Dietary Mistakes People Make that may Shorten Their Life

Yesterday I got a very interesting and intriguing 12-page article from Professor Andrew Hague, the president of the CellSonic Corporation, maker of the VIPP hydroelectric therapy machine. The name of his article is “How to get Ill, Stay Ill, and die.” This was quite a co-incident since I had already started my weekly column. Some […]

Bayer’s Roundup linked to “a host of chronic and mental illness

Right now, Bayer is facing a host of lawsuits related to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer that has been linked to the use of Roundup herbicide. Bayer took on the legal burdens of Roundup maker Monsanto when it bought the company for $66 billion in 2018. The number of lawsuits related to this illness […]

The Cause, Prevention, and Curing of Cancer ~ the Series

Since Otto Warburg discovered the cause of cancer in 1923, the disease has caused the death of millions of people all over the world. The United States usually has been the nation that leads in curing most diseases. However, in the case of cancer, and cancer research, about 90 percent of the money donated for […]


Why has cancer exploded in the last twenty or so years? There are many reasons and include: the non-organic food we are eating; vaccinations; chemicals being sprayed in our atmosphere; and chemicals used in our food production. The US if fifth in the world in cancer rates. How can this be? When you look at […]

Complete History of BAYER

…One of the Biggest Depopulationist Companies in the World Bayer AG is a chemical and pharmaceutical giant founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott. Today it has its headquarters in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It trademarked acetylsalicylic acid as aspirin in 1899.

Google goes full-throttle with health censorship, doubles down on Big Pharma drugs and disease

Google has gone all-in with Big Pharma to push drugs and disease, while simultaneously blocking access to life-saving health information. Gone are the days when people could easily find information on nutrition, supplements, natural remedies and alternative therapies, but Google’s not stopping at censorship for health and wellness — the tech giant is also pushing […]