Gonzalez: Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began – Part 3

What we are about to share is our third offering of a transcript by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. speaking at the World Research Foundation. These records were recently discovered by the widow of Dr. Gonzalez and have been made available to the pubic. Today and one week from now, we will continue to post the subsequent […]

The Biggest Potential Water Disaster in the United States

In California, millions of residents and thousands of farmers depend on the Bay-Delta for fresh water – but they can’t agree on how to protect it. Editor’s NOTE: The following is an unusual posting for this site, however – as one gets caught up in it’s reporting and importance of meaning – it all has […]

No more ‘good’ vs. ‘bad’ foods

10 healthy eating ‘patterns’ to prevent heart disease and death This new look at nutrition takes cultural differences and societal challenges into account Looks like we’ve been talking about healthy eating all wrong. The American Heart Association released a new scientific statement on Tuesday that encourages everyone to focus on their overall dietary “patterns” to […]

Why You Should Have Three Fermented Foods in your Refrigerator Today

Fermented foods are prepared refrigerated foods using ingredients that produce live good bacteria to balance the 80 (good/20 (bad) bacteria ratio in your small intestine. They provide a multitude of good benefits including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, increase antibody levels, and help the good bacteria with a great bioelectric electromagnetic balance in your gut. They boost […]

How Diet and Inflammation Affect Colon Cancer

The discomfort of colonoscopy is miniscule to the suffering of terminal colon cancer It’s been said “We are what we eat,” or “garbage in garbage out.” Less catchy advice might be “Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, rather than a pro-inflammatory one.” It could make the difference in the likelihood of developing a malignancy of the large […]