Category Archives: The Heart of the Matter

You are what you eat and how you care for yourself. Let’s get to the ‘Heart’ of the matter.

How Many Heart Stents Can You Have?

Many people who receive one stent will need additional stents, but as the number of devices in the heart increases, so do the risks of serious complications.

If a coronary artery has become narrowed, reducing healthy blood flow through your heart, your doctor may recommend that you have a stent placed in that artery.

A heart stent is a small mesh tube that helps open up a blocked artery to allow for improved blood flow. A surgeon uses a catheter to insert a collapsed stent into a blood vessel (often in your wrist or groin) and guide it to the narrowed portion of the artery, where they then expand it to improve circulation.

It’s not uncommon for a person who needs one stent to need additional stents in the same or other coronary arteries. Continue reading

Warning Signs of ‘Silent Heart Attack’ That Most People Put Down to Tiredness

Silent heart attacks can leave your heart permanently damaged. If patients don’t know when they’ve had one, the risk of future heart disease greatly increases – so here’s the symptoms to look out for

You won’t feel the typical severe symptoms of a regular heart attack  (Getty Images)

Many of us know that chest and arm pain can be indicators of a heart attack – but few know the warning signs of a “silent heart attack”.

These account for around 45 percent of heart attacks and tend to hit men more than women. It effectively means you have had a heart attack without knowing it, with the symptoms lacking the severity of a usual and more dangerous heart attack. Continue reading

Monitoring Blood Pressure at Home? Make Sure You Follow These Steps!

Learning how to take accurate at-home measurements can help your doctor diagnose or treat high blood pressure — a common condition that can harm the heart, kidneys, and brain.

When was the last time you had your blood pressure checked? All adults should have this simple test at least once a year.

If a blood pressure reading at your doctor’s office is elevated — that is, higher than a healthy range — current guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend repeating the measurement outside of a clinic setting before starting treatment. But that’s not the only reason why your doctor may suggest regularly tracking your blood pressure at home… Continue reading

How to Stop Heart Attacks and Irregular Heart Beats in Their Tracks

Each year, 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the United States resulting in over 500,000 deaths. Another common, though usually less fatal, cardiovascular problem is irregular heart beat. Though irregular heart beats are not as serious as heart attacks in most instances, they can lead to serious complications if not treated. Fortunately, nature has potent herbal solutions for each condition which will usually stop them in their tracks in short order. Continue reading

Pandemic-Era Conditions Blamed for Spike in Cardiac Arrest Deaths

SARS-CoV-2 infection itself played minor role in OHCA survival rates in Seattle

Epidemiological records suggest that Seattle’s drop in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival during the pandemic could be largely explained by indirect factors such as treatment delays, not acute SARS-CoV-2 infections.

While instances of EMS-treated OHCA tended to track closely with community SARS-CoV-2 levels and acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in 2020-2021, only approximately 5% of people with OHCA, whether treated or dead on arrival (DOA), actually had evidence of COVID-19, reported researchers led by Jennifer Liu, MPH, of Public Health-Seattle & King County in Washington. Continue reading

May 29, 2023: Your Health ~ YOUR Choice!

Reports reveal the risk for strokes is on the rise in young adults

May is National Stroke Awareness Month, and along with education on strokes, doctors are looking for answers to why strokes are happening in younger patients.

The American Stroke Association reports more strokes in adults under 50. One Houston doctor says he isn’t sure exactly why this is happening, but thinks our changes in lifestyles could be an answer.

“Researchers have studied the obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cholesterol of younger people now, and the prevalence is going up.”

Dr. El-Ghanem also suggests neglecting healthcare or regular doctors visits during the pandemic could also be a reason that we’re seeing strokes in younger people, more often… (Continue to full article)

Precision nutrition and the gut microbiome: the impact of blueberries
In a recent study published in the Antioxidants journal, researchers explored the impacts of precision nutrition on gut microbiome variation.

Nutrition research funding is increasingly focused on precision nutrition, which has recently gained significant interest. Consuming fruits and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurocognitive diseases.

Berry fruits, tea, and cocoa contain (poly)phenolic compounds identified as having potential health benefits among the thousands of phytochemicals studied… (Continue to full article)

How does liver cancer affect the skin?
Liver cancer can destroy liver cells and block connections between the liver and other organs. As a result, liver cancer may prevent the liver from processing a substance called bilirubin. This causes a buildup of bilirubin within the blood, leading to jaundice.

This article looks at how liver cancer affects the skin. It will explain the connection between liver cancer and jaundice. It will also detail the relationship between jaundice and liver cancer stages, other liver cancer symptoms, and when to contact a doctor… (Continue to full article)

Doctors Reveal 5 Key Steps to Surviving a Heart Attack
Be prepared. Here’s what to do if you or a loved one is having a heart attack.

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it a leading cause of death for Americans. Knowing what to do when one happens is essential. There are steps you can take to improve the chances of survival and potentially save a life when the unthinkable happens.

When you think “heart attack,” classic symptoms such as chest discomfort might first come to mind. But heart attacks can present differently in men and women, and in people with certain diseases, like diabetes… (Continue to full article)

Healthy Food Alert #6: What Most People Don’t Know About Tomato
Tomatoes, also known as Solanum lycopersicum, are a popular fruit and a key ingredient in many dishes around the world.

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for maintaining good health. Recent studies have shown that tomatoes can also help fight cancer and protect the heart.

The various health benefits of tomatoes and how they can be incorporated into your diet and how they can protect and boost your heart and help fight cancer and even other diseases.

Let’s start with how it fight cancer!… (Continue to full article)

As pictured above, having no energy, unintentionally losing weight, constant indigestion, difficulty swallowing, feeling sick and a lump at the top of your tummy are all warning signs and symptoms of stomach cancer

What are stage 1 stomach cancer symptoms?
Doctors use a staging system to describe the severity and spread of stomach cancer, with stage 1 being the earliest stage. Symptoms of stage 1 stomach cancer may include abdominal discomfort, indigestion, nausea, and bloating.

At this stage, doctors typically recommend treatment with surgery to remove all or part of the stomach. They may follow this with chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancer cells.

Because early detection is crucial when treating cancer, anyone with stomach cancer symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible. With prompt treatment, doctors can often successfully manage stage 1 stomach cancer… (Continue to full article)

Study finds link between artificial sweetener and heart attacks and strokes

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — All because its sugar-free does not mean it is good for you. A new Cleveland Clinic study found a link to a common artificial sweetener found in diet foods and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

A little packet of faux sugar promising 0 calories is tempting for those looking to make some lifestyle changes, but it turns out replacing the real stuff can come with some unintended consequences.

Chief of Cardiology at Ascension St. Vincent’s Riverside Dr. Anthony Magnano says we need to take this study seriously. Continue reading

Does Dehydration Cause High Blood Pressure?

Besides feeling thirsty, could dehydration have bigger effects on your health?

Signs of nutrient deficiencies usually take weeks or months to appear, but this isn’t the case for water. Dehydration symptoms like a dry mouth, increased thirst, headache and decreased urination can come on within a few hours if you’re not keeping tabs on your daily water and fluid intake. But mild dehydration is easily remedied with water or a water-electrolyte beverage.

Consequently, most people consider dehydration a temporary health issue with little to no long-term effects. Still, research has suggested that frequently being dehydrated may increase one’s risk of developing high blood pressure. And this could be a problem, considering that the average American adult drinks only around 44 ounces of water daily – not meeting the daily recommendations, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Continue reading

Napping regularly linked to high blood pressure and stroke

People who often nap have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and having a stroke, a large new study has found.

This may be because, although taking a nap itself is not harmful, many people who take naps may do so because of poor sleep at night. Poor sleep at night is associated with poorer health, and naps are not enough to make up for that,” Continue reading

How does caffeine reduce heart disease risk?

Cardiovascular disease, also known as heart disease, affects the body’s heart and blood vessels. An estimated 18.2 million adults aged 20 years and older have coronary artery disease in the United States.

About 361,000 people in the U.S. died in 2019 from coronary heart disease, with 20% of deaths occurring in adults under 65 years. Coronary heart disease occurs when fatty deposits or plaques consisting of cholesterol, calcium, and fibrin — a substance that causes blood clotting — accumulate in blood vessels. Continue reading

How Stress Affects Your Body, From Your Brain to Your Digestive System

It’s one thing to feel occasional stress. But when you’re constantly under pressure and have no way to cope, your risk of developing serious illness climbs. Here’s what you need to know about the long-term effects of living a stressed-out life.

Chronic stress can increase your risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease, as well as depression and anxiety. Credit: iStock

If you’ve ever felt stressed out (and who hasn’t?), you already know that being under pressure can affect your body, either by causing a headache, muscle tightness, or flutters in your chest; making you feel down in the dumps; or leaving you ravenous for chocolate or robbed of all appetite.

But these stress symptoms are merely the signals of the deeper impact that chronic stress can have on every organ and system in your body, from your nervous and circulatory systems to your digestive and immune systems. Continue reading

Loudon: The Evidence-Based Science Behind Bioelectric Nutrition

It is well known now that most body cells are controlled by electromagnetic waves (EMWs). Scientists say that both sound and visible light are deciphered with different parts of the body’s electromagnetic system. Different cell types and organs also have different electromagnetic frequencies. This means that the electrical nature of the body runs on electromagnetic waves. The brain has even been proven to transmit information by frequency modulation (FM).

The way that the brain neurons and axons process information is by bioelectric signals called (action potentials). Waves from light and sound carry information that has also different conduction properties of the electromagnetic system. The amazing body has electromagnetic frequencies even in the interstitial muscle fibers and enzymes that carry these bioelectric signals. Continue reading

The Twelve Commandments of Nutritional Disease Therapy

NOTE: The following was submitted to us by the author, Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. in January of this year. Somehow it was lost in the shuffle – and then I had to face by own physical issues later in the year. I am working this weekend to get caught up with much that has been lost or put to the side during 2021 – but the following could not be lost by posting it on it’s original date. Pay attention – and get healthy! ~ Editor
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Aspirin Use to Prevent 1st Heart Attack or Stroke Should Be Curtailed, U.S. Panel Says

Adults at high risk for cardiovascular disease may face serious side effects if they start a daily regimen of low-dose aspirin.

Doctors would be discouraged from starting patients on a daily dose of baby aspirin to prevent heart attack or stroke under proposed new guidelines.

Doctors should no longer routinely start most people who are at high risk of heart disease on a daily regimen of low-dose aspirin, according to new draft guidelines by a U.S. panel of experts.

The proposed recommendation is based on mounting evidence that the risk of serious side effects far outweighs the benefit of what was once considered a remarkably cheap weapon in the fight against heart disease. Continue reading

Doctor: Heart Failure From MRNA Jabs “Will KILL Most People

Dr Charles Hoffe MD, in his latest update of July 6, 2021 is reporting on the disturbing findings in his patients. He says the mRNA vaccines are plugging up thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who took the ‘vaccine.’ Most will die in a few short years from heart failure. Continue reading