Alzheimer’s Symptoms Helped by Homeopathy

Natural News reported on a presentation from a Neuroscience Conference in which a homeopathic combination remedy (complex) relieved the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease during several studies. (See the link at the bottom of this story.)

The memories of Alzheimer’s sufferers improved and, following treatment, they were able to learn and recognise objects more easily.

The article also lists several individual homeopathic remedies (simplexes) traditionally known to help types of memory weakness and loss.

So which is better for treatment – simplexes or a complex? It depends on individual circumstance.

In the absence of a homeopath skilled in case management and choosing the appropriate remedy, a complex may help and, when sensibly used, won’t cause harm … but, simplexes have many advantages over a complex.

A simplex permits closer targeting of the remedy for the unique symptoms of the sufferer, won’t muddy or confuse the symptom with the effects of unnecessary remedies, and is less likely to cause aggravations with the frequent repetition of those unwanted remedies.

For deeper and more individualised treatment, an appointment with a qualified homeopath is recommended.

As one homeopath we know said on reading this article, “One lady I am currently treating for Alzheimer’s is doing very well, first with Phosphorus and now Lycopodium. Another is progressing nicely with Arsenicum. None of these remedies are on the list.”

MORE Information: Homeopathic Treatment Slows the Progression of Alzheimers Disease

Written for and published by Homeopathy Plus – September 18, 2018

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