Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Kelley: Cancer, Your Health and YOU!

NOTE: Once again as in the past, the following was the basis for my broadcast of August 18, 2021. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher of the works of Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS.

William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS

We are all ignorant – on different subjects. We all remain ignorant until we can accept the facts. Most of us choose to remain ignorant – it’s stylish. All of us doctors choose to remain ignorant – it’s most profitable. Over the past several years, being plunged into this cancer zoo, it has come to our consciousness that patients (i.e., Cancer victims) are more intelligent than we doctors.

There is not one doctor in the world today who treats cancer. First of all, it takes common sense. Second, it is against the law – against the Establishment’s wishes. Third, most doctors do not know what cancer is and deliberately, with malice aforethought, choose to remain ignorant on the subject. Fourth, it is impossible for a doctor to treat your cancer – only you can treat your cancer. Continue reading

VICTORY Over Cancer

The following was originally published on this site on November 11, 2010 – approximately five years before the complete restoration of Dr. Kelley’s seminal endeavor of the 1960’s through the early to mid-2000’s. Originally titled, ‘One Answer to Cancer,’ and later re-titled ‘CANCER: Curing the Incurable‘ – a book which, due to a lack of understanding of the program and protocols – Kelley’s then Editor and Publisher left many short-comings and omissions – which brought us to the current, final and full restoration – AND expansion – ‘Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation‘ – It has all been a very long – and for me – a twenty-plus year blessed journey – both during Dr. Kelley’s last seven years on this Earth, but also with a long-standing and continual relation with his family and the Kelley Foundation – and so the Victory remains – if YOU wish it to be so.

The following is comprised and edited from excerpts from Dr. Kelley’s written words and lectures of nearly four decades. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher of the works of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. Continue reading

Loudon: How Food enzymes are a Protector of Health and Well Being

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Until recently, enzymes were believed to be digestive enzymes limited to the mouth, stomach, and pancreas. Studies by enzyme researchers have found digestive enzymes produce only a small part of the digestion process.

The importance of digestive tract enzymes is only a small portion of enzyme duties in humans. This is not fully understood by most doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, teachers, and people. If it were more understood, many more articles and publications would explain that there are three types of enzymes that are essential for the wellness of people. They are DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, METABOLIC enzymes, and PROTEOLYTIC enzymes. Doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, teachers, and most people receive very little information about metabolic and proteolytic enzymes. Continue reading

Doctors are seeing 75% increase in Cancer result of jab

Even Healthcare experts as Dr. Malone trusted our government…

Dr. Robert Malone Shares Jab Injury Story, “The Second Shot Almost Did Me In”

“…some vaccines are ‘hot,’ and are less safe…”

Dr. Robert Malone recently took to his Substack account to share the details of his COVID jab injury he sustained earlier in 2021, which in his subsequent research having also learned that various “Moderna batches” of the jab have been causing much of the jab injuries.

In his post to Substack, Dr. Malone admitted that he’s never considered himself to be an “anti-vax” individual, pointing to how he’s spent a majority of his career working with vaccines. Noting his work in the aforementioned field, he was aware “that some vaccines are ‘hot,’ and are less safe” for some of the more dangerous viruses “like Ebola or Yellow fever.” Continue reading

Important Facts about Grains, Obesity, Diabetes, and Cancer

Grains have been part of our diets for thousands of years. I read where recently, some grain seeds were found in a tomb in Egypt. Some of the seeds, when planted, actually grew!

The original grains that people ate hundreds of years ago have undergone many genetic changes, making the grains now almost entirely different from the original species. Genetic changes mostly have been for the better. However, some of the new genetic changes with GMO grains, for the most part, have been very controversial. Many researchers have questioned these genetic changes, stating that they are not helping people stay healthy. Also, the use of many pesticides has challenged the efficacy and safety of these pesticides used on grains for human consumption. Many lawsuits are now underway, concerning glyphosate, or Roundup – a pesticide sprayed on corn, soy, some grains, and many other crops. Continue reading

Cancer, the Disease of sugar, carbohydrates, and Oxygen deprivation

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Cancer is a dreaded disease. At the present time, it strikes one out of every man and one out of every three women in their lifetime. Why is cancer so deadly? It is because it is so hard to detect, hard to keep from spreading, and destroy. Most of the time, cancer cells have been in the body and spreading, thirty nine months before it is detected.

Just before World War II Hitler was planning to eradicate as many Jewish people as possible. He also was planning and building a war machine in which he could conquer all of Europe. Hitler had many serious things to plan and worry about. He also had a weird obsession that he would get cancer. His mother had died from cancer and he recently had a polyp removed from his vocal cord.

Although he disliked Jewish people, he knew one Jewish doctor who he thought was a brilliant scientist, and who could find the cure for cancer. His name was Dr. Otto Warburg. He had been working on the origin and cure for cancer for some time. Hitler knew he could not get rid of Dr. Warburg, even if he was a Jewish doctor. Continue reading

I Almost Died and Went Bankrupt from Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma

Here Is What I Endured and How I Survived Financially

I came a hairs breath away from death because of metastatic melanoma in March 2021.

It started as a mole on my shoulder blade in 2016 that came back as melanoma. I was concerned, but it seemed like they caught it in time and I was told there wasn’t anything I needed to worry about. Fast forward two years later, it had spread to my right armpit, and in November 2019, it was diagnosed as Stage III Metastatic Melanoma. I underwent Immunotherapy in January of 2020. After three rounds, it almost destroyed my liver. I had to stop treatments and take prednisone for months. Continue reading

Loudon: Why are so Many Younger People getting Cancer

But Jimmy – there are cures for Cancer!

The following was submitted to Kettle Moraine Publications for publishing on May 16, 2022, but was lost in a fiasco in our computer system. It has recently been relocated and we are happy to submit it to our readers for your consideration.

Since it’s original submission – America and the world has been bombarded with Covid and massive vaccinations which were labelled as “experimental” – hence – no guarantees or submissions of compensation from insurance companies. In recent postings on this site, it has been discovered that the increase of cancer due to these horrendous vaccines has proven to have caused an increase in the diagnosis and deaths via cancer.   ~ Editor
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Loudon: Pancreatic Enzymes, Why You Might Consider a Preventive dosage

I would not have the important information on today’s column without the great help of several wonderful friends that have contributed to today’s subject.

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One: Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher of Dr. William D. Kelley’s great book, “Victory over Cancer.” Jeffrey worked closely with Dr. Kelley for the last seven years of his life and has committed his life to spreading the word and occasional counsel.  Jeffrey has been a great advocate of pancreatic enzymes mentioned in Dr. Kelley’s book, especially solozymes. Dr. Kelley contributed solozymes as a big factor in curing his pancreatic cancer after the oncologists had given up on him and gave him 2 to 4 months to live. He stated that without solozymes, he may not have been able to cure his cancer. If you or your friends or relatives want to prevent or have cancer, it may be wise to order Dr. Kelly’s book, “Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation.” You can also email Jeffrey at [email protected], or call 602 799 8214 Continue reading

A Cancer Treatment Makes Leukemia Vanish, but Creates More Mysteries

Two early recipients of CAR T immunotherapy were free of a blood cancer nearly a decade after receiving the therapy.

A colorized scanning electron micrograph of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a type of leukemia that affects B cells and accounts for a quarter of new leukemia cases each year. Credit…Keith R. Porter/Science Source

Doug Olson was feeling kind of tired in 1996. When a doctor examined him she frowned. “I don’t like the feel of those lymph nodes,” she said, poking his neck. She ordered a biopsy. The result was terrifying. He had chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a blood cancer that mostly strikes older people and accounts for about a quarter of new cases of leukemia.

“Oh Lordy,” Mr. Olson said. “I thought I was done for.” He was only 49 and, he said, had always been healthy. Continue reading

A Critique of the Kelley Nutritional-Metabolic Cancer Program

Editor’s NOTE: The time of this writing was 2003. Dr. Kelley passed in January of 2005. In addition, Nicholas Gonzalez has also left us – with a highly questionable demise. What follows was first posted on this site on August 26, 2015. In addition, it was made an integral part of Dr. Kelley’s seminal treatise on cancer, re-titled, Victory Over Cancer: without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation, expanded and published in 2015. It is time to bring this study of Kelley’s work back to the front page once more. (J.B.)

Dr. Kelley developed the Kelley Nutritional-Metabolic Cancer Program in the 1960s which involves four major components: pancreatic enzymes, nutrition, detoxification and spirituality. The Kelley Program defines cancer according to Dr. Beard’s theory that states that cancer is a normal, necessary part of life… Continue reading

The Importance of Diet and Lifestyle after Cancer is Cured

People that have been treated for cancer and other diseases are often left with no directions as to what nutrition to eat that will keep cancer and other diseases from reoccurring. A synopsis of great bio-electric foods is needed and the following information is designed for those who have cured their cancer and would like to keep cancer and other diseases from reoccurring. These recommendations will also be very helpful for any person who would like to prevent diseases from occurring in their body. Continue reading