Osmosis, Body Cell Function, and Disease

We have 200 trillion cells in our bodies. Each cell is an entity in itself. Different types of cells perform different functions. Each cell wants to perform at 100 percent. How would you like to be the boss of 100 trillion little workers and have to feed them to keep them healthy? You may not realize it, but you are the boss of these little workers. You are very lucky that you do not have to tell each one of them what their duties are. You are also very lucky that you do not have to individually nurse each one of these little critters each time they get ill. But yes, you do have to do that. What makes it unique and easier is that you feed each of the 100 trillion cells the same nutrients and minerals most of the time. In most cases, it will perform its duties by itself, without any instructions from you. That saves you hundreds of hours of labor.

You will have to admit that our cells and organs are an unbelievable intricate active community. They are capable of keeping care of themselves if you feed them the nutrients and minerals that they need. But are you providing them with a diet that keeps them all healthy and actively performing their duties?

Each cell receives nutrients from your diet. They perform their duties, produce new cells, regenerate new cells, and make many products including enzymes, hormones, vitamins, DNA, RNA, important neurochemicals, growth factors, ATP, proteins, fat, muscles, hair, important chemicals, and dozens of other functions. On top of that, they receive important nutrients from the blood, oxygen, minerals, proteins, and other imports through the semipermeable cell walls by osmosis. After they perform their duties they remove the toxins and waste products through their cell walls by osmosis.
You probably have not read much about osmosis since high school. Do you remember how osmosis works? It is an amazing movement of nutrients, oxygen, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and many other fluids through the semipermeable cell membranes. In return, it moves wastes, CO2, and not-needed products out of the cell and into the bloodstream. The process involves a smooth or not so smooth transfer of fluids which depends on the acid/alkaline balance of the blood and body cells. The acid/base (alkaline) balance is the keeper of the cell walls and the osmosis transfer.

With a neutral acid/alkaline neutral balance of 6.4 to 6.8, the cell walls are permeable, and the transfer goes smoothly. When the acid/alkaline balance is disturbed or tipped toward the acid side, the cell walls are less permeable, and some nutrients, minerals, and other vital fluids are not allowed to enter. At the same time, some of the CO2, wastes, toxins, and other contaminants are not allowed to get out of the cells. This process, plus the acidity of the blood, creates an acid environment inside the cells. This weakens them and may cause cell death. Remember that you have only several replicates of the cells before all of the cells give out. That is when you give out.

How is the diet that you are eating? Are you eating an alkaline diet that includes healthy electromagnetic ionic food that produces an 80 (good bacteria) / 20 (bad bacteria) ratio in your intestines? Remember, there are 2 to 4 lbs. of bacteria or over 25 trillion little critters in your gut. They are the keepers of the Palace called “your body.” Their health depends on what you eat, and the GOOD BACTERIA there is the essential maker of vital fluids, minerals, and other nutrients that enter your bloodstream and go to the important body cells. The 100 million body cells are dependent on these nutrients, minerals, and fluids that come from your good bacteria or intestinal biome. The bloodstream carries these fluids to the body cells.

In the intestines, the good bacteria are fighting a war with the bad bacteria, Candida Albicans, bad molds and yeast, parasites, parasite larvae, and toxins to see who is in charge of the Palace. This is where it becomes very complicated. When a non-electromagnetic cationic diet causes the blood, urine, and saliva to become more acidic, the cell walls become more resistant. The osmosis doors become more constricted. PAUSE HERE AND HEAR THIS. The body cells start to change their electrical charge (higher alkaline) to a positive non-electrical electromagnetic charge that is highly acidic. This increases the resistance (osmosis) of the cell walls even more. It will lead to nutrient and oxygen starvation. Lactic acid and other waste products are produced in the cells due to the low oxygen level and acid pH. This process not only creates fermentation in the absence of cell oxygen but sometimes changes the chemical makeup of the mitochondria in the body cells. That is the process of disease and cancer. These diseases include diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, mental decline, Alzheimer’s disease, possibly cancer, and numerous other autoimmune and other diseases.

If you understand this alkaline/acid process, you will eat more alkaline foods, drink alkaline water, lemon water, and keep yourself from eating acid-producing foods such as sugar, sugar derivatives, excess carbohydrates, omega-6 oils from the grocery shelf, and a score of other acid-producing foods. These acid-producing foods and alkaline-producing foods have been listed separately in other BULLETINS. SOME but not all of the alkaline foods are cucumbers, watermelon, celery, avocado, sea vegetables, spinach, sweet potatoes, kale, bananas, broccoli, lemons, limes, grapefruit, basil, and almonds. SOME but not all acidic foods are sugar, sugar derivatives, all flour made carbohydrates, most dairy products, soft drinks, fried foods, meat, especially red meat, coffee without ¼ teaspoon soda, oatmeal, white potatoes, roasted nuts, plus refined and processed foods. NOTE. This does not mean that you have to stop acid foods altogether, because you need an 80/20 good/bad bacteria mix in your intestines to produce energy (remember ions and cations), vitality, health, and longevity. It means that you must be vigilant.

An acid pH of the urine, saliva, and blood is linked to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and scores of other diseases including cancer. Since 35 percent of the population in America, England, and Canada have been estimated to have obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, it should be a critical concern for all people.

The accumulation of wastes in body cells INCREASES with a bad diet and LACK OF EXERCISE. Researchers are now finding that Exercise and oxygen are very important in the metabolism of body cells. Some physicians now say that most people worry about their diet when EXERCISE and BREATHING through the nose may prove to be the number one medical health factor. In a study of 5,200 people over 20 years, six doctors from the Framingham study showed that people who do not exercise live 12 to 15 YEARS LESS than people who do exercise. People who exercise 4 to 7 times a week for 30 minutes or more have a great advantage over non-exercising people. Even people who walk for 20 to 30 minutes receive a great boost from exercise. This is HUGE.

These scientists also proved that breathing through the nose is a great contributing factor in a person’s health. Nitric oxide is released in the nasal sinuses which contributes to widening the blood vessels. Breathing through the nose is a person’s first line of defense by destroying airborne viruses, airborne particles, and bacteria, plus widening the arteries so they can carry more oxygen.

But there is another great reason to breathe through the nose. Nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels and not only allows more oxygen to get to your body cells and the brain. It is a great help to the immune system. It is an anti-inflammatory and stops viruses from replicating inside the lings and other human cells. It has been proven to be a great reducer of coronavirus destruction in the lungs. It reduces hypoxia in the lungs, which is very important for covid-19 patients because they get more oxygen. Nose breathing helps sleep apnea patients because in sleep apnea patients when they breathe through the mouth, the airways close up more than when breathing through the nose.

I would like to mention how important it is for dentists, oral surgeons, and pediatricians to find and correct mouth breathing in young children. Breathing through the mouth can be caused by enlarged tonsils, adenoids, deviated septums, polyps, allergies, and some other factors. Dentists, oral surgeons, and pediatricians need to see these problems and direct the parents to have them corrected.

One last acid blood problem that I would like to discuss is Kidney disease. Kidney disease is caused by an acid blood cell infusion. Kidney stones are the salts of phosphoric acid and uric acid. These salts many times build up and form kidney stones. An alkaline diet will improve kidney waste product disease and may eliminate nephritis, uremic poisoning, and it may improve kidney waste. An amazing thing is that the CellSonic VIPP Therapy machine that I have mentioned before will get rid of kidney stones in a non-invasive treatment.

If you do not have Hydrion litmus paper, it should be something that you seriously consider. It is one of the best ways to check your saliva and urine each morning and evening before you brush your teeth to see what your body cell and blood pH are doing. My recommendation would be to call Daily Manufacturing. I have been getting my supplements and minerals from them for over 30 years. The owner of Daily Manufacturing, Jim Daily, is a biochemist. They produce some of the best supplements and minerals in the U.S.A. To get Hydrion pH rolls, minerals, or supplements, you can call 800 868 0700.

December 20, 2021

~ the Author ~
Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. graduated from the University Of Washington School Of Dentistry in 1957. After two years of service in the Air Force, he started a private practice in East Wenatchee, Washington. For the past 45 years his practice has included Orthodontics and TM Dysfunction treatment specializing in temporomandibular pain treatment, headache, head and neck pain control, functional jaw orthopedics, and straight wire orthodontics. Associated with mercury elimination, oral surgery, crowns and bridges is TMJ treatment, diet control, parasite elimination, intestinal cleansing and healing (wellness).

Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has taught advanced courses for dentists on TM Dysfunction treatment, orthodontics and related pain control for more than 30 years. In 1972 he was the first dentist in Washington to use straight wire orthodontics and the first dentist to correct vertical deficiencies in children by placing vertical dimension-primary molar buildups and/or vertical (erupting) appliances. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. was involved with the first group of dentists to recognize lateral tongue splinting in young infants and integrate functional and fixed techniques to correct vertical dimension deficiencies and condylar placement. He is the originator of vertical dimension-primary molar build ups, which help to correct deep bites and Otitus media in children. He invented the Loudon-Chateau Anterior Repositioning Appliance, the functional muscle malocclusion concept, the twelve commandments of occlusion and the vertical overbite domino rule. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has written numerous articles in several American and foreign dental journals and has lectured in over 50 cities and 7 foreign countries on functional jaw orthopedics, fixed wire orthodontics, Otitus media treatment and TM Dysfunction treatment. He has been instrumental in setting up criteria for teaching in the International Association For Orthodontics, including the certified instructor program.

Dr. Loudon is a member of The American Dental Association, Diplomat and Senior Instructor in the International Association for Orthodontics, and is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management. He also is a member of the American Orthodontic Society.