Doctors say cancer cells are smart, and can target vital organs, take them over, and shut down your life. Cancer is a disorder of the cells, where they mutate and multiply uncontrollably. It’s very common in America, but doctors and oncologists are clueless when it comes to beating cancer. They use chemicals, surgery and radiation, usually to no avail, to stave off the inevitable just a few years. Yet, cancer barely even existed in America 100 years ago, so how is this lethal serial killer that attacks one in every three Americans, and kills half of those, able to hone in on vital cleansing organs and take people out like flies? Continue reading
Category Archives: Cancer
The Vaccine-Cancer Atrocity
Like clockwork, most vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas and start growing accelerated CANCER tumors that will kill them over the next ten years
The elephant in the room with covid vaccines is not merely that they are erasing the immune systems of those who take the jabs, but that the destruction of immune function will lead to an unprecedented acceleration in cancer tumor growth that will overwhelm the medical system and kill tens of millions over the next decade.
The vaccine holocaust, it seems, is going to be felt as a “cancer tsunami” that will somehow be blamed on everything else except vaccines. Continue reading
Vitamin D: Government Should Have Promoted to Combat Pandemic
Medical evidence strongly justifies a proactive approach for using vitamin D
There seems to be an endless refusal by the public health establishment to fight the pandemic with the best science-based tools. Instead, they keep pushing vaccines.
Great German research provides unequivocal medical evidence that the government should be strongly advocating two actions: 1. Take vitamin D supplements and 2. Have your blood tested for vitamin D. Continue reading
Louden: How a Nutrition Value System may add Years to Your Life
What is a Nutrition food value system? It is a system that may add increased energy, a great immune system, increased vitality, and may add many healthy years to your life.
For many years I have been working to develop a nutrition food value rating system. I recognized that a person’s energy, health, and longevity are related to their bioelectric body cell system, health, energy, immune system, and longevity. A nutrition value rating system is a valuable tool that uses nutritional, electromagnetic, ionic/cationic, and 80/20 gut bacteria to analyze what foods a person can eat to balance the 80/20 gut bacteria ratio in your small intestine. Continue reading
After Cancer is cured, Your Diet and Lifestyle as Related to Prevention
As better and better ways of curing cancer are being used, more and more information needs to be printed to safeguard the wonderful life after a person has been cured of cancer. Machines such as the CellSonic VIPP pressure pulse machine and other newer methods of successful treatment bring to our attention that a follow-up cancer cure program is very important.
There are SEVEN very important factors that are related to maintaining your health after successful cancer treatments. These seven factors have been mentioned in the preventive sections of my books, “Preventing Cancer,’ and “Critical Non-Invasive Treatment to help cure Grade III and IV Cancer.” People that have had their cancer cured need to be aware of some very important steps to ensure that they do not fall into the same cancer or disease body cell condition that started the whole episode. They need to stay healthy, wealthy, and (energy) wise. Hopefully to spend a great many years of a wonderful, healthy, disease-free life. Continue reading
Tell Children the Truth
What I learned when I told my 5-year-old boys that I had cancer

Courtesy Joanna Neborsky
The day I was diagnosed with cancer—serious cancer, out-of-the-blue cancer—I reeled out of the doctor’s office and onto the familiar street. My children’s dentist was on that block, and the Rite Aid where we got cheap toys after their checkups. Just an hour and a half earlier, I’d walked down that street and my world had been safe and whole—my two little boys, my good husband, my career as a writer just beginning to unfold. My life! I hadn’t even known to give it a backward glance.
In the car, I was gripped by two thoughts, both about my children, Patrick and Conor, who were about to turn 5. The first was that there was only one bright spot in this terror, but it was a big one: The cancer had struck me instead of them. At least the boys were safe. Continue reading
Understanding Body Cell Voltage and The Foundation of Health
Most people do not know what electron theft is. However, it is one of the most important atom molecular cell reactions that occur in the human body. It relates to the voltage of the body and brain cells.
With all of the literature these days, most health articles and publications do not mention one of the most important causes of poor health. Physicians and health authorities should be talking about electron theft instead of using drugs to treat mostly low-voltage body cells and diseases. Low body cell voltage is the cause of over 90 percent of all diseases in your body. Yet how many physicians ask you, how is your voltage? By the way, did you measure your voltage this morning? I did. Were you leaning toward being healthy or unhealthy? Continue reading
The Kelley Regimen
“It is extremely effective and rather inexpensive. Those who are willing to faithfully and tediously follow it will be successful. Those who follow it in part or haphazardly will be completely unsuccessful”.
Publisher’s NOTE: What follows was probably written soon after Kelley’s death in 2005, however there are hints that portions of the body may in fact have been written in the mid to late 1980’s but there is no certainty – just a couple of hints that I would recognize. If the former, then indications are that the original author may in fact have updated the original writing.
ALSO – although I have searched incessantly – I am unable to find the original source of this post, ie – no author’s name, no on-line links – NOTHING! If the original author should come out of the darkness, or a reader is able to guide us accordingly, we will be more than happy to correct this error. It is never our intent to take credit for something that we have not written. (As of August 18, 2021, after re-reading this post – I begin to have suspicions as to who the author MAY be. ~ Ed).
What you are about to read, allows us to fit more pieces of the Kelley puzzle into position. I was privileged to share this commentary with my audience on my then broadcast of ‘To Health With You‘ on October 25, 2017 and broadcast live once again on August 25, 2021.
Jeffrey Bennett
Editor and Publisher of the works of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. Continue reading
How to Boost Your Immune System, Prevent Disease, and Help Cure Cancer
In many foreign countries, the cancer rates of people having cancer are very low. In the U.S. it is expected that 2 out of every three Americans will have cancer in their lifetime. Secondly, the disease rates in many foreign countries are very low. Why then are so many Americans having so many diseases and cancer? Today, my BULLETIN will discuss many different ways to boost the immune system, prevent disease and cancer. The following procedures and treatments are part of a summary of my cancer books, “Preventing Cancer,” and “Non-Invasive Treatments to Help Cure Grade III and IV Cancer.” Continue reading
If You were Told Yesterday, “You have Cancer,” How Would you Choose to Treat it?
Today I am going to go over some options for people that have been diagnosed with cancer. There are many ways to treat cancer and some new ways that are noninvasive, comprehensive, and not injurious to the immune system and surrounding body cells and tissues. In the last few years, there have been many NEW CANCER TREATMENT ADVANCES in countries all over the world. There are some new choices of treatment, plus some very safe, complete cancer bioelectric machines and clinics that have an 85 to 90 percent curing rate for most cancers. Continue reading
Nightbirde: ‘I have more cancer than liver right now’
America’s Got Talent singer who had to quit show amid ‘devastating’ cancer battle reveals horrific realities of her illness – but insists it won’t stop her from achieving musical success
Former America’s Got Talent contestant Nightbirde, who earned a Golden Buzzer from Simon Cowell before dropping out of the competition show due to her battle with cancer, has updated fans on the ‘devastating’ news she received about her health and her deteriorating condition.
Jane Marczewski, who goes by the stage name Nightbirde, amazed the America’s Got Talent judges and viewers alike when she performed a poignant original song for her audition in June — but less than two months later, she stunned everyone again by announcing that she had to quit because her cancer had ‘taken a turn for the worse.’ Continue reading
Battling skin cancer: Vitamin D may be used to boost anti-tumor activity
British researchers have found that vitamin D helps fight a serious form of skin cancer known as melanoma. In a study published in the journal Cancer Research, they reported that increasing vitamin D levels can help suppress a signaling pathway linked to the growth and spread of melanoma cells. Continue reading
WARNING: Chemo may be linked to cancer relapses in patients with leukemia
It’s incredibly devastating to experience a relapse after cancer goes into remission, but for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the possibility is all too real. In fact, as many as 1 in 5 kids who undergo chemotherapy for the disease will relapse, even if they were in complete remission, and now it appears that the very chemotherapy that could be helping them initially is actually making the situation worse. Continue reading
Olivia Newton-John says she feels ‘very good’ since cancer diagnosis
‘There are a lot of herbs I take’
The star launched the Olivia Newton-John Foundation, which helps research ‘plant-based medicine and other holistic and wellness therapies’
Olivia Newton-John has a new update concerning her health.
The singer/actress was first diagnosed with cancer in 1992 and overcame the illness once more in 2013. In 2017, the “Grease” star was told that cancer had metastasized and spread to her bones.
The 72-year-old recently told Closer Weekly that she feels “good.” Continue reading
The Origin of Diseases – the Perfect Storm
The origin of diseases is not what you think it is. Most diseases do not start when the doctor discovers that you have rheumatoid arthritis, alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, thrush, and/or many other diseases. It starts inside the small and large intestines with a chronic Candida fungus infestation. It is a startling fact that over 45 percent of all Americans and one billion people worldwide have this silent, chronic devastating debilitating yeast (fungus). The by-products from it are devastating. It producing TOXINS that cause INFLAMMATION of the gut wall. From there it creates LEAKY GUT, allowing tiny food particles, protein particles, Candida fungus, parasite larvae, bad bacteria, bad viruses, molds, and other very bad critters to enter the bloodstream. Continue reading