Category Archives: The Dental Link

As Dr. Kelley was first a Doctor of Dental Science, we pay homage to his earlier work, with this section, and the probable dangers to ones health and well being, due to the continued use of mercury in dental work.

Doctor Makes Shocking Discovery…

97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Have Had This Dental Procedure…

Chronic degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are becoming increasingly common in the developed world, despite the tremendous amount of money being invested into researching their cures. About 100 years ago, though, a scientist and doctor made a surprising discovery in connection with a common dental procedure… Continue reading

Contrary to what your dentist may tell you, you CAN reverse tooth decay, new research finds

A recent study brings good news to people who have a sweet tooth and those who neglect to properly brush their teeth. Scientists were able to discover that teeth have the ability to reverse tooth decay; meaning, traces of such tooth damage can be totally gone, thus doing away with the necessity to undergo oral surgeries or have tooth fillings. Continue reading

Modern dentistry dangers exposed by a dentist

Dental amalgam is made up of 50 percent mercury – a toxic heavy metal linked scientifically to neurological problems, kidney problems and infertility. In 1991, the World Health Organization reported that mercury fillings are the predominant cause of mercury exposure. So, the question remains: Is YOUR dentist telling you the whole truth about your health?

The American Dental Association (ADA) continues to deny the dangers of mercury-based, silver fillings – insisting that dental amalgam is a “safe, affordable and durable” material used to restore the teeth of over 100 million Americans.

It’s time to expose the real health threats posed by modern dentistry. Continue reading

Dr. V.: The Possible Link Between Dental Cavitations and Breast Cancer

As you journey through each of the 7 Essentials™,  you will learn about Essential # 5 – Embrace Biological Dentistry. Essential #5 will teach you about the obvious connections between root canals, mercury fillings, periodontal disease and your health. In fact, you may have already met with a biological dentist to have your root canals and mercury fillings addressed. 

What you may not know, however, is that there are also some “hidden culprits” inside your mouth that can lead to serious illness, including cancer, too They are hidden because they often don’t hurt, can’t be seen and don’t always accompany other major sources of infection (although sometimes they do). I am talking about dental cavitations.

I personally discovered cavitations when I was on my healing journey over 10 years ago. I discovered that I had a cavitation in my lefty lower jaw,  sitting on  the meridian that connected to my left breast!  Coincidence you may say?
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Here’s Why Coconut Oil Is Becoming Known As The “Miracle” Dental Bacteria Killer

Looking for an alternative to toothpastes loaded with sulfates and other toxic ingredients such as fluoride? Mainstream science has now fully recognized the ‘miracle’ powers of coconut oil to not only combat tooth decay and drastically improve overall mouth health, but also to specifically crush a yeast known as candida albicans that can lead to deadly infections. This ‘news’ likely comes as nothing more than further confirmation for many, as natural health practicioners have been recommending coconut oil for years. Continue reading

The Relationship Between Root Canals and Cancer

When a person in the United States has a toothache, due to an infection in the tooth, rather than cure the infection with 3 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide, dentists almost always kill the tooth. They will typically drill out the insides of the tooth and fill the tooth with metal rods.

This is called a “root canal.” Root canals are a safe haven for microbes. Because no blood reaches the inside of the tooth, the immune system cannot kill any microbes inside the dead tooth. Continue reading

Scientists discover a way to avoid teeth fillings that proves teeth can be regrown

Treating cavities with standard dental fillings may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to new research showing that damaged teeth have a natural ability to heal on their own. Researchers from England have shown in new animal trials that, when exposed to a substance known to aid in mineral delivery and dentine formation, tooth cavities will naturally regenerate and seal themselves without the need for mercury-based amalgam, porcelain, cement, or some other synthetic material. Continue reading

Studies Find: Periodontal Disease Linked to Breast Cancer

periodontaldisease_0Did you know that there are over 700 different strains of bacteria that could potentially call your mouth their home? Thankfully, the average person only houses around 50 to 75 of them and only a few of these strains would be considered “bad.” The overabundance of those harmful bacteria can do more than harm your teeth and gums.

In fact, several research studies conducted over the last decade have made the connection between periodontal disease (periodontitis and chronic inflammatory gum disease are other names it goes by)  and specific kinds of cancer, including Breast Cancer.
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Know the facts about root canals and their link to cancer

dentist-mouthDentists everywhere perform them as a way of removing potentially life-threatening infections from their patients’ teeth. But root canals aren’t the surefire fix that many people think they are, as they not only cause many of the same infections that they supposedly remedy, but research shows that they also significantly increase one’s risk of developing cancer later in life. Continue reading

How brushing your teeth could prevent cancer

Twice daily scrub reduces bacteria linked to bowel tumours

brush_teeth_womanBrushing your teeth regularly could help to prevent bowel cancer, a study suggests.

This is because the mouth bacteria that cause bleeding gums can travel via the blood to the bowel where they could trigger cancer or worsen existing tumours.

The bug fusobacterium has been found to be hundreds of times more common in cancerous tumours than in normal cells.

Now researchers have found that the microbes can make pre-cancerous growths in the bowel turn cancerous. They can also make any existing tumours in the bowel grow larger. Continue reading

The Dangers of Conventional Dentistry

Six biohazard metals lurking inside your mouth

Mercury-Cavities-Dentist-TeethIt’s no secret that conventional medicine is a corrupt institution owned by Big Pharma, which pumps out a steady stream of medications with their own dangerous side-effects. What is less known is that conventional density is just as bad as the care and treatment patients receive in typical hospitals. Continue reading

A holistic dentist talks about her nightmare with mercury

Mercury constitutes 50 per cent of silver fillings and can degrade and cause heavy metal poisoning over time - though they are still considered save by the American Dental Association

Mercury constitutes 50 per cent of silver fillings and can degrade and cause heavy metal poisoning over time – though they are still considered save by the American Dental Association

She says she first remembers developing a myriad of medical problems in grade school, but no one seemed to know why. The last thing the medical/dental community thought was that her problems could ever have been caused by her fillings.

As a young girl, Diane Meyer says she got amalgam “silver fillings” in her teeth that contained a combination of elements, but which were filled about 50 percent with mercury. It was the filling of choice back then and remained the filling of choice for decades thereafter. Continue reading

Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, Cavitations – What You Need To Know

Is your mouth making you sick?
You can tell a lot about a person’s health by the condition of their mouth. It’s almost impossible to have a sick body and a healthy mouth or to have a healthy body and a sick mouth. You can, however, have a sick mouth and not know it. Your mercury filling can be leeching mercury particles or mercury vapor that is poisoning your tissues. Your root canal or your jawbone can be oozing potent toxins, even though you feel no pain.

dental-x-ray-1400x500 Continue reading

12 Quick Remedies For Toothache Emergency

OreganoToothache pain can be extremely distracting and often become a sufferer’s sole area of focus. The time between experiencing toothache pain and seeing an emergency dentist can be excruciating. Tooth pain happens when the nerve is inflamed. Generally this occurs due to compromised enamel which is allowing material to enter directly into the pulp. Here are 12 home remedies for toothache pain. Continue reading

Toothbrush that checks your DNA for onset of cancer and Alzheimer’s could revolutionise health care

toothbrus_pasteYour toothbrush could warn you about the onset of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, technologists have said.

Tiny microchips – known as nanopore sequencers – can decode DNA into a digital format that can then be assessed against genetic markers that are known to indicate disease.

This is seen as a watershed in science and could lead to a revolution in health care. Continue reading