
This what you are about to read was written quite some years ago by the author, and in fact has been in my files since November 1, 2000. Has anything really changed? I submit that there has been a growing awareness of much that she wrote about back then. ~ Ed Vaccines are injections of […]

The Top 10 Poisons To Keep Away From Your Child

From BPA, MSG, pesticides, environmental chemicals, household cleaners, toxins in vaccines and prescription drugs, our children are exposed to a huge amount of toxic chemicals. Toxins are everywhere in our modern society. They are damaging your child’s health and causing disease. How can you get these chemicals out of your children’s bodies and protect them? […]

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children’s IQ

At least when it comes to topical application, you have a choice. You can easily buy fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash. But you’re stuck with whatever your community puts in the water, and it’s very difficult to filter out of your water once it’s added. A recently-published Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of […]

The Real Reason Americans are Getting Dumber

It happened subtly, over the course of a decade or two. Household cleaners went from being largely soap-based to primarily chemical-based. Cosmetics such as lipstick and blush went from being made from bees wax, plant-based extracts, and strawberries to being pumped full of lead, parabens, and synthetic dyes. A loaf of bread went from being […]

The elephant in the room…

Why isn’t anyone talking about the link between psychiatric medications and mass shootings? The “March For Our Lives” gun-grabbers have convinced themselves that the only way to stop mass shootings in the United States is to prohibit law-abiding Americans from owning firearms. But what these brainwashed leftists fail (or willfully refuse) to acknowledge is the […]

Spring Has Sprung: Monsanto’s Roundup Kills Everything In Our World

Life springs eternal with the advent of spring! Frisbees fly around city parks. Girls wear short-shorts. Dogs sprint across the yard. Butterflies grace the colorful flowers while hummingbirds zip around like crazed fighter pilots. Grasses turn the landscape green while trees bud into full foliage. Ah, yes, the promise of spring inspires everyone in America…

More than one million children under age 6 are on psychiatric drugs

… parents don’t know what they’re getting into Are children in the United States being over-medicated? According to some recent statistics, it surely looks that way. Over a million children six years of age or under are prescribed a psychiatric medication. Overall, more than eight million kids in America are on some sort of psychotropic […]

Unprecedented Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation in US Based on Neurotoxicity Studies

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), along with a coalition of environmental and public health groups has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to their denial of our petition under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) […]

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker?

It’s never been done before. The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American homeschooled children shows who is really ailing…and parents should be worried Something is wrong with America’s children. They are sick – allergic, asthmatic, anxious, autoimmune, autistic, hyperactive, distracted and learning disabled. Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of them – […]

Vaccinated Children Have a 700% Higher Chance of Neurodevelopmental Disorder

On Valentine’s Day, a 34-page study that illustrated some of the harmful effects of vaccination was made available for viewing online. Six hours later, the URL had vanished, and the study was seemingly erased from the depths of the internet — likely in the hopes that the “controversial” information it contained would be forgotten.