Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

Mr. “X”: FACTS of Chemotherapy

I will never forget the first time I saw those words. I was entering a cancer ward for children. Written on a large easel at the entrance to this ward was the following inscription…

I Am Not Afraid Of Tomorrow,
For I Have Seen Yesterday,
And I Love Today.

I walked past crib after crib. The cribs were like cages. Babes were in these cribs; pitiful small children – starry eyed, listless – some whimpering. They didn’t even notice anyone walking past them. Needless to say, my heart softened – went out to them – and I cried. Continue reading

Why Aren’t Hospitals Incentivized to Save Lives?

What makes hospitals so deadly and how can we fix it?

Throughout COVID-19, abysmal hospital care and the suppression of effective off-patent therapies killed approximately a million Americans. Much of this originated from Obamacare pressuring hospitals to aggressively treat patients so they could quickly leave the hospital and reduce healthcare costs.

More frail patients respond poorly to aggressive protocols, resulting in them frequently being pushed into palliative care or hospice. Sadly doctors are no longer trained to gradually bring their patients back to health, and hence view many of those deaths as inevitable.

In this article, we will review some of the forgotten medical therapies that dramatically improve hospital outcomes and highlight some of the key strategies patients and lawmakers can use to reduce hospital deaths. Continue reading

Common Drug Taken Daily by 19 Million Americans Increases the Risk of Internal Bleeding

… and 3 Million Are Taking It Against Medical Advice

  Aspirin should not be taken by those over 60 years old to prevent a first heart attack or stroke, doctors say

A quarter of older adults are still taking a drug that could cause them to suffer from internal bleeding, a study has found.

Aspirin was once recommended for people over 60 in the US as a way to prevent a heart attack or stroke.

But in 2018, medical organizations began to dial back the advice, saying that for those who hadn’t suffered from the conditions before, any benefits were outweighed by the risks — which include bleeding in the intestines or the brain. Continue reading

Store-Brand Cold Medicines Found to Contain Cancer-Causing Chemical

The contaminated offerings are on shelves at Walmart, CVS, Target, and Walgreens

When cold and flu season comes around, it’s not uncommon to flock to the nearest pharmacy for something to relieve the symptoms. However, an analysis and report issued by Bloomberg News may have many consumers rethinking which package of cold medicine they’re reaching for.

Researchers retained by the news outlet found that store-brand versions of Mucinex found at Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, and Target contain a cancer-causing chemicalBENZENE. Continue reading

Cancer-Drug Costs Rise, Leaving Even Insured Patients with Financial Burden

But the REAL question is – Is TRADITIONAL cancer treatment doing it’s correct job for the Victims – or are they just continuing to line the pockets of the Doctahs and BIG Pharma?

The following column spends more time with Recent Survey’s, Recent Reports, Scientists Suggest, Published in….

Why can’t the Medical Community just get to the point of admission – that they just DON’T get it! ~ Editor

As cancer rates rise for people under 50, the cost of life-saving treatment is rising far past their ability to pay. An increase in cancer cases is putting pressure on Americans. With medical debt burdening patients, the battle against cancer is taking a new financial front that could affect many cancer patients’ lives. Continue reading

Pfizer Agrees to Settle 10,000 Lawsuits Accusing Pharma Giant of Hiding Cancer Risks of Heartburn Drug Zantac

Pfizer has agreed to settle more than 10,000 lawsuits alleging it it of hiding the cancer risks of its heartburn drug Zantac.

The financial details have not been revealed but pharma rival Sanofi agreed to pay more than $100million to resolve 4,000 Zantac-cancer claims last nonth.

The over-the-counter pill was pulled in the US in 2020 after animal studies found a key ingredient released ‘probable human carcinogens’.

Pfizer was the primary manufacturer of Zantac from 1998 to 2006, when several suits claim it should have known that the drug was contaminated with NDMA. Continue reading

CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths

Internal documents contradict claims from the CDC, which refused to explain the discrepancy.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths before claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths, The Epoch Times has learned.

CDC employees worked to track down information on reported post-vaccination deaths and learned that myocarditis—or heart inflammation, a confirmed side effect of the vaccines—was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some of the deaths, according to an internal file obtained by The Epoch Times.

Myocarditis was also described as being caused by vaccination in a subset of the deaths. Continue reading

Why Are Vaccine Injured Patients Silenced?

How a decade of propaganda turned us against each other

Anti-vaccine graffiti is seen on the wall of a shop amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Belfast, Northern Ireland January 1, 2021. REUTERS/Phil Noble

One of the cruelest things about being injured by a pharmaceutical is the degree to which doctors will deny the idea that the injury happened (as acknowledging it requires them to accept the shortcomings of the medical model they’ve invested their lives into). This denial is known as medical gaslighting and it is often so powerful that friends and family members of the patient will adopt the reality asserted by those doctors and likewise gaslight the injured patient. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this tragedy transpire in my immediate circle and one of my missions here has been to bring awareness to medical gaslighting and explain why it always happens (i.e., it was discussed in detail HERE). Continue reading

Bombshell: Actor Steve McQueen’s Doctor Claims He Was Murdered – Didn’t Die Of Cancer

On Thursday’s The Sons of Liberty, John Richardson of joined me and previously we had recounted the story of comedian Red Buttons and actor Steve McQueen’s fight against cancer.

In this interview, Richardson dropped a bombshell: McQueen was murdered. His own doctor had made the claim while the Mockingbird media at the time put out the story that he died from cancer to cast shade on a very important nutrient called laetrile.

In the book by Dr. William D. Kelley, Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation. You’ll find the relevant information on page 125.


       Order Your Copy Today!

Editor’s NOTE: During the last 7 years of Dr. Kelley’s life, I was privileged to visit his office on numerous occasions. When McQueen died, Kelley acquired the dead tumor mass – and it was bottled and remained on Kelley’s desk, where I saw it many times.

After Kelley’s death, the tumor was stolen by his son-in-law – for the purpose of selling it – for MONEY!

Jeffrey Bennett
Editor and Publisher of the works of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.

Webmaster and Editor of Dr. Kelley’s VICTORY Over Cancer
The Official Site for the Protocols of Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.

The Toxic Herbicide Industry — Guilty of Causing Cancer — Is Seeking LEGAL IMMUNITY Across the United States

The toxic herbicide industry, which continues to blast out carcinogens like glyphosate and atrazine, is seeking legal immunity across the United States. In a last-ditch effort to ward off multi-billion-dollar legal challenges, companies like Bayer and Syngenta are approaching legislators across the country and pushing them to pass legislation that would give their companies legal immunity against the lawsuits. In other words, these multinational corporations seek to harm people with impunity and operate above the law. If these bills pass, these corporations will NOT be held accountable for the damages imposed by their products. Continue reading

Doctor Intentionally Diagnosed Healthy People With Cancer to Make Money

Lessons to be learned – BEWARE!

Everyone knows someone who has experienced the terrible disease that is cancer. It’s an unfortunate reality, but it’s one wherein we must live. What can make cancer so much worse is the aggressive, life-altering treatments that often follow, like radiation and chemotherapy.

While some cancer treatments are becoming more advanced, less aggressive, and not as invasive, we put an immense amount of faith in doctors to guide us in the right direction. So, what happens when individuals considered top, world-renowned doctors break that trust and weaken that faith?

That is exactly what happens to hundreds of patients when one doctor’s lies came unhinged and uncovered for the world to see in 2013.

An oncologist in Michigan by the name of Dr. Farid Fata operated numerous upscale clinics in Detroit-area suburbs. In 2013, however, he was accused of and arrested for giving cancer treatment drugs to patients who did not need them, some of whom did not even have cancer. Continue reading

Develop a Natural Cancer Treatment…GO TO JAIL

There are two major reasons we don’t have a cure for cancer. Why despite a 40 55 (Ed.) year old “war” on the disease survival rates haven’t increased one bit. The governmental meddling of the National Institutes of Health and The National Cancer Institute along with the FDA have made it difficult, if not impossible, for doctors with breakthrough cancer therapies to bring their healing discoveries to those who need them. The orthodox medical establishment is hell-bent on destroying anyone who dares to challenge the status quo on cancer treatment.

Even though we have lost the war on cancer, we continue to use and promote the very methods that don’t work while banishing those who try non-pharmaceutical modalities to the scrap heap of healing. Continue reading

What to Know About Colonoscopy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

              BEWARE: Colonoscopys cause more deaths than they cure and cannot detect cancer

Doctors do not recommend routine colonoscopy to diagnose people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, they may refer individuals to rule out other conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that can cause changes in bowel movements, such as diarrhea, constipation, or both. Someone with IBS needs to discuss the risks of having a colonoscopy and the alternatives that may be available. Continue reading

WATCH: Pfizer’s Moral Rot on Display in Cringe Super Bowl Ad

The Poison is in MORE than just the Needle!

The Super Bowl commercial breaks were — I am told, having been spared from American advertising given my residence overseas — replete with cancerous cringe.

Pfizer’s spot was no exception.

Stat News (emphasis added):

Super Bowl ads are a show within the show, an opportunity for brands and advertising creatives to put their work in front of more than 100 million viewers. And while the occasion is most closely associated with ads for beer, cars, and soft drinks, pharma giant Pfizer dished out millions of dollars for its own message: “Here’s to science”. Continue reading