UMass Memorial hospital fires 200 unvaccinated employees when they should be HIRING those with natural immunity… an engineered collapse of the health care system

Hundreds of employees at UMass Memorial Health in Massachusetts have been let go from their jobs for refusing to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Back in the summer, the far-left hospital announced that all employees would need to get injected by November 1 or else be terminated on December 1. Two-hundred of them stood their ground and are now out of a job. The corrupt hospital system currently employs 15,000 people, which means “herd immunity” should have been reached with a 99 percent compliance rate. However, UMass decided that a 100 percent compliance rate was needed in order to successfully “flatten the curve.”

“We truly hoped that everyone would get the vaccine and stay in the UMass Memorial family,” announced corporate spokeswoman Debora Spano, pretending to care about the “family” member employees at the hospital system who were callously let go.

“But as a healthcare organization, we must protect our patients and other caregivers.”

This is the same UMass Memorial Health system that refused a heart transplant for a 37-year-old father of three who chose not to get injected for Chinese Germs due to his preexisting health conditions.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer allowed 430 Mass General Brigham employees to be fired for refusing covid “vaccination”

The news about UMass comes after a ruling last month from Bill Clinton-appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who declined to block Mass General Brigham from enforcing a similar mandate.

Some employees as Mass General sued the corporate hospital system, Massachusetts’ largest, for refusing their religious exemptions. They sought a preliminary injunction to bar the hospital system from tyrannizing them.

Breyer refused, ultimately allowing Mass General to fire 430 of the company’s 80,000 employees for refusing to modify their DNA with mRNA (messenger RNA), genetically modified (GMO) spike proteins, and whatever else is hiding inside those syringes.

“The evidence of COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness is overwhelming and more than 99.3% of our employees are vaccinated,” Mass General said in a follow-up statement, alleging that its jab mandate “ensure[s] that patients are being cared for in the safest clinical environment possible.”

Meanwhile, hospitals like UMass Memorial Health and Mass General Brigham are reportedly overflowing with sick and dying patients who are fully vaccinated, and thus contracted “Omicron” (Moronic), “Delta,” and other jab-induced “variants” of the Fauci Flu.

Massachusetts, one of the most highly vaccinated states in America, is running out of hospital beds from all the gravely ill patients who got their jabs in obedience and are now on their death beds.

“We ran out of ICU beds today,” announced Dr. Eric Dickson, chief executive of UMass Memorial Health in Worcester. “That’s as bad as I’ve ever seen it.”

Across Massachusetts, some 500 state employees have been suspended, fired or “resigned” for refusing to comply with the state’s jab mandate.

Currently, there are 362 state employees serving five- or 10-day suspensions for refusing to obey Gov. Charlie Baker’s order that they roll up their sleeve for a lethal injection. Another 141 have left state government entirely and 11 were terminated.

“The Baker administration said taken together, those disciplined account for roughly 1 percent of the state’s 42,000 executive branch employees who had to prove their vaccination status or seek an exemption by Oct. 17 or risk being terminated under one of the country’s strictest vaccine mandates,” the Boston Globe reported.

“This is pure satanic evil when life-saving care is denied if you do not comply and submit to someone else’s medical choices for you,” wrote one Natural News commenter about UMass Memorial Health’s refusal to provide kidney surgery for the unvaccinated man in need.

Written by Ethan Huff for Vaccine Wars ~ December 7, 2021