Thyroid disorders – Symptoms, testing and solutions

thyroidAn estimated 20 million Americans have some type of thyroid disease, and about 60 percent of them don’t even know it, according to the American Thyroid Association. Undiagnosed thyroid disorders can put you at risk of developing several serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and infertility.

Find out how to identify thyroid disorders and most importantly, how to bring your hormones back into balance for optimal health. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Lauren Noel will talk about the signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders; the best methods for testing; plus how to effectively treat a wide variety of thyroid disorders – naturally.

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Conventional treatment is ineffective for 6 out of 7 thyroid disorders

Undetected and misdiagnosed thyroid problems plague millions of Americans. Even those who are correctly diagnosed often find their thyroid problems are mismanaged by their healthcare providers. Sadly, most conventional treatments for thyroid are woefully ineffective.

According to Dr. Noel, the conventional thyroid disorder treatment of hormone therapy is only effective for one out of the seven known categories of thyroid symptoms. Most other cases of thyroid disorder are mishandled, leading to stress and frustration for the patient as they move from one provider to another, looking for answers. Those who are responsive to hormone treatment can expect inconsistent results, primarily because such treatments lack any sort of proper functional support.

Many patients suffering from symptoms of thyroid disorder will be told that their lab work “looks normal,” yet they continue to try to cope with the daily symptoms that adversely impact their daily lives. The problem with testing is that most causes for hypothyroidism can be traced to stress of the immune system. Since this is not caused by the thyroid directly, the problems won’t show up in most standard lab tests, leaving the patient without the help he or she needs to avoid further health risks.

Bringing balance back to your thyroid: Managing autoimmune challenges
Millions suffer from symptoms of thyroid disorder, even while typical testing results fall within normal limits. Symptoms ranging from low libido, weight gain or inability to lose weight, heart palpations and anxiety to cold feet and hands, changes in sleeping patterns, moodiness, and an inability to concentrate or remember simple things are all signs of thyroid disorder. Often, patients are told they have a lower functioning thyroid, but that nothing can be done about it.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you’ll discover:

• What causes an under-active thyroid
• How to properly test for thyroid issues
• How to bring the thyroid back into balance
• How to understand and manage autoimmune challenges

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Our guest: Dr. Lauren Noel, naturopathic doctor, lecturer and expert in natural medicine

Discover the underlying causes of thyroid disorders and how to most effectively treat them – Sunday, July 10

Our guest is a licensed naturopathic doctor and expert in natural medicine. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

Since 2010, Dr. Noel has treated over 5,000 patients using natural therapies. Her areas of expertise are digestive disorders, thyroid and hormone imbalances, plus autoimmune disease. She has been a frequent guest on health-related radio shows, featured speaker at several medical conferences, and is the host of Dr. Lo Radio, a top-rated podcast on iTunes that has attracted nearly 2 million listeners.

To hear this FREE show – visit and enter your email address for show details plus some great gifts!

Written by Jonathan Landsman for Natural News July 7, 2016.

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