Category Archives: Dr. Kelley’s Kitchen

FOOD and nutrition: The good, the bad, and the ugly, including some excellent recipes and commentary about certain types of food/meals, which have proven to be of benefit. Also some harsh warnings about food and food-related products, which are over-sold, over-bought and over-used, many of which raise questions as to their safety and nutritional value.

After Cancer is cured, Your Diet and Lifestyle as Related to Prevention

As better and better ways of curing cancer are being used, more and more information needs to be printed to safeguard the wonderful life after a person has been cured of cancer. Machines such as the CellSonic VIPP pressure pulse machine and other newer methods of successful treatment bring to our attention that a follow-up cancer cure program is very important.

There are SEVEN very important factors that are related to maintaining your health after successful cancer treatments. These seven factors have been mentioned in the preventive sections of my books, “Preventing Cancer,’ and “Critical Non-Invasive Treatment to help cure Grade III and IV Cancer.” People that have had their cancer cured need to be aware of some very important steps to ensure that they do not fall into the same cancer or disease body cell condition that started the whole episode. They need to stay healthy, wealthy, and (energy) wise. Hopefully to spend a great many years of a wonderful, healthy, disease-free life. Continue reading

19 Cancer Causing Foods You Have To Stop Eating

Photo: Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

You might already know that eating junk food is a major risk factor for cancer. But there are a lot of health foods and diet products which also have carcinogens hiding in them.

What if you don’t eat junk and don’t follow diet fads? Do you know that almost all packaged foods contain certain ingredients which may be cancer causing agents? It’s time to be an informed consumer and vote with your money so that food companies are forced to put good quality, safe products on shelves. Continue reading

Dairy products can increase the risk of cancer, but these plant-based diets can REDUCE it

A study published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association shows that dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer but plant-based diets may decrease that risk. Mayo Clinic researchers based their findings on previous studies that examined the link between certain diets and prostate cancer risk. Continue reading

Why You Should Have Three Fermented Foods in your Refrigerator Today

Fermented foods are prepared refrigerated foods using ingredients that produce live good bacteria to balance the 80 (good/20 (bad) bacteria ratio in your small intestine. They provide a multitude of good benefits including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, increase antibody levels, and help the good bacteria with a great bioelectric electromagnetic balance in your gut. They boost your immune system, create great bacteria, and give your gut several different bacteria to fight the bad guys. Some of these are lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bacilli, lactobacillus casei, and Saccharomyces boulardii. There are multitudes of other good bacteria. Continue reading

Why Hamburgers are the PERFECT Food

Sorry vegans and veggie-burger lovers, you’re not going to like this. I believe hamburgers are the perfect food. I mean hamburgers from REAL, red meat from grass-grazed cattle raised sustainably.

Why is hamburger the perfect food? Let’s talk beef first.

Beef gets slammed as the “red meat” that is often considered unhealthy. But much depends on the source of the beef that determines whether it is ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’. We will get into the grass fed vs. conventionally-raised meat in a bit… Continue reading

Bioelectric Information About Fats and Oils

Study shows the most widely consumed edible oil in the US could be bad for the brain – and that oil from soybeans genetically engineered to be healthier is just as bad

People do not get very much information about fats and oils. Many people consume them every day but may not know if the kind they are consuming is good for their health. There are four different common oils (fats) that people consume. They are polyunsaturated oils, monounsaturated oils, regular saturated fats (oils), and highly saturated fats (oils). Many of them have some good points, but some may be harmful to your health.

The chemical structure of all fats (oils) is a chain of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms. The four main configurations, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, regular saturated, and highly saturated fats react in the body in different ways. Continue reading

What is the Most Important Organ in Your Body?

Forget cutting back calories: The tapeworm diet was all the rage in the 1800s

You are probably going to say, your heart. That may very well be true, but many physicians and researchers say it is the bacteria colony in your small intestine. It is not an organ but controls body functions, health, digestion, energy, body cell health, organ health, the immune system, heart rhythm, brain functions, and in many cases, longevity. Many very important factors are needed to keep your small intestinal colony healthy and well. It all depends on YOUR DIET. What kind of diet do you eat?

Did you know that a certain gut bacteria ratio is needed for you to stay healthy, well, and create maximum energy? There has to be a certain mix of good bacteria (80 percent) and bad bacteria (20 percent) to balance the colony’s health. Continue reading

A Robin in the Garden

How can a person be so lucky as to wake up in the long days of June with the sparrows singing in the open bedroom window? God has given us these long days to enjoy the wonderful world around us that we live in. Everything around us is vibrant, and with beautiful flowers, bushes, and trees. There is a sparrow bush next to the house behind to our bedroom window with about 20 families of sparrows that are making the wonderful sounds we hear when we wake up.

How lucky we are to live in the beautiful northwest United States where we have the opportunity to see, smell, and hear the beauty around us. The other night I saw and heard a barn owl as it sat on the roof of the house next door. That brought thoughts of the people in Venezuela who, because of their communist dictator president, are not as lucky as we are. Venezuela has the resources to be one of the richest nations in the world, but they have even had to eat their birds, cats, dogs, rats, and other small animals to keep from starving. Continue reading

The Health Benefits of Coffee

Drinking coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of all kinds of ailments, including Parkinson’s disease, melanoma, prostate cancer, even suicide.

Americans sure love their coffee. Even last spring when the pandemic shut down New York, nearly every neighborhood shop that sold takeout coffee managed to stay open, and I was amazed at how many people ventured forth to start their stay-at-home days with a favorite store-made brew.

One elderly friend who prepandemic had traveled from Brooklyn to Manhattan by subway to buy her preferred blend of ground coffee arranged to have it delivered. “Well worth the added cost,” she told me. I use machine-brewed coffee from pods, and last summer when it seemed reasonably safe for me to shop I stocked up on a year’s supply of the blends I like. (Happily, the pods are now recyclable.) Continue reading

Why a Food Rating System is Very Important for Your Health, Welfare, and Longevity

90 percent of all people in the U.S. have little knowledge of food nutritional values and the many factors in buying great foods that increases their health and well-being. With the educational system these days being very tardy on teaching nutrition ratings and food values, there is a void in much of the formal information needed to buy valuable nutritious food that contains necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes needed to keep a healthy body. Also, many people and families buy foods that they read about, what their parents bought or food ideas that their friends suggest in buying their foods. Continue reading

How Diet and Inflammation Affect Colon Cancer

The discomfort of colonoscopy is miniscule to the suffering of terminal colon cancer

It’s been said “We are what we eat,” or “garbage in garbage out.” Less catchy advice might be “Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, rather than a pro-inflammatory one.” It could make the difference in the likelihood of developing a malignancy of the large bowel. Not many people realize that if you take away skin cancers, colon cancer is the third most common malignancy in North America.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Oncology, points out a strong association between chronic inflammation and the risk of colon cancer. Continue reading

You Don’t Need Meat–Unless It’s Synthetic

I am glad I do not live in the state of Oregon. It is beginning to sound more and more like the state on the East Coast that my family and I managed to escape from decades ago now. The political climate there was so far to the left you could cut it with a knife. That’s not to say there were not good people there. There were, and are. But the good folks there that were patriotic and had genuine concerns about the direction their state was headed in were a minority. Continue reading

The Soil, Energy, Cations, Anions and Lemons

The energy in our bodies is directly related to the soil. The soil produces the 67+ minerals and nutrients that are needed in our bodies. The most wonderful thing is that these minerals and nutrients are related to our body cells and the energy our body needs to operate, digest foods, move around, think, and most of all, feed our intestinal bacteria so we can stay healthy and live a long happy, great quality of life. Continue reading