Category Archives: Uncategorized

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THIS one is for Maegann!!!

As always, my visit with you was Perfection!

Let the good Doctor know that in my opinion – although I have had some superb work done on my behalf at  Gillard Dental –  YOU are the best Dental Tech in the practice.

Thank you much for today!

Your Health Checkup: Getting a Taste of Your Own Medicine

Why don’t patients take the medications that are prescribed to them? The reasons are many.

Being a physician has been a joyful but demanding endeavor, perhaps more challenging now than ever before. Patients armed with the latest information gleaned from social media sources often confront doctors with misinformation they’ve just read about. Doctors are stressed keeping up with medical advances that increase exponentially, doubling the amount of new knowledge every 2-3 months. The business of medicine requires many hours of paperwork, stealing time from direct patient interactions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) may help with that burden but creates its own challenges. Continue reading

COVID Reveals the Cover-Up: How a Medical ‘deep state’ Operates

This is not paranoia; it’s a reasonable conclusion based on Yogi Berra’s sage advice: “You can observe a lot by just watching.”

COVID-19 government censorship illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

If there was any doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic exposed widespread corruption in America’s health care establishment, a federal lawsuit should put it to rest. Filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, the Murthy v. Missouri suit accuses the Biden administration of censoring medical views it dislikes.

So, what did the American Medical Association (AMA) do? The doctor’s guild lined up with the censors in an amicus brief.

That’s right. It’s their way or the highway, science be damned. Continue reading