Mushroom Nutrition Benefits: Cancer Fighters and Cell Renewers

When it comes to sticking to a healthy diet, disease-fighting mushrooms check off all the boxes: They’re low in carbohydrates and calories, but a great source of B vitamins, trace minerals, fiber and even protein. Mushrooms are also an anti-inflammatory food, and mushroom nutrition contains high levels of beta-glucan compounds that keep immune cells alert, […]

Slow Metabolism: 5 Reasons Why This Happens

You have been trying hard to follow a strict diet, spending hours in the gym, waking up too early and sleeping early, among other efforts to lose or maintain your weight. Meanwhile, some people are just waiting for the next season of Stranger Things, Black Mirror and Lucifer but are still in good shape and […]

Nutrition and Cancer ~ “The Gonzalez Study

    Dr. Nicholas James Gonzalez, who practiced in New York City before his untimely death in 2015, used an innovative nutritional protocol to successfully treat far advanced cancer patients. As a classically trained immunologist, he approached this innovative therapy with a great deal of skepticism, but became convinced of its value during an exhaustive […]

The EPA says a chemical in Monsanto’s weed-killer doesn’t cause cancer — but there’s compelling evidence the agency is wrong

Editor’s NOTE: Correct me if I am wrong, but in reading through this posting, although the writer does alright presenting both sides of the case, to me it appears that she is more supportive of the Bayer-Monsanto position. As for me – I spent 21 months ‘In Country.” I did not love the “smell of […]

April 4, 2019 ~ The Facebook Chronicles

An interesting hour on Facebook tonight. As always there are posts to smile about, cry about, get angry about, but of course – what bothers me is having put efforts into posting information that is submitted to educate and help people. No foul language – no smart-aleck comments – just superb, well researched information – […]

TOXIC LEGACY: Poisonous dust from 9/11 attack has given almost 10,000 New Yorkers cancer

The federal World Trade Center Health Program has counted 9,795 first responders and other New Yorkers with cancer deemed 9/11-related With the 17th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks a month away, the federal World Trade Center Health Program has counted 9,795 first responders and other New Yorkers with cancer deemed 9/11-related.