Miss Colorado… Talks About Nursing

She just did something very unique and no one caught it…….she changed how everyone especially young girls dreaming of becoming beauty queens will view this contest and did it with one of the greatest and honorable professions there is!! I hope young people are viewing this and listening to everything she said. Nurses are the greatest!! ~ Cow Lico

Wow! She showed that talent doesn’t have to be an overly entertaining performance… It can also be making a big difference in the lives of people and touching them. There is nothing wrong with normal talents but, I think it’s wonderful that she showed how much of a talent it can be to help others! What an incredible role model!! ~ Ashleigh Ware

I wish there were more nurses that pursued nursing because they have a genuine interest in taking care of others. A valuable nurse is one that has great concern for the welfare of others. As a patient, I found that it was largely the older, more experience nurses that exuded confidence. They also seem to have a greater understanding of the impact they make on the daily lives of each of their patients. As a patient in a hospital, you are quite vulnerable and dependent on a nurse not only for physical assistance but emotional assistance as well. In the sense that, a nurse’s behavior has a huge impact on a patient. When you are fighting for your life, the more positive, encouraging and kind one can be – the better for the vitality of the patient. It’s not just about the chart. This is true of doctors just as much as nurses. I’m sure that I am not alone when I say that it is quite offensive when nurses/doctors do their rounds and just look at your chart and then walk out… To those of you who perform your jobs this way, please be more compassionate. You are important to each of your patients. Your job is essential and highly valued by patients. ~ Facts Matter

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