Why Aren’t Hospitals Incentivized to Save Lives?

What makes hospitals so deadly and how can we fix it?

Throughout COVID-19, abysmal hospital care and the suppression of effective off-patent therapies killed approximately a million Americans. Much of this originated from Obamacare pressuring hospitals to aggressively treat patients so they could quickly leave the hospital and reduce healthcare costs.

More frail patients respond poorly to aggressive protocols, resulting in them frequently being pushed into palliative care or hospice. Sadly doctors are no longer trained to gradually bring their patients back to health, and hence view many of those deaths as inevitable.

In this article, we will review some of the forgotten medical therapies that dramatically improve hospital outcomes and highlight some of the key strategies patients and lawmakers can use to reduce hospital deaths. Continue reading

Drugmakers Just Hiked Prices for Over 500 Medicines

We’re the only nation that can’t control our drug prices. The reason we can’t control them is because big Pharma has bought the government, and we let it. ~ Editor

Pharmaceutical companies just raised list prices for over 500 medicines, including Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic, Gilead’s HIV-1 treatment Biktarvy and Genentech’s hemophilia A medication Hemlibra.

Drugmakers typically increase prices in the U.S. every January, according to 46brooklyn Research, a nonprofit group that analyzes drug prices. And although this month’s price hikes are comparable with those in recent years, consumers and insurance companies will likely feel the impact. Continue reading

Major Study Finds Fluoride in Drinking Water Lowers Children’s IQ…

…as map reveals US neighborhoods at risk!

A major study has found that fluoride in drinking water can lower a child’s IQ and it could ‘double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled’

Drinking water treated with fluoride can lower children’s IQ, according to a major review that builds on a growing body of research.

The new research looked at 74 other studies exploring how the mineral affects children’s brain development. Continue reading

“Here’s How I Knew I Had Thyroid Cancer”

One Patient’s Story When Emotional & Hormonal Symptoms Crept Up

The thyroid is the small-but-mighty ground zero for hormone and metabolism function. One woman reflects on beating thyroid cancer – twice -as a surgeon shares encouraging data.

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland nestled at the front of the neck just beneath the skin, and plays an essential role in the body’s overall function. It is responsible for producing and releasing hormones that regulate metabolism, energy levels, and body temperature. When the thyroid isn’t functioning well or develops cancer, it can have widespread effects on throughout the body. Continue reading

The Real Truth About What Can Cause Cancer and Why Doctors Constantly Ignore It

Cancer has become one of the leading causes of death worldwide, yet there is still much confusion and controversy about its underlying causes.

While traditional medicine often focuses on genetic mutations as the primary culprit, groundbreaking research in cancer metabolism is revealing a different story – one that challenges the mainstream narrative. Continue reading

Doctors Reveal Tragic New Detail About Young People With Colon Cancer

The above graph shows the increase in US colorectal cancers in men and women from 2000 through 2021

Young people are being diagnosed with colon cancer in record numbers – and now, researchers are warning they are also more likely to be diagnosed at later stages, as well as have the cancer come back.

Colon cancer diagnoses have surged in the US over the past two decades, with healthy people in their 20s and 30s increasingly being getting the disease, and experts are racing to find the cause, pointing the blame at obesity, processed foods, and sedentary lifestyles. Continue reading

Researchers Find Unknown Chemical in Drinking Water

Scientists discovered chloronitramide anion in chloramine-treated drinking water, highlighting potential health risks and a need for further toxicity research.

Scientists have uncovered a new chemical compound lurking in U.S. drinking water, potentially exposing one in five Americans to an unidentified health risk.

Researchers at the University of Arkansas have identified chloronitramide anion, a previously unknown byproduct of water disinfection that could have implications for public health, according to a new study published on Nov. 21 in Science. Continue reading

The CFR From the Pfizer Trial Show the Vaccines Make You 14x More Likely to Die From COVID

It’s trivial to calculate the CFR if you got a Pfizer shot. But I don’t think anyone has before now. So I’m going to do it for the very first time.

Executive Summary

The case fatality rate (CFR) from the Pfizer trial shows you are 10X more likely to die if you get COVID and you are vaccinated.

Pfizer just forgot to point this out… Continue reading

Sugar: A Potential Culprit in Pancreatic Cancer ~ the ‘King of Cancer’


Pancreatic cancer is notorious for being aggressive and hard to treat. Learn about some of the risk factors and symptoms to watch out for.

Pancreatic cancer, sometimes dubbed the “King of Cancer“ due to its malignancy, poses challenges in both early detection and late-stage treatment. Understanding its causes and warning signs enables people to take preventive measures. Continue reading

Therapeutic Use of Herbal Treatment for Cancer!

Medicinal herbs and their phytocompounds are being increasingly considered to be helpful in alternative cancer treatments. Many clinical studies have reported the benefits of herbal medicines on cancer patients’ survival, immune modulation, and quality of life.

Some clinical trials used these herbal medicines in combination with conventional therapeutics. These studies investigated the use of herbal medicines for various cancers and the development of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Continue reading

Researchers Warn Common Food Ingredient Unique to America Turbocharges Cancer

Eating a specific type of sugar can turbocharge cancers and make them more deadly, according to new research.

Fructose — which is added to thousands of US food and drinks — was found to speed up the growth of certain kinds of skin, breast and cervical tumors. The study showed this type of sugar gets converted by the liver into components that tumors need to build new cells and grow.

The more quickly a tumor grows, the more aggressive the cancer may become – able to take over a person’s body before they can fight back. Continue reading

Welcome ~ The Mission

          Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

This site is dedicated to educating cancer victims of the recognized “cures” for cancer developed by Dr. William D. Kelley, over six decades ago, through the distribution of Kelley’s books, audio programs and nutritional supplements and counsel to aid the cancer victim.

~ Welcome ~
After twenty-five years of building and supporting a web-site, which was authorized and sanctioned by Dr. William Donald Kelley, the commitment to the work of this great healer expanded and continues. In 2013, I was asked by the Kelley foundation to take-on the responsibility of becoming the editor and publisher of Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types. With the July 2013 release we expanded the original writings of Kelley by including a 30-page pamphlet, written by Dr. Kelley –  ‘Metabolic Typing‘ – which had previously only been published as a separate mail-out. Continue reading

Dr. Wm. D. Kelley: HiStory

~ The REAL Cancer Outlaw: In his own words… ~

I can truthfully say that I have cured or healed myself of cancer (malignancy) and I can cure myself again if it ever becomes necessary. Better still, I have learned God’s Law of Health concerning malignancy (cancer) and I will ever invoke this Law so that I am not likely to have the disease again.

In the old adage “Physician, heal thyself!” two things stand out to me. One is, if a physician can’t heal himself, how can he heal others? The other involves the true meaning of cure – cure for anything. It is so often said. “I went to Dr. Jones and he cured me.” Nothing could be further from the truth. No matter how many years a doctor has gone to school, no matter how many college degrees he may have, a doctor can cure only one person – HIMSELF. It is important that a person understand that only he can cure himself of anything! Continue reading