Curcumin in Turmeric STARVES CANCER CELLS to Death

The polyphenol curcumin, which is responsible for the bright orange-yellow color of turmeric (Curcuma longa), appears to have preventative and therapeutic effectss against various types of cancers. Over 4,500 published peer-reviewed studies have shown curcumin to prevent cancer progression through a variety of mechanisms – by reducing inflammation, preventing chemical stress from radiotherapy and chemotherapy, […]

New Link Discovered Between Heart Disease and Cancer

Some doctors recommend comprehensive treatment strategies that address the cause of disease over the ‘silver bullet’ approach of targeting symptoms. Columbia University Irving Medical Center researchers have discovered that smooth muscle cells (SMC) in arteries can behave like cancer cells, worsening atherosclerosis. Their study, published in Circulation, suggests that anticancer drugs could help prevent heart […]

The Cancer Dies When You Eat These 5 Foods Time to Start Eating Them

You already know that fruits and vegetables are good for you… According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 1,762,450 new cancer cases were diagnosed before the end of 2019. Of that number, approximately 606,880 Americans, nearly 1,662 each day, died. After heart disease, cancer is still the second-leading cause of death in the U.S. […]

Therapeutic Use of Herbal Treatment for Cancer!

Medicinal herbs and their phytocompounds are being increasingly considered to be helpful in alternative cancer treatments. Many clinical studies have reported the benefits of herbal medicines on cancer patients’ survival, immune modulation, and quality of life. Some clinical trials used these herbal medicines in combination with conventional therapeutics. These studies investigated the use of herbal […]

Turmeric Has Many Purported Health Benefits. Does Science Back Any of Them Up?

At the end of 2019, it was reported that turmeric, a spice that was once only known to Southeast Asia, had racked up $328 million in annual U.S. sales as a dietary supplement. It’s only increased in popularity in the years since as many supplement companies have heavily marketing its health benefits. Some of those […]

Plants against cancer: Eighteen 100% natural phytochemicals that prevent and treat cancers

Cancer chemoprevention with natural phytochemical compounds is an emerging strategy to prevent, impede, delay or cure cancer. Below are 18 phytochemicals, or compounds, produced by plants that scientists believe can protect cells from damage that could lead to cancer, as studied in the research article published in Anti-cancer Agents in Medical Chemistry.

04.26.23 ~ Dr. Kelley’s Kitchen

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Juice Every Day There’s no denying that juice is tasty. But is this beloved beverage doing more harm to your health than good? A registered dietitian weighs in. Juice is a delicious and refreshing beverage whether you prefer it fresh-squeezed or straight out of the carton. But […]

Skin Cancer Symptoms + Natural Therapies & Prevention

Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime? Each year more than 5 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer are treated and there are more new cases of skin cancer than cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon combined. In fact, over the course of the past […]

Twelve Great Superfoods Needed for Brain Acuity, Mental Alertness, and Mental Health

Your brain is the epicenter of your health. A great thinking brain requires a fresh, raw plant, bush, and tree food diet that ensures mental acuity, a razor-sharp memory, and an alert learning system. If we could look back and find the secrets of thinking that great scientists required, we would probably find that these […]

New Information on Nitric Oxide

Several months ago I wrote about nitric oxide (NO). I mentioned Louis Ignarro, one of the three people that got a Nobel prize for their discovery of Nitric oxide, where it is produced in the body, and what it does. Louis Ignarro calls it “the Miracle Molecule,” because it does so many great extremely important […]

The Hercules of Daily Supplements

If Hercules can lift a one-ton rock, it would be no greater of a feat than what turmeric does to help the health of your body. I once read an article about turmeric that listed 50 different reasons on how turmeric helps the immune system, Nitrous oxide (oxygen) utilization, subdues inflammation, and helps control 47 […]