appears they have not kept current on the science, or they are not too bright, or they are actively manipulating the people for political purposes that have little to do with any concern for my health or the health of anyone else. Continue reading

June 25, 2017: Special Broadcast

Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)

VICTORY OVER CANCER with Jeffrey Bennett
Jeffrey Bennett, spent eighteen years studying with Dr. William Kelley’s Cancer Victory program, and developed a radio program to invite special guests to discuss optimum health. This podcast covers the pioneer work done by Dr. Kelley and how the Natural Medicine field has developed over the years. You’ll learn everything you need to know to have victory over dis-ease! Jeffrey Bennett states that In 1998 I was taught many things by Dr. Kelley, and one of them was that no doctor can cure you of anything… It is up to you to keep your body healthy and put your self on the right path to a long and healthy life.

After all – it’s YOUR health we are talking about.
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April 4, 2019 ~ The Facebook Chronicles

An interesting hour on Facebook tonight. As always there are posts to smile about, cry about, get angry about, but of course – what bothers me is having put efforts into posting information that is submitted to educate and help people. No foul language – no smart-aleck comments – just superb, well researched information – in this case – related to issues which DO affect YOUR health and well-being, but then the new “rules” at Facebook – are against this kind of information. Continue reading

Death or Debt? National Estimates of Financial Toxicity in Persons with Newly-Diagnosed Cancer

GREED seems to be the only ‘Cure‘…

~ Foreword ~
What you are about to preview is an introduction ONLY to an intense study recently conducted and published by The American Journal of Medicine. Although we are no fans of much coming from the mainstream medical community, I have found this study to be immensely well researched and is worth your time and attention. What I find most interesting, is their addressing of the financial costs of – in effect – killing oneself – both in life and financial bankruptcy. ~ Ed.
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Closing in on three years, but…

The story of ‘Victory’…

VICTORY_back_webBeing in the unique position to have been trained by Kelley and having worked with him for the last seven years of his life, I felt privileged to have been asked by his son John Kelley to take over the editing and publication of Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types in 2013. Did we do a rewrite? NO!… But there were editing issues that we felt needed to be corrected, a chart which badly needed updating – in addition to other pertinent information, which Kelley had always published separately in the past – and we chose to merge these publications into one.

noun word·smith \ˈwərd-ˌsmith\
a person who works with words; especially : a skillful writer. (Courtesy: Merriam-Webster)
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Antique Tool Still in Use

It is? Examine it carefully. . . . .

Tobacco Smoke Enema Kit (1750’s – 1810’s).
The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, but primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims.

A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke into the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration. . . Continue reading