Store-Brand Cold Medicines Found to Contain Cancer-Causing Chemical

The contaminated offerings are on shelves at Walmart, CVS, Target, and Walgreens When cold and flu season comes around, it’s not uncommon to flock to the nearest pharmacy for something to relieve the symptoms. However, an analysis and report issued by Bloomberg News may have many consumers rethinking which package of cold medicine they’re reaching […]

These 5 Foods May Extend Your Life and Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease

Healthy you, healthy planet? Research suggests the two may be closely linked. In a new study, presented in July at NUTRITION 2023, the flagship annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Boston, researchers used a tool they created called the Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI) to review foods and their impacts on human […]

Physician Associates ‘should be banned from diagnosing patients’

A new report from the British Medical Association has outlined the level of responsibility those in the medical associate professions should have. Staff such as physician associates should be banned from diagnosing patients, leading medics have said, after the death of a woman whose fatal blood clot was missed twice. The British Medical Association (BMA) […]

Foods CONTAMINATED With Toxic Substances Cause More Than 13,000 CANCER Cases Each Year in The U.S.

A new study has revealed the potential link between contaminated common foods and cancer cases in the United States. The study by researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) found that rice, wheat, leafy green vegetables, baby foods and dark chocolates with high heavy metal concentrations are connected to the thousands of cancer cases each year. […]


Are all ultra-processed foods linked to cancer and diabetes? The consumption of ultraprocessed foods has been linked to various individual chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Now, a large study confirms that they are also linked to comorbidities, or combinations of such diseases. The study finds that there is a 9% increase […]

Your Health, Your Diet, Your Cancer Risk – YOUR Choice!

I have believed for a long time that the American Medical Complex and the Consumer Food and Beverage Industrial Complex have little interest in the prevention of disease. It makes far better business sense to let the population eat, drink and smoke to their heart’s content and then offer seemingly high tech and expensive methods […]

Parts 1 & 2: The Cancer Within Modern Medicine

The turn of the 20th century promised to offer cures for every ailment with patented and colorfully packaged pills. Yet here we are. What happened? We were duped. More importantly, so were all of the well-meaning doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and scientists. There is a cancer within what we now know of as modern medicine […]

Loudon: Vegetable Oils on the Grocery Shelf Cause a Health Risk

Have you wondered why nutritionists say “Be careful about using oxidative vegetable oils on the grocery shelf? It is because all oils on the grocery shelf except extra virgin olive oil have been boiled to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit EXCEPT COCONUT OIL, PALM OIL, BUTTER, RAW LARD, AND SUET. These omega-6 Cooked oils on the […]

Kelley: The Master Gland of Detoxification

September 6, 2015 ~ The liver is the major organ of detoxification, and also the most stressed by our modern lifestyle. One cannot live long without the heart, brain, kidneys, or pancreas, yet it is proper liver function, which prevents these organs from becoming diseased. Here, in addition to metabolic wastes, is where environmental contamination, […]