June 25, 2017: Special Broadcast

Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)

VICTORY OVER CANCER with Jeffrey Bennett
Jeffrey Bennett, spent eighteen years studying with Dr. William Kelley’s Cancer Victory program, and developed a radio program to invite special guests to discuss optimum health. This podcast covers the pioneer work done by Dr. Kelley and how the Natural Medicine field has developed over the years. You’ll learn everything you need to know to have victory over dis-ease! Jeffrey Bennett states that In 1998 I was taught many things by Dr. Kelley, and one of them was that no doctor can cure you of anything… It is up to you to keep your body healthy and put your self on the right path to a long and healthy life.

After all – it’s YOUR health we are talking about.

Viyahta Robinson

Soul Purpose Healing
Host Viyahta Robinson shares her 20+ years of experience in the Holistic Health field, focusing on the root cause of dis-eases and the importance of healing on a soul level first. Topics will include emotional awareness, understanding and translating body talk, German New Medicine, the power of words as well as Information on the latest scientific research to support use of natural healing tools. Her guests provide knowledge, experience and insight into the Soul-full healing journey … Click HERE for Complete Archived Broadcast

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