Why Michael J. Fox Will Never Find a Cure

Certain celebrities have been associated with specific diseases. For instance, Patrick Swayze will be associated with pancreatic cancer indefinitely. Michael J. Fox represents Parkinson’s disease, and the Marlboro Man ironically represents lung cancer. For those who do not remember, the Marlboro Men were the smoking cowboys who attempted to make filtered cigarettes seem more masculine. The commercials were a huge success, until all of the actors began dying from lung cancer. The demise of the Marlboro Men was publicized heavily by the mainstream media, because it has long been open season against tobacco products, since it became illegal for tobacco companies to fund news shows.

The cause of Michael Fox’s Parkinson’s disease is always side-stepped by the media, similar to the dishonest tobacco precedent. Readers may notice there has never been a peep about the cause; and moreover, the talk has been singularly about finding the supposedly elusive cure. The cause of Fox’s disease is not yet politically correct to attack. It would get most reporters fired.

Throughout the 1980’s, Michael did commercials for Pepsico, and he promoted Diet Pepsi cola exclusively in the latter years of his contract. It is believed that he became an ardent consumer of Diet Pepsi throughout this period (even off-set). Then, in 1991, Michael was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s disease. It would be seven years before he told the public about his diagnosis, so the link has been missed by most people.

In 2000, Michael founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which was supposed to help discover the cause and cure for Parkinson’s disease. Various groups have sent information to the foundation about the link between aspartame (found in diet colas) and Parkinson’s disease, but they have been ignored. The group instead donated $175,000,000 to researchers of Parkinson’s disease, while wholly ignoring the existing information about aspartame, just as most researchers have. The foundation is yet another organization which apparently believes that funneling even more money into the petrochemical cartel will help to find an elusive cure, for something that would require an admission of guilt to cure, and the loss of a billion dollar diet drinks industry. The chemical industry is the problem, not the solution. Their profits from treatment regimens soar higher with each new Michael that they create. Meanwhile, they continue promoting diet drinks as the healthy alternative, because sugars, after all, are bad.

The mainstream medical establishment apparently does not know the cause of Parkinson’s disease, but it has been linked with heavy metal exposure and excitotoxins. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain are responsible for the excitotoxicity associated with Parkinson’s disease. Aspartate is one of the main components that is released when aspartame is metabolized, and it directly effects the NMDA receptors. Regular intake of aspartame damages those receptors, and can eventually lead to Parkinson’s disease.

It is known that Parkinson’s disease occurs whenever the dopamine-related nerve cells inside the brain are decimated. With dramatically decreased dopamine, the nerve cells in the effected part of the brain cannot properly transmit messages. In studies, aspartame has been shown to decrease dopamine levels in the brain to induce the unmistakable neurological decline that is seen in Parkinson’s patients. A troubling study from the Norwegian University of Science, verified aspartame as an excitotoxin, and as a neurotoxin that is particularly dangerous to children. None of this is ever mentioned by either the Michael J. Fox Foundation, nor any mainstream media outlets, who avoid the topic of aspartame.

Throughout the 1980’s, Michael did commercials for Pepsico, and he promoted Diet Pepsi cola exclusively in the latter years of his contract. It is believed that he became an ardent consumer of Diet Pepsi throughout this period (even off-set). Then, in 1991, Michael was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s disease. It would be seven years before he told the public about his diagnosis, so the link has been missed by most people.

In 2000, Michael founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which was supposed to help discover the cause and cure for Parkinson’s disease. Various groups have sent information to the foundation about the link between aspartame (found in diet colas) and Parkinson’s disease, but they have been ignored. The group instead donated $175,000,000 to researchers of Parkinson’s disease, while wholly ignoring the existing information about aspartame, just as most researchers have. The foundation is yet another organization which apparently believes that funneling even more money into the petrochemical cartel will help to find an elusive cure, for something that would require an admission of guilt to cure, and the loss of a billion dollar diet drinks industry. The chemical industry is the problem, not the solution. Their profits from treatment regimens soar higher with each new Michael that they create. Meanwhile, they continue promoting diet drinks as the healthy alternative, because sugars, after all, are bad.

The mainstream medical establishment apparently does not know the cause of Parkinson’s disease, but it has been linked with heavy metal exposure and excitotoxins. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain are responsible for the excitotoxicity associated with Parkinson’s disease. Aspartate is one of the main components that is released when aspartame is metabolized, and it directly effects the NMDA receptors. Regular intake of aspartame damages those receptors, and can eventually lead to Parkinson’s disease.

It is known that Parkinson’s disease occurs whenever the dopamine-related nerve cells inside the brain are decimated. With dramatically decreased dopamine, the nerve cells in the effected part of the brain cannot properly transmit messages. In studies, aspartame has been shown to decrease dopamine levels in the brain to induce the unmistakable neurological decline that is seen in Parkinson’s patients. A troubling study from the Norwegian University of Science, verified aspartame as an excitotoxin, and as a neurotoxin that is particularly dangerous to children. None of this is ever mentioned by either the Michael J. Fox Foundation, nor any mainstream media outlets, who avoid the topic of aspartame.

Written by Thomas Corriher and published by Health Wyze.

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