The story of ‘Victory’…
Being in the unique position to have been trained by Kelley and having worked with him for the last seven years of his life, I felt privileged to have been asked by his son John Kelley to take over the editing and publication of Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types in 2013. Did we do a rewrite? NO!… But there were editing issues that we felt needed to be corrected, a chart which badly needed updating – in addition to other pertinent information, which Kelley had always published separately in the past – and we chose to merge these publications into one.
noun word·smith \ˈwərd-ˌsmith\
a person who works with words; especially : a skillful writer. (Courtesy: Merriam-Webster)
Shortly after issuing the first of the updated Self-Test books, we were handed instructions to cease and desist publication of CANCER: Curing the Incurable, first by an individual referenced several times in the book in a somewhat slanderous manner (and I had always felt that it was unnecessary anyway) and secondly – and most importantly – by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) itself, who let us know in no uncertain terms, that the use of the word ‘cure‘ (or any variation thereof) was unacceptable… and so – for those of you who know me and how my mind works – I was determined to take on the common enemy – by playing wordsmith.
During this time period, we discovered that our available stock of the 2005 version of Curing the Incurable was almost completely depleted, but that the previous publisher who had worked with Dr. Kelley in 2001 and again in ’05, was quite ill and had no desire to pick up the banner once more, which was just as well, because I personally felt that the 2005 version was lacking something, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
In mid 2013, John Kelley and I agreed that I would take on the project of a new version of the Cancer book – but little did we realize what was before us. First of all – I was one of the few people on Earth who had a computer version of the complete 1999 edition of Dr. Kelley’s ‘One Answer to Cancer with Cancer Cure‘ (there you go FDA – I said it!) and my copy was on a 3 1/2 inch floppy disc. I had to have it burned to a CD/DVD, then upload to my publishing computer and open it side-by-side with a printed copy of the 2005 version of CANCER: Curing the incurable (no digital copy available) – then the painstaking process of manually merging the two books together to fully restore and expand on Dr. Kelley’s work.
We had to be careful of legal issues, “step on someone’s toes” issues, proper reference to the Kelley supplementation and so much more. Before the completion of the project (due to continual changes in words and layout) – we had probably had to review a dozen ‘Proof‘ copies of the entire manuscript. Once John and I had agreed on all included and the layout – we put the cover to bed – and ‘voilà!‘ – Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation. We began shipping this seminal edition of Kelley’s work on November 1, 2015.
Suffice it to say that we gleaned the title from Kelley’s own words and I believe that he would have smiled with that old twinkle. Once you acquire your own personal copy of the book – you will understand its numerous meanings)’.