Category Archives: Have You Lost Your Mind?

Although not a part of the Kelley protocols, the subject matter hits too close to home for many of our readers, as we offer commentary related to Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Our prayers remain with Tom and his family for recovery from this dread – and for all of those afflicted. What are the causes? What are we eating, drinking and breathing? Maybe some of the same things that are causing the cancer…

In Life, She Defied Alzheimer’s. In Death, Her Brain May Show How…

Rocío Villegas-Piedrahita, at left, and Magaly Villegas-Piedrahita with a portrait of their mother, Aliria, who died in November at age 77 with only mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, despite a genetic mutation that should have caused her to become severely ill in her 40s. Credit…Federico Rios for The New York Times

MEDELLÍN, Colombia — Aliria Rosa Piedrahita de Villegas carried a rare genetic mutation that had all but guaranteed she would develop Alzheimer’s disease in her 40s. But only at age 72 did she experience the first symptoms of it. Her dementia was not terribly advanced when she died from cancer on Nov. 10, a month shy of her 78th birthday, in her daughter’s home on a hillside that overlooks the city.

Neurology investigators at the University of Antioquia in Medellín, led by Dr. Francisco Lopera, have followed members of Ms. Piedrahita de Villegas’s vast extended family for more than 30 years, hoping to unlock the secrets of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. In that time they encountered several outliers, people whose disease developed later than expected, in their 50s or even 60s. But none were as medically remarkable as the woman they all knew as doña Aliria. Continue reading

Study: Common Types of Medications Linked to Increased Dementia Risk

We wish it wasn’t the case but, unfortunately, memory loss is a hot topic. People have countless questions about brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. What really causes it? Will there ever be a cure? Are there any natural preventatives? How do my other medications that I’m taking affect my risk of such problems? Continue reading

Addiction expert claims giving your child a smartphone is like giving them a gram of cocaine

The world is changing at a dramatic pace. It’s shifting so fast, in fact, that the childhood you remember is vastly different than the one your own kids will experience. This is largely due to the development and saturation of technology in modern society.

While there are perks to being hyper-connected, allowing children access to their own smartphone could produce detrimental effects long-term. Continue reading

New Discovery Points to an Overlooked Cause of Alzheimer’s

When it comes to treating somebody who is just beginning to suffer Alzheimer’s disease, the conventional medicine folks have a big problem.

They don’t know how the disease starts. So they can’t catch it at an early stage. In fact, 20 years ago when my mother was developing dementia, her doctor didn’t know a thing about it. Continue reading

A drug for treating prostate cancer has been linked with increased risk of dementia

A study of more than 150,000 men with prostate cancer found that a certain hormone treatment is linked with increased risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

There’s a 20% higher chance of having dementia for older men who have taken the prostate cancer treatment, according to the research study from JAMA Network. Continue reading

Pfizer ‘deliberately buried‘ data…

Data showed its arthritis drug might also prevent Alzheimer’s ‘because it wouldn’t have made the pharma giant any money’

One of the world’s biggest drug firms deliberately buried data showing one of its arthritis medications could slash the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Pfizer kept its finding under wraps for more than three years because, it claims, it didn’t believe the evidence was strong enough.

It found the link between Alzheimer’s and the drug Enbrel when analysing medical insurance claims in hundreds of thousands of people in the US.

People taking Enbrel, an anti-inflammatory used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, appeared to be 64 per cent less likely to develop the memory-robbing disorder. Continue reading

Falling in Like: An Alzheimer Odyssey

I sometimes yearn nostalgically for that old fire in her eyes. More twists and turns await my wife and me on this strange voyage to the very ends of sanity and the edges of madness. I know—but hope she does not know—that, as in many adventures, there lurk many more monsters to slay and unspeakable horrors to endure…

Reading the Tea Leaves
Decades of conditioning are hard to change: My muscles tensed, and I gave a short sigh of exasperation. Those words always have had that effect on me; I had heard them so many times before. Hundreds, probably thousands, of times before: “Adam, can I see you for a moment, please?” They once filled me with dread. Dread, and irritation, and sometimes fury. They were too often the prelude to a fierce fight; the first salvo in a seemingly never-ending battle that could rival, in both brutality and desperation, the siege of Stalingrad. Continue reading

We may finally know what causes Alzheimer’s – and how to STOP it…

Alzheimer’s disease has destroyed neurons in the right-hand brain above
Jessica Wilson/Science Photo Library

After decades of disappointment, we may have a new lead on fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Compelling evidence that the condition is caused by a bacterium involved in gum disease could prove a game-changer in tackling one of medicine’s biggest mysteries, and lead to effective treatments or even a vaccine. Continue reading

The history and primary causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is tricky because most medical doctors in America will tell you that it’s 70 percent genetic, but that’s wrong. You don’t have to go to medical school for 8 to 12 years to understand that toxins we consume not only affect our heart and body, but our brain as well. And yet, medical doctors wouldn’t make nearly the income they do now if they told you to fix your diet, never drink tap water, boycott foods imported from China, quit taking antacids, avoid metal hip replacements, and quit getting vaccines… now would they?

Do they even know the real deal about “Old timer’s” disease? Maybe all the toxins have them confused also, unable to unravel the cryptographic “code” that we all must figure out before it’s too late. Continue reading

Listening to live classical music provides DRAMATIC cognitive benefits for dementia patients

Dementia is a devastating condition that slowly strips people of their memories and personality, altering them from loved ones to total strangers in just a few years. Dementia is one of the world’s fastest growing diseases, and over 24 million people battle this condition worldwide. With an aging global population, experts believe that this figure could leap to over 84 million people by the year 2040. The sobering fact is that if you do not currently know someone who has some form of dementia you certainly will in the future. Continue reading

5 Early Signs Of Dementia (And Why Everyone Should Know Them)

From forgetfulness to sudden mood changes, here’s a look at the early symptoms and what to do next.

Dementia is an uncomfortable subject to talk about, particularly when it affects a loved one.

Throughout the world, there’s something of a stigma surrounding dementia. That certainly isn’t helpful, since the syndrome is extremely common. An estimated 47 million people worldwide are living with some type of dementia, per the World Health Organization, and that number will likely increase to 75 million by 2030. The WHO expects the number to triple by 2050. Continue reading

Absolute WORST foods that clog your blood and lead to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and strokes

Quick! Check every single food item in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer for the following ingredients and toss them in the trash can before you can’t remember what you just read: High fat meats, canola oil, margarine, ice cream, whole milk and vegetable shortening. Don’t stop to Google for research because it’s all defended by fake science and the corporations that manufacture, market and stock it for you. Have your grandparents forgotten who you are? What about your parents? It’s nothing to joke about – dementia that is, so we won’t. Continue reading