Bitter Melon: Kills Cancer Cells, Stops Type II Diabetes

Bitter melonBitter melon is one of the popular edible pod vegetable in many Asian countries. It is grown widely as a field crop as well as backyard vegetable and, in fact, is among the most bitter tasting of all culinary vegetables. The plant has lobed leaves, yellow flowers, and edible but bitter-tasting orange-yellow tropical fruit. The unripe fruit is green and cucumber-shaped with surface bumps. The fruit, leaves, seeds, seed oil, and roots are used.

The healing properties of Bitter Melon are becoming more widely accepted in the United States among natural health practitioners and even some allopathic medical doctors.

Bitter melons are an excellent source of nutrients. They have:

– More calcium than spinach

– More potassium than banana

– Twice beta-carotene of broccoli

Bitter Melon Nutrition Value

– Manganese

– Zinc

– Folic acid

– Alkaloids

– Peptides

– Steroidal saponins

– Fiber

– Phosphorus

– Vitamins C, B1, B2, and B3

~ Main Health Benefits Of Bitter Melon ~

Type II Diabetes
diabetes_newsprintBitter melon is one of the most potent fruits for managing diabetes mellitus for a few reasons. Due to its hypoglycemic action, bitter gourd makes an excellent remedy for diabetes. The insulin-like peptides, alkaloids, and charantin combine to lower blood and urine sugar levels without increasing blood insulin levels. It also helps to prevent unpredictable spikes and drops in insulin levels by regulating the metabolism and use of sugar that the body has consumed in food.

Liver Tonic
There are several benefits of regularly consuming it as liver tonic. A tonic aids in digestion, improves gallbladder function, and lowers fluid retention. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and constipation may be relieved with a bitter melon liver tonic. Drink a bitter melon juice at least once a day to enjoy the benefits. A liver tonic is also aids in weight loss, and may relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel system.

Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is an extremely painful medical condition. Bitter melon can be helpful in ridding the body of kidney stones through naturally breaking them down. Bitter melon reduces high acid that help produce painful kidney stones. Infuse bitter melon powder with water to create a healthful tea. This tea has a nutty flavor and, surprisingly, does not require sweetening.

Cancer Prevention
do not like cancerThe antioxidants present in bitter melon may help to seek out and destroy free radicals that can cause diseases (including numerous forms of cancer), but that is not the only benefit the fruit has in terms of cancer. Eating or drinking the juice from the melon can lower the risk of certain types of cancer. It is also known to decrease and kill leukemic cancer cells, according to the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It can stop cancer cells from spreading and increase chances of a full recovery. But the diet must be consistent for this to be in an effective way to treat this disease.

RELATED: 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

Written by Phyllis Bentley for Natural News, February 4, 2016.

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