Victory Over Cancer…

In the fight against cancer, little attention is paid to nutrition. Instead, treatment is restricted to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Had the work of three pioneering doctors not been overlooked by mainstream medicine, cancer treatment today would look very different and patients’ lives transformed. Review the medical literature and you won’t find any cases of […]

The Importance of Diet and Lifestyle after Cancer is Cured

People that have been treated for cancer and other diseases are often left with no directions as to what nutrition to eat that will keep cancer and other diseases from reoccurring. A synopsis of great bio-electric foods is needed and the following information is designed for those who have cured their cancer and would like […]

Louden: How a Nutrition Value System may add Years to Your Life

What is a Nutrition food value system? It is a system that may add increased energy, a great immune system, increased vitality, and may add many healthy years to your life. For many years I have been working to develop a nutrition food value rating system. I recognized that a person’s energy, health, and longevity […]

The Kelley Regimen

“It is extremely effective and rather inexpensive. Those who are willing to faithfully and tediously follow it will be successful. Those who follow it in part or haphazardly will be completely unsuccessful”. Publisher’s NOTE: What follows was probably written soon after Kelley’s death in 2005, however there are hints that portions of the body may […]

Bioelectric Information About Fats and Oils

People do not get very much information about fats and oils. Many people consume them every day but may not know if the kind they are consuming is good for their health. There are four different common oils (fats) that people consume. They are polyunsaturated oils, monounsaturated oils, regular saturated fats (oils), and highly saturated […]

How Diet and Inflammation Affect Colon Cancer

The discomfort of colonoscopy is miniscule to the suffering of terminal colon cancer It’s been said “We are what we eat,” or “garbage in garbage out.” Less catchy advice might be “Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, rather than a pro-inflammatory one.” It could make the difference in the likelihood of developing a malignancy of the large […]