NOTE: Once again as in the past, the following was the basis for my broadcast of August 18, 2021. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher of the works of Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS.

William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS
We are all ignorant – on different subjects. We all remain ignorant until we can accept the facts. Most of us choose to remain ignorant – it’s stylish. All of us doctors choose to remain ignorant – it’s most profitable. Over the past several years, being plunged into this cancer zoo, it has come to our consciousness that patients (i.e., Cancer victims) are more intelligent than we doctors.
There is not one doctor in the world today who treats cancer. First of all, it takes common sense. Second, it is against the law – against the Establishment’s wishes. Third, most doctors do not know what cancer is and deliberately, with malice aforethought, choose to remain ignorant on the subject. Fourth, it is impossible for a doctor to treat your cancer – only you can treat your cancer. Continue reading