Category Archives: The Heart of the Matter

You are what you eat and how you care for yourself. Let’s get to the ‘Heart’ of the matter.

The Cholesterol Myth

Diet has hardly any effect on your cholesterol level; the drugs that can lower it often have serious or fatal side effects; and there is no evidence at all that lowering your cholesterol level will lengthen your life.

One morning in early October of 1987 the U.S. health authorities announced that 25 percent of the adult population had a dangerous condition requiring medical treatment. Since there were no symptoms, it would be necessary to screen the entire population to identify those in danger. More than half of those screened would be dispatched to their physicians for medical tests and evaluation. Then for one out of four adults treatment would begin. The first step would be a strict diet under medical supervision. If within three months the dieting had not achieved specified results that could be verified by laboratory tests, a more severe diet would be imposed. The final step for many patients would be powerful drugs to be taken for the rest of their lives… Continue reading

The Cholesterol Diet

Editor’s NOTE: What follows below was originally published in a British magazine some years back and as usual with this type of post – the reference to cholesterol always comes to the forefront. Given our subsequent post – The Cholesterol Myth we invite you to enjoy the food and dietary recommendations within this column, but also pay close attention to the “Myths” which have been perpetrated for many years. ~ Ed

If you suffer from ended up clinically determined to have increased cholesterol or just choose to take on much better caution of one’s health to prevent health and well being issues, an example cheap cholesterol eating routine will make an enormous main difference. Cholesterol is a chemical expressed by the along with, on the most suitable quantity, is known as a very important a natural part of some of our techniques. Cholesterol is essential in order to just about every single cellular phone, although an undesirable healthy eating plan might triggers people to make lots of cholesterol which in turn can lead to dangerous health problems as well as passing away. Continue reading

The serious Connection Between Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease and Cancer

There are many common threads that are related to these three blood diseases. They involve serious conditions involving the diet, blood viscosity, artery and vein constrictions. All three of these diseases can at times culminate in serious blood clotting conditions.

The treatments for these diseases varies widely, and many physicians bring the blood pressure down with drugs, while some alternative physicians use dietary and supplement treatments, and special blood thinning procedures. Continue reading

Your Body Is ACIDIC: 10 Simple ways to ALKALIZE your body

Most of us who are reading this most probably have unhealthy levels of acidity in their bodies. This is as a result of the high tech foods that we put into our bodies every day. These foods have been so processed that there are hardly any nutrients left in the foods. Then as if to deliberately make matters worse, these over-processed foods have been stuffed with all kinds of artificial or lab-created nutrient chemicals that do more harm to our bodies than good. All these are the causative agents of a high acid body that can become a perfect ground for diabetes, obesity, and cancers. Continue reading

Absolute WORST foods that clog your blood and lead to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and strokes

Quick! Check every single food item in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer for the following ingredients and toss them in the trash can before you can’t remember what you just read: High fat meats, canola oil, margarine, ice cream, whole milk and vegetable shortening. Don’t stop to Google for research because it’s all defended by fake science and the corporations that manufacture, market and stock it for you. Have your grandparents forgotten who you are? What about your parents? It’s nothing to joke about – dementia that is, so we won’t. Continue reading

10.18.2009: Heart Surgeon Admits Huge Mistake

The archives of one of our other blogs is proving to be a virtual gold-mine for worthwhile commentary. The time passed means nothing – the greed and poisons being prescribed are still causing intense damage. Embedded links may not still be active. ~ Ed.

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact. Continue reading

This is Why Resting Heart Rate is an Important Indication of Health

The number of heartbeats per lifetime is remarkably similar whether you’re a hamster all the way up to a whale. So, mice, who typically live less than two years, have a heart rate of about 500 to 600 beats a minute—up to 10 beats a second. In contrast, the heart of a Galapagos tortoise beats 100 times slower, but they live about 100 times longer. There’s such a remarkable consistency in the number of heartbeats animals get in their lifetimes that a provocative question was asked: “Can human life be extended by cardiac slowing?” Continue reading

Heart disease solutions: Healing from the inside out

Nearly 610,000 Americans die of heart disease in the United States every year, making it the leading cause of mortality in the nation. According to holistic cardiologist Joel Kahn, MD, many of these deaths are completely avoidable. (and, I couldn’t agree more with that statement)

In fact, Dr. Kahn asserts that almost 80 percent of heart disease is preventable with simple lifestyle changes. Obviously, the right nutrition (and attitude) is essential to healing the heart and maintaining a strong cardiovascular system. Yet, too many people remain in the dark about the proper way to effectively prevent cardiovascular issues. (plus, in many cases, the significance of “prevention” is often overlooked) Continue reading

How dangerous is your painkiller?

Scientists calculate the EXACT risk of having a heart attack or stroke if you take ibuprofen or four other popular tablets…

The heart dangers of ibuprofen, celecoxib, mefenamic acid, diclofenac and naproxen – taken by millions worldwide to dampen pain – have been assessed.

Taiwanese experts have concluded that the five different tablets could all affect the heart within four weeks, but some are more dangerous than others. They assessed the odds of a major cardiovascular event for each of the popular painkillers, using data from 56,00 adults with hypertension – high blood pressure. Continue reading

Don’t hate your gut: It may help you lose weight, fight depression and lower blood pressure

Experts explain why a healthy digestive system can trigger weight loss, fight depression, and ward off Parkinson’s

Trillions of microorganisms live inside your gut. Anatomy Insider/

A universe of organisms living inside you may affect every part of your body, from your brain to your bones, and even your thoughts, feelings and your attempts to lose weight.

This is a universe of trillions of microorganisms – or what we biologists call microbiota – that live in your gut, the part of your body responsible for digestion of the food you eat and the liquids you drink. Continue reading

A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals

In a world full of diseases and conditions, researchers and scientists are constantly searching for cures. But the easiest way to deal with a disease and condition is trying to prevent it before it occurs. Granted, a lot of diseases and conditions are genetic, so it’s almost impossible to prevent those. But something like a heart attack can be prevented. Heart attack signals are constantly present and by not acknowledging them, you increase the risk of them occurring. Continue reading