What you are about to read, is one of many articles published on this site since the year 2000, regarding the misuse of prescription drugs to “control” supposed “out of control” children. The category, “A Spoonful of Sugar,” relates more to the dietary habits, which seem to have a greater affect on these children.
As a former assistant Scout-Master of a Boy Scout Troop, which seemed to draw more of its fair share of “ADD/ADHD” diagnosed children – the common denominator in their homes, was bowls of sugar – candy – cookies, cakes and pies. Every kind of dessert imaginable, but poor overall dietary habits, many of which, were mirrored on our frequent Troop camping trips. “Don’t forget the Chitos and the M&M’s!“
And the Doctors? Well, they seem to dispense this stuff as if it were candy! (Ed.) Continue reading