Category Archives: Have You Lost Your Mind?

Although not a part of the Kelley protocols, the subject matter hits too close to home for many of our readers, as we offer commentary related to Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Our prayers remain with Tom and his family for recovery from this dread – and for all of those afflicted. What are the causes? What are we eating, drinking and breathing? Maybe some of the same things that are causing the cancer…

Scientists Discover There Are ‘FIVE’ Alzheimer’s And Are Hopeful Breakthrough Could Lead to Cure

Scientists have discovered there are five types of Alzheimer’s, and this may explain why some drugs appear to be ineffective against the condition.

Dutch experts came to this conclusion after examining proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid, found in the brain and spine, of over 400 patients, and by analysing these proteins, they discovered key differences, separating what was once a single condition into five distinct sub-types, with different clinical progression and life expectancy. Continue reading

A Study of 500,000 Medical Records Links Viruses to Alzheimer’s Again And Again

Amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease (Kateryna Kon/Science Photo Library/Getty Images)

A study of around 500,000 medical records suggested that severe viral infections like encephalitis and pneumonia increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Researchers found 22 connections between viral infections and neurodegenerative conditions in the study of around 450,000 people.

People treated for a type of inflammation of the brain called viral encephalitis were 31 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. (For every 406 viral encephalitis cases, 24 went on to develop Alzheimer’s disease – around 6 percent.) Continue reading

Loudon: The Origin of Diseases and the Effects on the Brain

Some of the time many physicians treat the symptoms of disease rather than the cause. With cancer, many times the cause of the disease is missing from the mode of treatment. Cancer patients are dying when the cause and a cure are now available. In Europe, Asia, India, Japan, England, and many other countries, a very high-pressure non-invasive cancer machine called the Cellsonic VIPP therapy machine has been curing cancer for many years. Recently, the company got a license from the FDA to use the machine in the United States. This is very great because cancer patients will be non-invasively cured when many oncologists are now mostly treating the symptoms of the disease with chemotherapy and radiation.

Information can be obtained by emailing Professor Andrew Hague at

Many physicians are now recognizing that the diet and prevention of cancer and other diseases are more and more important. They are saying that an alkaline diet with fresh, raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, melons, bulbs, seeds, stems, leaves, and fermented foods is many times overlooked by physicians and needs to be a permanent part of the disease and cancer routine. Continue reading

February 4, 2023: Your Health – YOUR Choice!

Ultraprocessed foods linked to ovarian and other cancer deaths
Eating more ultraprocessed foods raises the risk of developing and dying from cancer, especially ovarian cancer, according to a new study of over 197,000 people in the United Kingdom, over half of whom were women.

Hot dogs qualify as an ultra-processed food, since they’re packed with preservatives. zz/Dennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx 2018 via AP Images

Overly processed foods include prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza and ready-to-eat meals, as well as hot dogs, sausages, french fries, sodas, store-bought cookies, cakes, candies, doughnuts, ice cream and many more.

“Ultra-processed foods are produced with industrially derived ingredients and often use food additives to adjust colour, flavour, consistency, texture, or extend shelf life… (Continue to full article)

Which of your memory lapses are perfectly normal and which are signs of dementia?
Forgetting is usually looked upon as a personal failure. If we try to remember an item of information and can’t come up with it, we blame ourselves. Forgetfulness is especially worrying to us because of the fear that our memory failures may be the result of a degenerative brain disease such as Alzheimer’s.

It’s an understandable fear. Our memories — the facts we know and the events we can recall from our past — form the basis of our identity. The novelist Stephen King was spot on when he wrote: ‘A person’s memory is everything. Memory is identity. It’s you.’

Since who we are is rooted in our experiences, the more we can remember, the richer our sense of ourselves… (Continue to full article)

What Is COVID Actually Doing to Our Immune Systems?
When the immune system goes awry, it’s bad news. A wonky immune system might mean that you’re more likely to catch colds and flus, or be infected by other pathogens—and less likely to shake them off. It might mean that your body fails to detect and destroy growing tumors. It might even mean that the body turns against itself, leading to chronic autoimmune conditions like arthritis or Crohn’s disease.

The fallout of immune system dysfunction on the human body is widespread and unpredictable—which is why it was so concerning in 2020 when evidence began to amass that COVID-19 seemed to be disrupting human immunology. So much so, in fact, that John Wherry, director of the Penn Medicine Immune Health Institute, summed it up this way to Kaiser Health News: “COVID is deranging the immune system.”… (Continue to full article)

WARNING: Manufacturer recalls eye drops linked to one death and vision loss in an outbreak across 12 states
An India-based manufacturer recalled its brand name EzriCare artificial tears on Thursday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the eye drops could be contaminated with a drug-resistant bacterium.

The CDC warned people to stop using the eyedrops last month and said the recommendation was a precaution after it received reports of “permanent vision loss” resulting from eye infections and one person died from a bloodstream infection. It said the people had tested positive for a multi-drug-resistant bacterium.

Global Pharma Healthcare, which makes the Artificial Tears lubricant eye drops, announced the voluntary recall of the eyedrops on Thursday. The product was distributed throughout the United States… (Continue to full article)

Ideal blood pressure may remodel brain clearance pathways linked to brain health, dementia
Among people who received more intensive treatment for high blood pressure, evaluations of MRI scans indicated a positive change in brain structures involved in its ability to clear toxins and other byproducts, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2023. The meeting, held in person in Dallas and virtually, Feb. 8-10, 2023, is a world premier meeting for researchers and clinicians dedicated to the science of stroke and brain health.

The study is the first to examine whether intensive blood pressure treatment may slow, or reverse structural changes related to the volume of the brain’s perivascular spaces, areas of the brain around the blood vessels that are involved in the clearance of toxins and other byproducts. These areas tend to enlarge as people get older or have more cardiovascular risk factors.

“If the brain cannot properly clear toxins and metabolic byproducts, they will accumulate and may contribute to the development of dementia”… (Continue to full article)

How To Turn Your Brain Off At Night, According To A Sleep Psychologist
If you’re like most people, you’ve been affected by stress-related sleep problems at some point or another, lying awake at night filled with anxiety about your career and the future. You may feel exhausted during the day but wired at night, desperate to shut off your racing mind so you can finally rest.

It may be hard to believe, but your brain wants (and knows how) to sleep well. You simply need to reset your relationship with sleep, so that instead of it feeling like a battle or a chore, it becomes the easy and enjoyable experience it should be.

That’s where Dr. Jade Wu comes in. As a board-certified behavioral sleep medicine specialist, she’s on a mission to help the 25 million Americans who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep find rest at last… (Continue to full article)

Depression is not likely Caused by a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain

“Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this new research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence.”

A recent review study is pushing back against long-held views in medicine that depression is caused by a serotonin imbalance in the brain. Continue reading

Could Alzheimer’s Disease be Related to Candida Albicans Yeast/Fungus?

The following discussion about Alzheimer’s disease and Candida Albicans has been formulated from numerous publications and articles in my disease files. If there is no connection between Alzheimer’s disease and Candida Albicans, there is enough evidence to show that both diseases are diet-related and it takes twenty to thirty years for both diseases to show their debilitating effects. The toxins from Candida are a factor, even they may be only related along with other disease factors. Continue reading

The Incredible Bioelectric Brain

Researchers have dubbed the episodes ‘silent seizures’ because they don’t cause convulsions and aren’t detected by normal brain scans

Your brain is more valuable than the original painting of Mono Lisa. It is by far more complex than the largest computer in the world, or the panel on an electric atomic power plant. It is so powerful that it controls and navigates you throughout your whole life.

A person cannot put a value on thinking and thinking skills. Lets us start by asking. What is thinking? Thinking is a unique, silent, selective, non-material, low energetic, electromagnetic process in which a person dreams, reasons, calculates, evaluates, perceives, receives senses, conserves, remembers, conceptualizes, organizes, disorganizes, creates, and exercises the future of their lives. Continue reading

Louden: 53 Percent of the World Wide Population is Overweight, has Prediabetes, Diabetes, and/or Insulin Resistance

Forget cutting back calories: The tapeworm diet was all the rage in the 1800s

According to the Journal of American Medical Association, (JAMA), about 60 percent of Americans are obese and have out-of-control glucose metabolism. They say that this is a worldwide medical problem and believe it or not, JAMA says that China and India are the first in line with this diabetes and glucose problem. America comes in a close third.

The problem starts with being overweight, with a poor sugar and carbohydrate diet. The covid-19 lockdown did not help with this severe health problem. Diabetes is just a symptom and not the cause. According to graham Simpson, M.D. toxins, obesity, and inflammation of the small intestine are the problem. Dr. Simpson says that some of the fast foods, sugars, carbohydrate foods, hormones, and resulting chemistry changes are “generators of obesity.” Continue reading

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s: What’s the Difference?

Another of the tell tale signs of dementia is struggling with everyday tasks. As the condition worsens, simple things such as unlocking a door or cooking a meal may become confusing

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are both associated with the decline of memory in a person, which can cause some confusion between the two; many people think the terms are synonymous. Despite this common misconception, there is actually a difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s. Dementia is a general term that describes a group of symptoms (severe enough to interfere with daily life) associated with a decline in mental ability, while Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease. Let’s dive deeper into each term to give you a better understanding of how they differ.

Dementia: Symptoms & Causes
Dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, cognitive skills, and social abilities, caused by damage to or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. These symptoms are severe enough to interfere with an individual’s daily life. Dementia can affect people uniquely and cause different symptoms depending on the area of the brain that’s affected by the damage. Continue reading

In the Cause of Mental Retardation, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease

In my new book being published (Preventing Cancer), I list 54 different foods that are rated for nutrition value, electromagnetic value, and ionic/cationic (acid/base) values. These 54 different foods are rated from a great high electromagnetic nutrition value (10, the most nutritious food) down to (-5, the least valuable food for health). Continue reading

Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer confirmed to cause brain damage, neurodegenerative disease

A new report has found that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection from Pfizer and BioNTech causes long-term neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Published in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, the paper reveals that the Pfizer jab has the potential to induce prion-based diseases, which according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are neurodegenerative diseases that damage the brain. Continue reading

Alzheimer’s Symptoms Helped by Homeopathy

Natural News reported on a presentation from a Neuroscience Conference in which a homeopathic combination remedy (complex) relieved the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease during several studies. (See the link at the bottom of this story.)

The memories of Alzheimer’s sufferers improved and, following treatment, they were able to learn and recognise objects more easily.

The article also lists several individual homeopathic remedies (simplexes) traditionally known to help types of memory weakness and loss.

So which is better for treatment – simplexes or a complex? It depends on individual circumstance. Continue reading