Men can reduce risk of bowel cancer by 20% if they stick to diet high in veg and beans

Men who eat a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils can cut their risk of bowel cancer by more than a fifth, a study has found.

Women were also included in the research but no link between eating lots of plant foods and lower cancer risk was uncovered, which the scientists put down to men having an overall higher risk of the illness. Continue reading

Battling cancer and preventing cancer recurrence with cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables may hold the key to stopping the progression and recurrence of cancer. Researchers at South Dakota State University (SDState) reported that a compound from cruciferous vegetables called phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) can halt tumor formation and metastasis in mice bearing transplanted cancer stem cells (CSCs). PEITC can also stop the proliferation of cultured CSCs, which are heavily implicated in tumor recurrence. These findings suggest that PEITC could greatly benefit cancer patients and survivors. Continue reading

13 Health Benefits of Green Tea

What is special about green tea? If you have asked such questions, you’re in the right place for answers.

China boasts the largest green tea consumers in the world. Next on the list is Japan. The Chinese account for 50% of the world’s total green tea consumption. So you can guess how valuable the beverage is.

Green tea’s incredible therapeutic value is the reason for its high demand in China, Japan, and the rest of the world.

Green tea can prevent several deadly diseases. Increased green tea consumption has also been linked to the Japanese long life expectancy. Furthermore, this beverage contains tons of bioactive ingredients, which have numerous health benefits. Continue reading

Loudon: Your Brain Determines Your Future

Your Brain is far more complex than the largest computer in the world, or the panel on an electric atomic power plant. It is so powerful that it controls and navigates you throughout your whole life.

A person cannot put a value on thinking and thinking skills. Lets us start by asking. What is thinking? Thinking is a unique, silent, selective, non-material, low energetic, electromagnetic process in which a person dreams, reasons, calculates, evaluates, perceives, receives senses, conserves, remembers, conceptualizes, organizes, and disorganizes, creates, exercises, AND DETERMINES the future of their lives.

Your future life, education, work ethic, competitiveness, security, home environment, living, working conditions, nutrition, goals, and ambitions is determined by the path your brain is on and where it leads you. Continue reading

PART 2: Eating Two cups of Fruits and three cups of Vegetables Every Day?

Today’s post continues with the 14 Foods that are recommended with the weekly list of electromagnetic alkaline live fresh and lightly cooked food that is recommended for each week. These foods keep your body cells, blood, immune system, energy, and health operating on all sixteen cylinders. In the last post, I did not mention seven other physicians who have reversed heart disease, diabetes, and many other diseases with this new scientifically proven electromagnetic diet. If you, your relatives, neighbors, or friends are interested in staying healthy, then following these three nutritionists and seven physicians on GOOGLE would be of great benefit. The Seven physicians are Drs. Caldwell Emerson, Neil Bernard, John McDougal, Colin Campbell, Michael Klapper, Dean Ornish, and Dr. Alan hammer. Continue reading

New study questions the effectiveness of colonoscopies

Colonoscopies are a dreaded rite of passage for many middle-age adults. The promise has been that if you endure the awkwardness and invasiveness of having a camera travel the length of your large intestine once every decade after age 45, you have the best chance of catching – and perhaps preventing – colorectal cancer. It’s the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Some 15 million colonoscopies are performed in the US each year.

Now, a landmark study suggests the benefits of colonoscopies for cancer screening may be overestimated. Continue reading

Huff: People are getting cancer from Covid jabs ~ but the TRUTH is being HIDDEN

An insider who claims to be a former intelligence official is warning that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause cancer, and the government is covering up the truth.

Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the age of Operation Warp Speed, according to seven out of the 11 International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes tracked by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, and it all began around the first week of April 2021. Continue reading

America’s Adderall shortage deepens…

“A Spoonful of Medicine makes the Medicine go Down…” – and there was a reason for this category on this site…

WARNING: The purpose of this post – is NOT to promote Adderall or any drug at all – but there were reasons that these drugs were given to our students as far back as the 1960’s. Back in those days, students were beginning to be labelled for not showing enough interest in what and how edjoocachun was being conducted… many students were showing signs of boredom and hence were being labelled as ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Back in the day – schools were being awarded funding of about $450.00 per month – PER student – to label students as such – and the public school system was then able to hire “Special” counselors to deal with those type children. Do you believe that things have changed in America?

In my case, I became so ‘bored’ that by the end of the third week of my Senior year of High School – I walked out and chose to join the military. WHY? Because – yes – I had become so bored with the early days of the baby-sitting mentality. It was becoming ‘mind-control‘ and there was no longer a challenge in the form that many of my mentor’s had spent so many years teaching us. Mrs. King, Mrs. Otis (she was HOT) – and my main mentor – the teacher whom this site has been dedicated to – Donald Adair.

If the system is trying to con your students into more drugs – get them OUT – NOW! ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor (Continue to FULL presentation…)

A Bad Bet: “Big Pharma Rolls The Dice With Your Life… SNAKE EYES?”

The vaccine makers, also known as Big Pharma, cannot be sued when their vaccines cause death or disabling side effects.

Back in the mid 80s, Big Pharma faced a great many lawsuits for damages caused by their vaccines. They lost a great many of those lawsuits. Instead of making safer vaccines, Big Pharma instead unleashed their lobbyists to pressure the government into protecting them with advantageous legislation. Continue reading

What Does Turmeric, Cottage Cheese, and Garlic do for Your Body?

Foods from the ‘alkaline’ side include fresh seasonal fruit

A good alkaline live food diet will produce great microorganisms in our small intestines. They secrete all sorts of chemicals needed for a healthy alert mind and body. New studies have found that the gut microbiomes work both with the neural pathways in the brain and body. They enhance the mental acuity of the neurons, axons, and dendrites. This has brought out another way that some scientists refer to intestinal bacteria as “the second brain.” Did you know that serotonin (a hormone that makes people feel good) is produced in the gut microbiome, not in the brain?

On the other hand, a bad diet of excess sugar, sugar derivatives, omega-6 oils bought on the grocery shelves, white flour products, preservatives, and refined and processed foods produce very bad gut toxins and inflammation of the gut walls that cause havoc to your brain and body health. Continue reading

Americans are giving a big thumbs down to their healthcare system!

More than half bashing the sector and by wide margins knocking nursing homes, prescription drug costs and mental health care.

An AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey on Monday found just 12 percent of respondents said health care was handled well in the U.S., and fewer still said nursing homes and mental health care were up to scratch.

The poll of some 1,500 adults shows how an overwhelming majority of Americans, nearly 8 in 10, say they are at least moderately concerned about getting access to quality health care when they need it.

It comes after health systems have struggled to handle everything from Covid-19 to monkeypox, and as hospitals nationwide are beset by staffing shortages and worker burnout from the pandemic. Continue reading

Johnson & Johnson and a New War on Consumer Protection

The company has spent billions on cases about one of its most popular products. As its executives try a brazen new legal strategy to stop the litigation, corporate America takes note.

God gives you only one body, Deane Berg always said, so you’d better take care of the one you’ve got. A physician assistant at the veterans’ hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, she knew that spotting between periods wasn’t unusual for a forty-nine-year-old woman, but she went to the doctor anyway. Her two daughters had already lost their father to lung cancer, so Berg wanted to stick around.

Just perimenopause, the doctor concluded after a cursory examination. Probably a blood clot, the nurse practitioner told her when a subsequent ultrasound showed something on an ovary. “It’s not going to be cancer,” the gynecological surgeon said before removing both ovaries on the day after Christmas in 2006. But, when Berg went for her follow-up, she read the words on the pathology report before the surgeon had a chance to break the news: serous carcinoma. She cried, and the surgeon did, too. She would now need a full hysterectomy, chemotherapy, and a great deal of luck. Every year, around twenty thousand women are given a diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the United States, and more than half that many will die of the disease. Continue reading

What’s The Real Purpose Of The Covid Vaccine?

I recently read an article on the Gateway Pundit for September 7th. The title of the article was “UK Bans Covid Vax for Kids–Investigation Finds Vaccine Affects Sexual Development in Little Boys

Dr. Naomi Wolf was recently interviewed on the War room and she discussed this development in Great Britain. The article noted that “The UK Health Security Agency banned the Covid vaccine from children who had not turned five by the end of last month. The UK will no longer offer the vaccine to children aged 5 to 11. Wolf also discussed a recent investigation that revealed the devastating effects of the vaccine on little boys. According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, the vaccine is hindering the development of the testes of pre-adolscent boys. This is a catastrophe.” Continue reading

Post-Op Observations: Abscess make the farts go ‘Honda’

It is interesting how things come back around to haunt you once again. Note the date – and this is when I had hernia surgery back in the day. Five months later I moved into my sons’ house to begin an 11 month renovation and restoration to prepare to sell the home for his family. The following was a letter which I sent to my Physician while I was going though my recovery. He laughed his rear-end off and asked if he could frame the letter and hang it in his office.

During that 11 months – I brought myself to the best health I had ever been in in my life. It is now eight-plus years later and once again – I am feeling rather poopy. ~ Jeff
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