America’s Adderall shortage deepens…

“A Spoonful of Medicine makes the Medicine go Down…” – and there was a reason for this category on this site…

WARNING: The purpose of this post – is NOT to promote Adderall or any drug at all – but there were reasons that these drugs were given to our students as far back as the 1960’s. Back in those days, students were beginning to be labelled for not showing enough interest in what and how edjoocachun was being conducted… many students were showing signs of boredom and hence were being labelled as ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Back in the day – schools were being awarded funding of about $450.00 per month – PER student – to label students as such – and the public school system was then able to hire “Special” counselors to deal with those type children. Do you believe that things have changed in America?

In my case, I became so ‘bored’ that by the end of the third week of my Senior year of High School – I walked out and chose to join the military. WHY? Because – yes – I had become so bored with the early days of the baby-sitting mentality. It was becoming ‘mind-control‘ and there was no longer a challenge in the form that many of my mentor’s had spent so many years teaching us. Mrs. King, Mrs. Otis (she was HOT) – and my main mentor – the teacher whom this site has been dedicated to – Donald Adair.

If the system is trying to con your students into more drugs – get them OUT – NOW! ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor (Continue to FULL presentation…)