Pharmaceutical Drugs often Forced on Children

If you disagree with your doctor regarding the medical treatment of your children, they can be taken away from you, put in a foster home, and you can be arrested for endangering the health and welfare of your child. There are many people jailed every year, put there for disagreeing with medical doctors and their policies. In order to break free from the clutches of organized medical crime, pharmaceutical drug cartels and the monstrous insurance companies, we must all work to reform the unconstitutional laws that monopolize health care.

Forced Drugging and Vaccination of Children
Psyhchiatry betraying and drugging children for profit In the US judges can constitutionally order controversial drugs to be given to a child over the opposition of his parents. Parents are medicating their children for fear of having them hauled away by Child Protective Services. In the UK Parents of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) will face jail under proposals in the new Mental Health Bill if they refuse to drug their children, a psychiatrist has warned.

Some US Courts may force Parents to Medicate Children – Some public schools are accusing parents of child abuse when they balk at giving their kids drugs such as Ritalin, and as judges begin to agree, some parents are medicating their children for fear of having them hauled away by authorities. There is a growing debate about diagnosing and medicating children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The Drugging of Our Children and Decline of American Education
Psyhchiatry betraying and drugging children for profitIt is estimated that in the United States between 4 million and 8 million children are on Ritalin, the drug being used to change the behavior of children afflicted with a so-called ”disease” called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit H…yperactive Disorder ADHD. We already know that the long-term use of Ritalin can be fatal.

What parents are not being told by psychiatrists who prescribe the drug and the school nurses who give it to the kids is that taking Ritalin is like playing Russian roulette, simply because nobody can be sure what the side-effects will be. Why would anyone subject a child to a drug with so many possible harmful side effects simply to ”treat” an attention problem?

How about creating classrooms with more order and fewer distractions. This week’s guest, Samuel L. Blumenfeld, has published ten books on education in America, and he has spent much of his career investigating the decline in American literacy, the reasons for the high rate of learning disabilities in American children, the reasons why so many children are labeled ADD, and why the school system refuses to use intensive phonics in reading instruction.

Some public schools are accusing parents of child abuse when they balk at giving their kids drugs such as Ritalin, (or AZT) and as judges begin to agree, some parents are medicating their children for fear of having them hauled away.

“There is a war raging over the control of our children. The cry of outrage is spreading across this nation, as increasing numbers of children are wrongfully ripped from their loving parent’s arms and secreted away by the unscrupulous agents of the State”.

Written by Shirley Lipschutz-Robonson for Shirley’s Wellness Cafe ~ October 8, 2018

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