Category Archives: In the Money

Greed does not heal – it kills.

Sanders Grills Big Pharma CEOs Over Years of Deadly Price Gouging

“We want to know why there are Americans who are dying, or are becoming much sicker than they should, because they can’t afford the medicine they need.”

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday paid his respects to the victims of insulin price gouging in front of the Big Pharma CEOs who are responsible and reiterated the need to make all lifesaving prescription drugs affordable.

Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), opened the panel’s hearing by acknowledging “the many Americans who have needlessly lost their lives because of the unaffordability of insulin” and “the thousands who wound up in emergency rooms and hospitals suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis – a very serious medical condition as a result of rationing their insulin.”

“This is a problem that is unique to the United States.”
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America’s Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription

The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on March 5, 2023, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “Big Pharma.”

I developed a serious cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, seven years ago. It worsened over the past summer and early fall, and over the past six weeks I’ve had several ambulance rides and hospitalizations. And my experience through this illustrates the good side as well as the bad side of medicine today.

On the good side, I was fortunate to have the attention of two world-class doctors who spent six hours, one going inside my heart, the other coming through my chest wall to the outside of my heart, to map electrically the aberrant signals in my heart and to ablate them. Since then, I’ve not had a problem. Continue reading

They hate us, don’t they?

A large portion of patriots rightfully do not trust Big Pharma. Think COVID vaccine. Big Pharma is everywhere – in our food, in our medications, in our supplements and vitamins.

People are spending an EXTRA 100 – 150 dollars a month on supplements via Amazon only to digest chemicals catastrophic to their health.

Many Big Pharma companies come out of Ukraine. You’d be surprised how many herbal companies have their farms in Ukraine on old Soviet Union nuclear testing grounds. People THINK they’re taking healthy supplements, yet they’re digesting radioactive products from radioactive soil without even realizing it.

This is why it is so important now to buy American.

Where do you think supplements Amazon, Walmart, Costco, and Target provide come from? Ukraine. China.

Not only that, Big Pharma now wants to inject chickens and other animals with the mRNA vaccine. They hate us don’t they?

Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers

The U.S. government will spend $5 billion on a program to accelerate the development of new coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics, White House officials announced this week. Dubbed “Project NextGen,” the new initiative will serve as the successor to the Trump administration’s “Operation Warp Speed,” launched in March 2020 to expedite the development of COVID-19 vaccines. Similar to Operation Warp Speed, Project NextGen — with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation — will encourage public-private partnerships.

According to Reuters, the project will be managed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which will coordinate across various government agencies and private-sector actors, covering “all phases of development from lab research and clinical trials to delivery.” Continue reading

EPA Under Fire Over Approval of Cancer-Causing Plastic-Based Fuel

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is facing a lawsuit filed by a community group and questions from a U.S. senator over the agency’s approval of fuels made from discarded plastic under a program the agency touted as “climate-friendly.”

The new scrutiny is in response to an earlier investigation by ProPublica and the Guardian that revealed the EPA approved the new chemicals even though its own scientists calculated that pollution from the production of one of the plastic-based fuels was so toxic that one in four people exposed to it over their lifetime would be expected to develop cancer.

That risk is 250,000 times greater than the level usually considered acceptable by the EPA division that approves new chemicals, and it’s higher than the lifetime risk of cancer for current smokers. Continue reading

Preventing the Latest Texas Two-Step by Koch Industries on Cancer Liability

Bankruptcy was never meant as a panacea for profitable companies to shirk liability claims – especially on an issue as serious as this.

Johnson & Johnson Voluntarily Recalls Baby Powder For Asbestos Contamination
SAN ANSELMO, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 18: In this photo illustration, a container of Johnson’s baby powder made by Johnson and Johnson sits on a table on October 18, 2019 in San Anselmo, California. Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Johnson’s baby powder, announced a voluntary recall of 33,000 bottles of baby powder after federal regulators found trace amounts of asbestos in a single bottle of the product. (Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

A recent legal decision in a case involving Johnson & Johnson (J&J) may ultimately impact the massive profits Koch Industries and its Georgia-Pacific subsidiary have been raking in while sidestepping asbestos liability claims. At the end of January, a federal appeals court ruled that J&J could not shield itself from pending lawsuits arising from exposure to its now off-the-market baby powder by transferring them to a new subsidiary and then declaring that company bankrupt. Continue reading

Shocking and Immoral‘: Report Details Private Equity’s Stranglehold on US Healthcare

“The damage that private equity has wrought on Americans’ healthcare from cradle to grave, simply for profit, has become a life-or-death situation.”

Private equity’s ownership of U.S. healthcare providers is incompatible with the needs and best interests of patients and should be checked with federal legislation, according to a report published Wednesday by the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen. Continue reading

‘Appalling’ Biden Administration Declines to Force Big Pharma to Cut Price of Prostate Cancer Drug

“This decision effectively rubber-stamps continued Big Pharma abuse.”

Activists hit a pinata carrying empty pill bottles during an October 6, 2022 protest against the price of prescription drug costs in front of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) building in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Patient advocates on Tuesday blasted the Biden administration’s refusal to compel the manufacturer of a lifesaving prostate cancer drug developed completely with public funds to lower its nearly $190,000 annual price tag.

In 2021, prostate cancer patient Eric Sawyer petitioned U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra to grant march-in rights — under which the government can grant patent licenses to companies other than a drug’s manufacturer — for enzalutamide, which is sold under the brand name Xtandi by Pfizer and Japanese pharmaceutical giant Astellas. The drug’s development was 100% taxpayer-funded. Continue reading

Here is the Truth: Medicare Advantage Is Neither Medicare Nor an Advantage

“During my two decades in the industry,” writes Potter, “I was part of an annual collaborative effort to persuade lawmakers that Medicare Advantage was far superior to traditional Medicare — real Medicare.” (Photo: designer491 / iStock via Getty Images)

Right now, well-funded lobbyists from big health insurance companies are leading a campaign on Capitol Hill to get Members of Congress and Senators of both parties to sign on to a letter designed to put them on the record “expressing strong support” for the scam that is Medicare Advantage.

But here is the truth: Medicare Advantage is neither Medicare nor an advantage.
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March 3, 2023: Your Health – YOUR Choice!

Pancreatic cancer rates skyrocket as Covid jabs and boosters send toxic spike protein prions into vital organs
…including the pancreas, fueling turbo cancer!

An alarming trend in cancer rates skyrocketing for perfectly healthy people has garnered major attention, even in reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals. What is being termed “turbo cancer” since the Covid vaccines hit the market may be the prime culprit of this disastrous increase in deadly cancer cases, including those of the pancreas, which has the lowest rate of survival of all cancers. Women under 55 years of age, mainly black women, are especially being targeted by pancreatic cancer, according to a report in the Gastroenterology journal recently, and scientists seem befuddled.

Pancreatic cancer cases increasing, causing more than 3% of all cancer deaths in USA… (Continue to full article)

Men can reduce risk of bowel cancer by 20% if they stick to diet high in veg and beans
Men who eat a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils can cut their risk of bowel cancer by more than a fifth, a study has found.

Women were also included in the research but no link between eating lots of plant foods and lower cancer risk was uncovered, which the scientists put down to men having an overall higher risk of the illness.

The study, published in the journal BMC Medicine, involved 79,952 men and 93,475 women around the age of 60 in the US… (Continue to full article)

Researchers develop new blood test that can detect prostate cancer with a claimed 94% accuracy
Researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom have developed a blood test that can detect prostate cancer with 94 percent accuracy.

The 94 percent accuracy rate beats the currently used prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test used around the world, which is only able to accurately detect prostate cancer in one out of four men who test positive.

The screening process the researchers developed is known as the Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) blood test. They believe this new test shows significant potential as an accurate and rapid cancer screening diagnostic… (Continue to full article)

‘Forever’ Chemicals Put Kids at Higher Risk of Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseasesdo no harm
A study published Wednesday found that PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — used in a wide variety of consumer products — disrupt key biological processes, putting children and young adults at higher risk for a broad range of diseases.

Exposure to “forever” chemicals can put children and young adults at higher risk for a broad range of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, according to a study published Wednesday in Environmental Health Perspectives.

Researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California found that PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — used in a wide variety of consumer products — disrupt key biological processes… (Continue to full article)

Millions of Americans are being kept in the dark about toxic trains rumbling through their neighborhoods as railroad companies refuse to disclose which carry hazardous loads
Do you live in the next East Palestine?

Millions of Americans are being kept in the dark about secretive toxic trains like the one that has devastated East Palestine and are moving regularly through their communities, can reveal.

Railroad companies disclose general information on hazardous loads to local authorities and emergency services – but only when asked and even then they only give rough expected annual figures.

Specific details on train times and exact hazmat loads are treated as ‘sensitive information’ by the rail operators and are not disclosed, regulator the Federal Railroad Administration revealed… (Continue to full article)

Florida Issues Health Alert: mRNA COVID Vaccines Caused ‘Substantial Increase’ in Reports of Adverse Events

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., issued a health alert on Wednesday warning that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines caused a “substantial increase” in reports of adverse events in Florida.

The alert was based on a letter he sent earlier this week to the heads of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pointing out the excess risk of adverse events associated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Continue reading

37-Year-Old Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Had to ‘Learn to Walk and Speak Again

In an interview with The Defender, Dedra Long described how she went from a surgical technologist and busy mother of three to an invalid after her employer pressured her to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dedra Long had a fulfilling life, working as a surgical technologist and raising her three children. After contracting COVID-19 in February 2020, and being exposed to it several more times through her job, she developed health problems that led her to seek new employment at a credit union.

In 2021, Long’s new employer began pressuring employees to get vaccinated — and that’s when things took a turn for the worse for Long. Continue reading

The High Cost of Prescription Drugs

Americans often pay extortionate amounts for their prescriptions, but some relief is in sight.

When I was chief of cardiology at Indiana University School of Medicine, I invited a senior executive from a major pharmaceutical company to lecture about new drugs in their pipeline. He delivered a great talk about their discoveries but was unprepared for the first question I asked when he finished.

“Why are prescription drugs so expensive in the U.S. compared to other countries around the world?” Continue reading

Why the American Medical System Is Broken

Anyone who’s recently visited a hospital in America knows the system is broken. Prices are outrageous, answers are slim, and insurance companies are insufferable. Each time I think about how the medical system in America is terrible, one of the only small comforts is that Canada’s healthcare situation is worse.

Still, we didn’t arrive here without a string of bad decisions leading to an overpriced, unhelpful, and increasingly woke medical system. So how did we get here?

Big Pharma, Carnegie, and Rockefeller
One gripe many have with the modern medical system is the rejection of diet, exercise, and natural medicine in favor of big pharma and a palmful of pills. But it wasn’t always this way. Continue reading

‘Do Not Run-We Are Your Friends’

We were told over and over that the Covid vaccines were ‘safe and effective.’

Biden told us if we got the shots, we wouldn’t get Covid, nor would we spread it. Biden parrots what he sees on teleprompter and those words came from so-called scientific ‘authorities.’ Their assurances were lies.

And don’t worry if those gene therapy ‘Fauci Ouchies’ were grossly under-tested. It was an emergency after all, so 10 years of testing in preparation for human treatment could be compressed down to a few months. Nothing could go wrong. After all, science respects emergencies. Especially when huge money is to be made, right? Continue reading