Sanders Grills Big Pharma CEOs Over Years of Deadly Price Gouging

“We want to know why there are Americans who are dying, or are becoming much sicker than they should, because they can’t afford the medicine they need.”

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday paid his respects to the victims of insulin price gouging in front of the Big Pharma CEOs who are responsible and reiterated the need to make all lifesaving prescription drugs affordable.

Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), opened the panel’s hearing by acknowledging “the many Americans who have needlessly lost their lives because of the unaffordability of insulin” and “the thousands who wound up in emergency rooms and hospitals suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis – a very serious medical condition as a result of rationing their insulin.”

“This is a problem that is unique to the United States.”
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Your Health ~ YOUR Choice! ~ May 8, 2023

US experts call for crackdown on ‘gender-bending’ chemicals found in food
These are the other everyday items that are loaded with the toxins

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used in the production of plastics and aluminum cans that is present in a wide range of consumer products, from canned soups to sunglasses.

But experts have known for decades that BPA is an ‘endocrine disruptor’ – meaning it can imitate the body’s hormones and interfere with the production of and response to natural hormones like estrogen…. (Continue to full article)

Sackler family pumped $19 MILLION into agency tasked with opioid regulation
…despite THEIR drug OxyContin fueling the crisis that killed hundreds of thousands.

A renowned advisory group tasked with shaping federal response to the opioid crisis has accepted roughly $19 million in donations from the Sackler family, it has been revealed.

According to the New York Times, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, a nongovernmental institution, accepted donations of millions beginning in 2000.

The Sackler family are the owners of Purdue Pharma, the maker of the addictive opioid Oxycontin… (Continue to full article)

VA pays out $1 billion to ‘burn pit’ veterans after deluge of half a million claims over cancer, hypertension, and other woes in biggest military compensation shakeup in decades
The VA has paid out $1 billion to veterans since it upgraded a compensation scheme last year for those sickened by toxic chemicals in Iraq, Afghanistan and other campaigns.

Veterans have filed more than 500,000 claims for benefits under the PACT Act, which let many more veterans exposed to burn pits and other battlefield pollutants claim disability benefits.

The scale of the payouts, which the VA announced, marks the US government’s growing acknowledgement of the invisible threats endured by combatants that were for decades largely ignored… (Continue to full article)

From eating dairy and spicy food to doing squats simple steps to speed up metabolism
People often tell me that, despite eating healthily, they continue to put on weight — and they wonder if this could be because their metabolism has slowed down.

Though I’ve long been sceptical about this, a remarkable new study published in the journal Nature suggests there really is something in that claim.

In fact, according to the researchers’ calculations, men are burning about 220 calories less a day and women 122 calories less, compared with what people the same size and shape would have done in the 1980sTEE Energy
… (Continue to full article)

‘Dangerous levels’ of toxic metals are lurking in your favorite store-bought juices, plant-based milks, teas and sodas, study warns
Sodas, fruit juices and plant-based milk at your local grocery store may be packed with toxic metals, a study suggests.

Researchers at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, found toxic metals such as arsenic and cadmium in all 60 store-bought drinks they tested.

Five had ‘dangerous levels’ of the chemicals, with the worst offenders being juices, plant-based milks, teas and sodas… (Continue to full article)

Plants against cancer: Eighteen 100% natural phytochemicals that prevent and treat cancers

Cancer chemoprevention with natural phytochemical compounds is an emerging strategy to prevent, impede, delay or cure cancer. Below are 18 phytochemicals, or compounds, produced by plants that scientists believe can protect cells from damage that could lead to cancer, as studied in the research article published in Anti-cancer Agents in Medical Chemistry. Continue reading

America’s Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription

The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on March 5, 2023, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “Big Pharma.”

I developed a serious cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, seven years ago. It worsened over the past summer and early fall, and over the past six weeks I’ve had several ambulance rides and hospitalizations. And my experience through this illustrates the good side as well as the bad side of medicine today.

On the good side, I was fortunate to have the attention of two world-class doctors who spent six hours, one going inside my heart, the other coming through my chest wall to the outside of my heart, to map electrically the aberrant signals in my heart and to ablate them. Since then, I’ve not had a problem. Continue reading

Your Health ~ YOUR Choice! May 5, 2023

As the pandemic winds down, anti-vaccine activists are building a legal network
Steve Kirsch is a tech entrepreneur who made hundreds of millions of dollars after founding an early search engine and helping invent the optical computer mouse.

Recently, he stood before a gathering of more than 250 lawyers in Atlanta while wearing a custom black T-shirt designed like a dictionary entry for the phrase “misinformation superspreader.”

“Our definition is it’s someone who’s basically pointing out the truth and it just happens to disagree with the mainstream narrative we’re known as misinformation spreaders, because what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to control the narrative,”… (Continue to full article)

Study finds link between artificial sweetener and heart attacks and strokes
All because its sugar-free does not mean it is good for you. A new Cleveland Clinic study found a link to a common artificial sweetener found in diet foods and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

A little packet of faux sugar promising 0 calories is tempting for those looking to make some lifestyle changes, but it turns out replacing the real stuff can come with some unintended consequences

Artificial sweeteners that you see at your grocery store often have this as the ingredient: erythritol. It is something that some foods naturally have, but this added sweetener is what a new study is worried about especially since it’s often targeted towards diabetics and people trying to lose weight… (Continue to full article)

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Fentanyl’s butterfly effect: End of heroin boom leaves Mexican poppy farmers high and dry
This is a story of globalization, capitalism and drugs, but also of hands gnarled by labor in the fields, lost harvests and dying communities: a story that can be traced from the subsistence farmers who grow poppies in the isolated mountains of Guerrero, Mexico, to the fentanyl addicts on the street corners of Los Angeles.

In a world that is interconnected to the point of satiation, the chaos theory idea that the wings of a butterfly in Hong Kong can translate into a hurricane in New York extends to the most unexpected corners of reality. Hard drugs are no exception… (Continue to full article)

High-quality bone broth comes ready-made. Here’s why you should make it yourself
After everyone at your table has devoured the juiciest pieces of a roast chicken and you’ve treated your canine to the edible rejects, hold off on sliding that picked-over carcass into the trash. Your bird has another gift for you: broth.

Making homemade broth requires only a few minutes of your time, and the benefits extend far beyond sensory pleasure: to your health, wealth, and even the world around you.

For centuries, humans have been simmering otherwise inedible animal parts in water, sometimes for days, extracting maximum flavor and nutrients from those bones for nourishing meals to come. Thrifty grandmas and chefs the world over have refined that technique, adding vegetables and seasonings reflecting their cultures and customs. Traditional recipes earned reputations for purported healing powers… (Continue to full article)

Doctor who discovered she had stage 4 colon cancer at age 37…

…shares the warning signs that could save a life – including ‘pelvic heaviness’

A Florida gynecologist discovered her own stage 4 colon cancer despite suffering just two mild symptoms.

Dr Lauren Juyia, 38, started feeling fatigued last year but like most people would do, dismissed it as a part of life.

It wasn’t until Dr Juyia, who works in Brooksville and Clearwater, Florida, started feeling ‘pelvic heaviness’ last August that she decided to get an ultrasound.

Tests showed she had a small mass growing on her ovaries, which within a few weeks grew from 8 centimeters to 24 centimeters. It turned out the cause was actually later-stage colon cancer that had spread.

She is now spreading awareness of the warning signs to watch out for. Continue reading

Florida nurse, 24, who couldn’t stop burping is diagnosed with stage 3 CANCER

She warns others not to overlook unusual symptoms

A Florida nurse who couldn’t stop burping has revealed her symptom was caused by undiagnosed, late-stage cancer.

In 2021, Bailey McBreen, 24, started burping up to 10 times a day – something which was ‘not normal’ for her.

She put the symptom off for months, but she got checked when it progressed to acid reflux and ‘excruciating’ stomach cramps.

Ms McBreen, who exercised multiple times a week, was eventually diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer – which came as a ‘huge shock’ to her and her family.

Though burping as a sign of cancer may seem bizarre, colon cancer can cause obstructions in the digestive tract, leading to excess gas. Continue reading

04.26.23 ~ Dr. Kelley’s Kitchen

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Juice Every Day
There’s no denying that juice is tasty. But is this beloved beverage doing more harm to your health than good? A registered dietitian weighs in.

Juice is a delicious and refreshing beverage whether you prefer it fresh-squeezed or straight out of the carton. But is a daily cup of juice good for you? Fruit juices are often considered less healthy than their whole-food counterparts due to higher sugar concentration, more calories and less fiber—which can reduce the satiety of these beverages and, over time, could contribute to weight gain and obesity.

However, other research suggests regular juice consumption may offer some health benefits and can be included in a nutritious diet. Confusing, right? … (Continue to full article)

Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Cholesterol-lowering recipes: Nutritional profiles and health benefits
High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of heart disease. A person can take steps to lower their cholesterol naturally. These include incorporating low sugar and low cholesterol meals into a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

A person’s diet can affect their cholesterol levels. By making some changes to what they eat, a person can help lower their cholesterol levels, particularly when they combine these dietary choices with other lifestyle adjustments and medications.

This article discusses some of the negative effects of cholesterol and provides some recipes that may help with lowering cholesterol… (Continue to full article)

The Best Fruit for Your Gut Health, According to a Gastroenterologist
Although we’re supposed to shoot for 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day, a recommendation based on our total calorie consumption, the average American only actually consumes about 10 to 15 grams per day, Harvard Medical School experts report.

And while it might seem more pressing to keep an eye on protein levels – or whatever appears to be the “hot” macronutrient of the moment – or try some other trendy diet, making an effort to eat enough fiber is never going out of style. That’s because the health benefits of fiber suggest that it can have a beneficial impact on our gut health, digestion, bone strength, weight, risk for several chronic diseases and even our longevity.

We’re not talking about suffering through glasses of water mixed with a chalky fiber supplement, though. You can score your daily dose from a wide variety of high-fiber foods… (Continue to full article)

Should You Take Turmeric Supplements?
Turmeric is touted as a “cure-all” spice that can do everything from healing your gut, boosting memory, and reducing inflammation. But studies on the health benefits of this golden root have yielded mixed results.

A small study in 2017 found that curcumin – the active ingredient in turmeric—may improve memory and attention, while a larger randomized controlled trial in 2018 found that curcumin had no impact on reducing inflammation following aortic aneurysm repair surgery.

Zhaoping Li, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and co-author of the 2017 study, said curcumin “definitely has an anti-inflammatory effect.” However, it’s most effective when it’s used for preventative purposes or to suppress low levels of inflammation associated with chronic disease… (Continue to full article)

Bicarbonate Proves to be Cheapest Fastest Safest COVID Treatment
One does not have to be an anti-vaxxer to see and understand that COVID vaccines are not needed. They are not required legally or for any medical or public health reason to treat or prevent COVID-19. There is a broad range of both natural and pharmaceutical treatments widely available, many already proven to be very useful.

Now comes some excellent news for the human race. There is an official study in Acre, Brazil that has doctors amazed at how fast COVID infected patients got better after nebulizing with 3 grams of sodium bicarbonate (widely available baking soda) in 100 ml of water administered in a nebulizer.

However, the bad news is that there are powerful forces, which we will discuss below, that hate good news and will do everything in their power to censor useful medical information… (Continue to full article)

Lesser-Known Spices for Natural Cancer Prevention and Treatment!
Since ancient times, spices have been used to prevent and treat many diseases. There are many spices known to cure many incurable diseases. There have been voyagers, including Christopher Columbus, who explored the globe searching for treasured spices.

Many documented studies prove that more than adding flavors, these valued commodities are revered for their potential health benefits. The antioxidant properties and the biological effects arise from spice’s ability to induce changes in cellular processes. This includes those involved with cell division, drug metabolism, differentiation, apoptosis, and immunocompetence.

Some researchers suggest that spices may be a key to determining the balance between pro-and anticancer factors that regulate risk and tumor behavior. Recently, a rise has been noted in household use of spices, and about 75% of people in the U.S. believe this dietary approach reduces the risk of diseases, including cancer … (Continue to full article)

They hate us, don’t they?

A large portion of patriots rightfully do not trust Big Pharma. Think COVID vaccine. Big Pharma is everywhere – in our food, in our medications, in our supplements and vitamins.

People are spending an EXTRA 100 – 150 dollars a month on supplements via Amazon only to digest chemicals catastrophic to their health.

Many Big Pharma companies come out of Ukraine. You’d be surprised how many herbal companies have their farms in Ukraine on old Soviet Union nuclear testing grounds. People THINK they’re taking healthy supplements, yet they’re digesting radioactive products from radioactive soil without even realizing it.

This is why it is so important now to buy American.

Where do you think supplements Amazon, Walmart, Costco, and Target provide come from? Ukraine. China.

Not only that, Big Pharma now wants to inject chickens and other animals with the mRNA vaccine. They hate us don’t they?

Are These Cancer-Causing Foods in Your Diet?

Cancer is a systemic disease with various causes, some of which include a poor diet, toxin exposure, nutrient deficiencies and to some extent genetics. One extremely important way to prevent and/or treat cancer is nutritionally, through eating a nutrient-dense diet and avoiding things that are known to increase cancer risk.

But for many people navigating the modern-day food system often seems overwhelming. Ingredients in ultra-processed foods are being blamed for everything health-related, from cancer and diabetes, to reduced kidney function and bone loss. Only adding to the confusion, sometimes even the way we cook otherwise-healthy foods puts them in the cancer-causing foods category. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Valley Firefighter a Miracle on 2 Feet

Gilbert Aguirre (West Valley View File Photo)

If the measure of a human is how they bear up when life turns ugly, then Gilbert Aguirre is stronger than all of us, a testament to what can be survived and the power of faith.

His body has been attacked, his spirit shattered, his finances destroyed, his family visited by death. Yet whenever we meet, he hugs me and offers up his small, shy smile.

Husband, father, firefighter, son of God, cancer survivor, plaintiff. Aguirre is all those things. He is also surely the strongest man walking. Continue reading

Cancers and other diseases are “rapidly developing” among people vaccinated against COVID-19

There are many recorded cases of vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. An oncologist in the U.K. has written an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ to warn about the harmful effects of coronavirus vaccines that must be “aired and debated immediately,” especially since cancers and other diseases are quickly progressing among vaccinated people. Continue reading

Big Pharma says new mRNA “vaccines” for cancer and heart disease will be “ready by end of the decade

The corporate-controlled media is leaping with joy over a new range of “vaccines” for conditions like cancer and heart disease that the pharmaceutical industry has slated to unleash by the year 2030.

None other than Moderna, which had never successfully produced a single vaccine before being chosen by the Trump administration for inclusion in the Operation Warp Speed covid “vaccine” scam, is promising to release a slate of new messenger RNA (mRNA) injections for everything from cancer and cardiovascular disease to autoimmune disease and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). Continue reading

Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers

The U.S. government will spend $5 billion on a program to accelerate the development of new coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics, White House officials announced this week. Dubbed “Project NextGen,” the new initiative will serve as the successor to the Trump administration’s “Operation Warp Speed,” launched in March 2020 to expedite the development of COVID-19 vaccines. Similar to Operation Warp Speed, Project NextGen — with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation — will encourage public-private partnerships.

According to Reuters, the project will be managed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which will coordinate across various government agencies and private-sector actors, covering “all phases of development from lab research and clinical trials to delivery.” Continue reading

Frequencies, Part 1: Was Einstein Right About the Future of Medicine?

The first in a two-part series on frequencies explains the intimate relationship between electromagnetism and life and suggests we should question the ever-greater reliance humans have on wireless information and communication systems and the electrosmog they create.

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” ~ Albert Einstein

Have you noticed the upsurge of interest in frequency and energy medicine? Have you even been hooked up to a frequency medicine machine of late — or do you know friends or family who have been? Have you wondered which ones have a decent scientific evidence base behind them — and which ones don’t appear to?

The reality is that frequency medicine is experiencing a renaissance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and there is an increasing diversity of technologies being used.

Some of it is being foisted on the public, including sectors of those that have been injured by COVID-19 vaccines, in an aggressive way, sometimes by way of multi-level marketing enthusiasts with no training or background in the healthcare professions.

Others are touted as miracle cures for absolutely any condition. Continue reading