Google goes full-throttle with health censorship, doubles down on Big Pharma drugs and disease

Google has gone all-in with Big Pharma to push drugs and disease, while simultaneously blocking access to life-saving health information. Gone are the days when people could easily find information on nutrition, supplements, natural remedies and alternative therapies, but Google’s not stopping at censorship for health and wellness — the tech giant is also pushing pro-Big Pharma propaganda on their search engine.

From trying to cover-up the opioid epidemic and Big Pharma’s death toll, to discrediting and silencing the natural health community, Google’s evil truly knows no bounds. For a company that once boasted the motto, “Don’t be evil,” things have surely gone downhill fast.

Clearly, it is no coincidence that Google removed their “Don’t be evil” clause from their company code of conduct last year. Now, the floodgates are open and Evil Google is breaking loose.

Google suppresses valuable health info
Google has done a lot of terrible things, but their pharmaceutical agenda pushing tops the list. In recent months, the search engine giant has deigned itself the gatekeeper of all health information, selectively silencing those who dare to defy convention and speak out against the corrupt medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

Valuable information about nutrition, alternative medicine and other life-saving therapies is now being suppressed. As Natural News writer Ethan Huff reported this summer, Google was caught actively altering search engine results to smear nutritional supplements and websites that promote natural wellness.

Green Med Info investigated Google’s autocomplete suggestions for the term “organic” and came up with these top results:

• organic is a lie

• organic is always non gmo

• organic is a sham

• organic is a myth

• organic is a waste of money

• organic is a marketing gimmick

• organic is always non gmo logo

As you can see, most of these are incredibly disparaging and meant to paint organics in negative light. Google’s search results for the phrase “supplements are” look even worse:

• supplements are bad

• supplements are useless

• supplements are not regulated

• supplements are bad for you

• supplements are not fda approved

• supplements are not regulated by the fda

• supplements are dangerous

• supplements are good for you

• supplements are scams

• supplements are garbage

Only one of these is even remotely positive — and its practically at the bottom of the list. As Huff reports, these autocomplete results are deliberate attempts to devalue natural health information.

But Google isn’t just trying to block out information on the value of “alternative” health information — the corrupt tech giant is also suppressing information on the dangers of pharmaceuticals.

Pushing the pharma agenda
The world’s most popular search engine has also come under fire for covering up opioid death statistics by altering autocomplete search results. Writing for UNZ, Steve Sailer reports that Bing and DuckDuckGo shared similar autocomplete results for the same search terms, while Google’s search results were completely different.

A search for “Deaths from op” on Bing or DuckDuckGo returned with autocomplete suggestions such as “Deaths by opioids 2018” — and in fact, all of the autocomplete suggestions are all opioid-related.

Conversely, Google returned just one autocomplete result for the same search terms: “Deaths from open heart surgery.”

A disparity this extreme cannot be coincidental. Google also ranks “opioid use disorder” as a top search result for the term “opioid.” This hardly-used term appears before more commonly searched items like “opioid epidemic” or “opioid addiction” for obvious reasons: So the pharmaceutical industry can eschew responsibility while continuing to market their harmful drugs.

It is also no coincidence that Google has merged itself with the pharmaceutical industry and launched its own pharma companies. Now using their power as the world’s largest search engine to manipulate the masses, Google is poised to surpass Monsanto as the world’s most evil company — if they haven’t already.

Written by Vicki Batts and published by News Target ~ October 2, 2019