Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

Bennett ~ Before I Sleep

The following is edited from a column that I wrote over 20 years ago, and although much has changed in those years – much has remained the same. Although I had re-posted the original column in July of 2023 – it is the early part of said column that has now come back to haunt me – due in part to a number of columns relating to Agent Orange that I have recently published. Can ya’ dig it? I can’t, but my fight will not cease.

Oh – and in case you are wondering about the title of this column? It was taken from a book about Dr. Tom Dooley that was written by James Monahan. Tom Dooley??? – Well just who in the hell was he?  Thomas A. Dooley M.D. was an American physician who worked in Southeast Asia at the outset of American involvement in the Vietnam War. I became aware of the Dr., his work AND his books in 1961 – the year that he died at the age of 34. As time went on – it would appear that we had a few things in common. ~ Editor
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Exposed to Agent Orange at US Bases, Veterans Face Cancer Without VA Compensation

A chemical in Agent Orange is a known carcinogen linked to several cancers, chronic conditions and birth defects.

A soldier participates in the Norwegian Foot March at Fort Ord National Monument, in Monterey County, California, Oct. 28, 2022. Mounting evidence shows that to kill pervasive poison oak and other weeds at Fort Ord — a former Army base, which closed in 1994 — the military sprayed and experimented with the powerful herbicide combination Agent Orange as far back as the 1950s. (WINIFRED BROWN/U.S. ARMY)

As a young GI at Fort Ord in Monterey County, California, Dean Osborn spent much of his time in the oceanside woodlands, training on soil and guzzling water from streams and aquifers now known to be contaminated with cancer-causing pollutants.

“They were marching the snot out of us,” he said, recalling his year and a half stationed on the base, from 1979 to 1980. He also remembers, not so fondly, the poison oak pervasive across the 28,000-acre installation that closed in 1994. He went on sick call at least three times because of the overwhelmingly itchy rash.

Mounting evidence shows that as far back as the 1950s, in an effort to kill the ubiquitous poison oak and other weeds at the Army base, the military experimented with and sprayed the powerful herbicide combination known colloquially as Agent Orange. Continue reading

Inside the Cancer Waiting Room where HOPE Hangs in the Balance

I sat there, frozen in time, full of fear, full of anxiety. Waiting for my time to “face the music,” but this wasn’t a dance party.

My fellow patients, complete strangers, were seated about me, and each of us kept a safe distance apart from each other – a carry-over from the pandemic, I guess. All of us waiting to get our news – a thumbs up or thumbs down… Continue reading

More Doctors Confessing to Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People with Cancer… to Make Money

Why shouldn’t Doctors lie when the entire cancer industry is one gigantic fabrication from start to finish?

It happens more often than you can imagine, but more doctors are finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and fraudulently diagnosing healthy patients with cancer to turn a quick buck from kickbacks on chemotherapy poisons.

Is it any wonder that cancer societies worldwide put a far greater financial initiative on chemotherapy and radiation research than disease prevention techniques? Preventing disease doesn’t make money, but treating disease certainly does.

Take Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of making a profit.

Were his patients shocked? You bet they were. Who would ever suspect a Doctor of faking a diagnosis to collect money. It’s unconscionable. Yet it happens with cancer and almost every disease that medical doctors can generate income through kickbacks and commissions based on the volume of patients treated with specific pharmaceuticals. Like anything people are used as a comodity. Continue reading

Your Health Checkup: When Life Begins (AGAIN)

As young doctors begin their life in medicine, they often seek my advice, perhaps mistaking my gray hair for wisdom. In response, I often stress several factors that have guided me in my career: family first; follow your heart; persevere even when (especially when!) the going gets tough. You may not be able to control all that life throws at you, but you can control how you react to it. And remember that the journey is most important because life is a long race, not a sprint.

Success at one point does not necessarily mean success throughout. Continue reading

Toby Keith: “He Paid For All That Himself”

Toby Keith is a legend in more ways than one. In February, the country community lost the icon Toby Keith at 62 after a lengthy battle with stomach cancer. Since his passing, friends, family, fellow country music stars, and more have all paid their respects to his music, his big heart, and his passion for helping others.

On a recent podcast Ten Year Town podcast episode, host Troy Cartwright had one of Keith’s friends and songwriting partners, Colt Ford, who open up about one thing that he wished more people knew about Toby Keith. Outside of music, Keith is passionate about helping children with cancer, and he opened The Toby Keith Foundation in 2006. Continue reading

Nearly Half of Healthcare Workers Don’t Trust Their Leaders

Many employees don’t feel supported. Adrienne Boissy of Qualtrics discusses ways organizations can connect with their workers and retain valuable people.

With many clinicians and healthcare workers leaving the industry, leaders need to pay attention, Adrienne Boissy says.

Adrienne Boissy, the chief medical officer of Qualtrics, says many leaders are intensely worried about the number of nurses, doctors and other workers who have left since the beginning of the pandemic or are pondering a career change. Many hospitals and health systems say they continue to deal with staffing shortages. Continue reading

Physician Associates ‘should be banned from diagnosing patients’

A new report from the British Medical Association has outlined the level of responsibility those in the medical associate professions should have.

Staff such as physician associates should be banned from diagnosing patients, leading medics have said, after the death of a woman whose fatal blood clot was missed twice.

The British Medical Association (BMA) has published guidance outlining what it thinks the level of responsibility those in medical associate professions (MAPs), such as physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs), should have. Continue reading

Letter From a Brother: the Scott Stirling Story

Originally published on November 23, 2000 ~ We thought that you might be interested in reading the words of the brother of one of Dr. Kelley’s cancer counselees (circa 1997). The survivor is still with us. The following is from Dr. Kelley’s book.

As the 24 years that we have maintained this web-site for the works of Dr. Kelley – and others – as relates to Cancer – and other health related issues – there are times that we feel that is worthwhile to republish – or should we say – bring back to the forefront – older articles and commentaries. This is the first time that we have chosen to bring this back to the top. Please enjoy it – and LEARN from it!

We hope to soon be sharing the encouraging words of many friends of Dr. Kelley’s. Stay tuned! The life you save could be your own! ~ Editor

That which you are about to read may change your life – forever! Continue reading

Sachs: Make Medicine GREAT Again

After decades of working as a medical doctor I have come to understand how, in general, there is a powerful myth of how intelligent and wise we are. In the great play Fiddler on the Roof there is a line about why Tevye the lead character longs to be rich. He says, “when you’re rich, they think you really know.” It’s the same with doctors, when you’re handed that M.D. degree, the doctor himself, the public, our patients, typically think he really knows. But honestly, and sadly, most don’t know much, and many lack what is even more important, wisdom. This is especially true for our young doctors, indoctrinated into cultrual Marxism for years, rather than experiencing a truly liberal American, western, and Judeo-Christian education.

I opened the latest edition of RadioGraphics today. It’s one of the premier journals for doctors like myself who specialize in diagnostic radiology. . . Continue reading

YouTube Amps Up “Medical Misinformation” Policy: Now You Can’t Talk About Alternative Cancer Treatments or PREVENTION of Any Disease

The Google-owned YouTube video platform is changing the rules again to now prohibit the sharing of information about alternative cancer remedies, which the tech giant says constitute “medical misinformation.”

In a “long term vision” notice on its official blog, YouTube’s Dr. Garth Graham, the Director and Global Head of Healthcare and Public Health Partnership, along with Matt Halprin, the Vice President and Global Head of Trust and Safety, explain how “removing cancer misinformation” is now a top priority alongside removing all contrary information about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Continue reading

Different Diets for Different Types

Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD explains how many nutritional experts propose a single “ideal” diet for everyone, though each of these experts may recommend a diet at odds with the others. Some believe all humans should follow a high meat, high animal fat diet; others, one emphasizing plant foods; still others, a more balanced “Mediterranean” type diet. These conflicting opinions can lead to confusion among those trying to improve their health, and many can end up on a diet that just isn’t right for them. In this lecture, recorded at the annual ALLDocs conference, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez discusses the physiology and biochemistry of dietary individuality. Continue reading