Loudon: Vegetable Oils on the Grocery Shelf Cause a Health Risk

Have you wondered why nutritionists say “Be careful about using oxidative vegetable oils on the grocery shelf? It is because all oils on the grocery shelf except extra virgin olive oil have been boiled to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit EXCEPT COCONUT OIL, PALM OIL, BUTTER, RAW LARD, AND SUET. These omega-6 Cooked oils on the grocery shelf not only have no electromagnetic value, but they are prone to oxidation, which means they are oxidative instead of being an anti-oxidant and have no electromagnetic health value. Some nutritionists call them “dead” oils. They may cause serious health problems if used in deep-fried meat, beans, and other vegetables, plus even worse if combined with sugar products in the diet. Continue reading

Are these foods behind the epidemic of colon cancer in young people?

Researchers suggest two staples of the Western diet could be to blame for spike among people under 50

Red meat and sugar, staples of the Western diet, could be behind the mysterious uptick of colorectal cancer in young Americans, according to a new study.

These findings come at a time when colon cancer deaths among people under 40 are expected to double by 2030, and it is projected to be the number one cause of cancer deaths in young people by the end of the decade.

The study, published by a research team at Cleveland Clinic, examined metabolites, which are substances created in the body when food breaks down.

The researchers found that people under 50 with colorectal cancer had lower levels of citrate than their older counterparts. Citrate is a compound created when the body converts food into energy. Continue reading

How BIG Pharma Is Price Gouging Cancer Patients

“Cancer patients – the majority of whom are on Medicare – can face annual out-of-pocket costs of more than $16,500.”

A cancer patient hugs his wife Mercy Fore River Campus in Portland, Maine on December 6, 2017. (Photo: Derek Davis/Getty Images)

Major pharmaceutical companies are profiting immensely from the second-leading cause of death in the United States by saddling cancer patients with tens of thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs, often forcing them to choose between treatment and other basic necessities.

But many people living with cancer in the U.S. will soon see long-overdue relief thanks to provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a law that the pharmaceutical industry lobbied aggressively against and is still fighting tooth and nail. Continue reading

27,000 People Died Of Cancer Today

Originally published on this site on June 8, 2020. ~ Ed.

Across the globe, patients have reported being denied cancer care, kidney dialysis and urgent transplant surgeries, with sometimes fatal results. ~ Zaria Gorvett

Tomorrow another 27 thousand cancer patients will die. Each year 10 million perish and doctors still cannot tell us why. World health officials do not seem to care.

In the United States, by executive order, all nonessential medical procedures were ended to preserve hospital capacity around the country. Where these flatten the curve destroy the world orders were actually sourced is not clear but all over America hospitals emptied, waiting for floods of COVID-19 patients but few arrived. Continue reading

Bennett: But it’s all OK – Just Take a Little Pill

ADHD drug Ritalin affects the brain like cocaine – so why is it being prescribed to children?

I was a third week Senior at Glenbrook North High School in 1965 – and I knew that something was wrong…

As I progressed from the 5th grade on – through the 6th grade and then into Middle School at Northbrook Junior High and subsequently into High School, I found myself beginning to lack in numerous areas of my education. In English, I was an astute reader (and still am), and Science classes were interesting to me – chiefly due to the exciting talents of one teacher in Junior High – who smoked a pipe in class! History was always a subject that I thoroughly enjoyed, but as time went on, many of the teachers became boring – hence I became bored – more so in High School. Continue reading

ADHD drug Ritalin affects the brain like cocaine – so why is it being prescribed to children?

‘Yes, I’m messy, my mind is busy and I get flustered when I do admin. But to me it doesn’t matter — what matters is what I do about it.’

Prince Harry is the latest addition to the wave of celebrities who’ve been diagnosed with either ADD (attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

In fact, he was diagnosed in a highly public way, during a live-streamed conversation, by controversial self-help guru Dr Gabor Maté.

Reading the book, I diagnose you with ADD,‘ Maté said, referring to the Duke of Sussex’s autobiography, Spare. ‘I see it as a normal response to normal stress, not a disease.’ Continue reading

Your Health – YOUR Choice: June 12, 2023

Deadly bacteria that kills up to 50% of patients now ENDEMIC to US gulf coast, CDC expert says – just a year after it was first detected in the country
A deadly bacteria that kills up to 50 percent of people it infects has now been listed as endemic along the US gulf coast.

Dr Julia Petras, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who made the warning, said Burkholderia pseudomallei was now likely lurking in soil and stagnant water across the 1,600 miles from Texas to Florida.

People infected with the bacteria suffer melioidosis, a severe condition that can trigger pneumonia and sepsis and can be fatal… (Continue to full article)

CANCER: Breakthrough in treating one of the deadliest blood cancers
‘Remarkably effective’ new immunotherapy can slow disease’s progress by 74 per cent

Experts found the CAR-T therapy ‘remarkably effective’ for treating patients with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that develops from cells in the bone marrow.

Trials found the drug, which goes by the brand name Carvykti, slowed disease progression by 74 per cent in patients who had become resistant to other medication.

The treatment uses the body’s own immune system to kill myeloma cells, effectively reprogramming them to become better at fighting the disease… (Continue to full article)

America’s Most Popular Artificial Sweetener Damages Our DNA
Sugar is always made out to be the bad guy. But, when it comes to your health, switching to artificial sweeteners might be doing more harm than good.

Researchers from North Carolina State University found in a recent study that a chemical found in one of the most widely used artificial sweeteners can break up our DNA. The problem is sucralose, a zero-calorie sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sugar, according to the FDA.

“Sucralose is utilized in tens of thousands of food, beverage, and pharmaceutical products worldwide,” Susan Schiffman, an adjunct professor at North Carolina State University who led the study, told Newsweek. “For example, it is found in baked goods, beverages, chewing gum, gelatins, frozen dairy desserts, and pharmaceutical products… (Continue to full article)

Medical Myths: All about cholesterol
Of all the compounds in our body, cholesterol may be one of the most well known. There is much misinformation surrounding this fatty substance despite it being a household name. In this article, we shine some light on cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential component of animal cell membranes; as such, it is synthesized by all animal cells. Regardless of its bad name, cholesterol is essential for life.

However, when present in high levels in the blood, it increasesTrusted Source the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cholesterol, along with other substances, such as fat and calcium, builds up in plaques on the walls of arteries. Over time, this narrows the blood vessels and can lead to complications, including stroke and heart attack.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2015–2016, 12% of people aged 20 years or older in the United States had high cholesterol… (Continue to full article)

Deadly bacteria at Mayo Clinic

Arizona lab workers exposed to bug with up to 50% fatality rate that is now ENDEMIC to US Gulf coast.

Lab staff were exposed to the bacteria at the Mayo Clinic center in Phoenix, Arizona

A deadly bacteria that kills up to 50 percent of people it infects was recently detected at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Three laboratory workers were exposed to the Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria while testing samples from a 58-year-old man who had come in with an artery infection.

The employees were swabbed for the bacteria at the Phoenix hospital for three weeks to ensure they had not become infected. All three tested negative on every test. Continue reading

HEAL: A Test to see if something is Good or Bad for you

The responses I have had on the HEAL posts have been great – It seems that many of you really are interested in learning more.

I have been emailing with several individuals – one on one – dealing with different issues. I thought I would try to put a few of them into List posts for all to read and see if they will be of help to the reader. Continue reading

Doctors and Hospitals Declare War on Patients

Originally published on this site on June 29, 2016. ~ Ed.

death by medWar is the right word meaning they are killing more patients each year than any war. Over the last ten years, the numbers add up to a minimum of 3.5 million dead and that is only if you count the way doctors count. If you count the way I count, by including doctor ignorance of what can prevent death, like magnesium does in heart disease, the numbers would be millions higher.

After heart disease and cancer, medical errors kill more Americans than anything else does, claiming a quarter of a million lives a year, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University the British Medical Journal reports. Add to this number over 100,000 that die from properly prescribed medicines and you can see how quickly we reach 3.5 million dead over the last decade. Continue reading

cancer, Cancer, CANCER

It’s hard to talk about cancer, but being open about my mastectomy has given me strength
I’ve had a double mastectomy. I don’t find it straightforward to spell or to pronounce, but it’s the term I find easiest to use when I tell people what has happened to me. I just can’t put it in plain English, and say exactly what the surgeons did. This may change, but it seems too painful to me, and I worry about the people listening.

Generally, since I was diagnosed with breast cancer last summer I have tried to avoid couching things in terms that may be unclear. Years of writing articles on complicated financial products and schemes in my roles on the Guardian’s Money and Investigations desks have conditioned me to avoid jargon.

I like to get to the point and use language that is accessible, rather than words that exclude people, and in the main I have taken this approach to my illness… (Continue to full article)

The Nutrient That Cancer Cells Crave
Arginine is an amino acid naturally produced by our bodies and plentiful in the fish, meat, and nuts that we eat. But as recent research in Science Advances reveals, arginine is an essential nutrient for cancer cells too. And starving them of it could potentially render tumors more vulnerable to the body’s natural immune response.

Researchers from Sohail Tavazoie’s Laboratory of Systems Cancer Biology found that in a variety of human cancers, this amino acid becomes limited, prompting these cells to seek a clever genetic workaround: when arginine levels drop, they manipulate proteins at their disposal to more efficiently take up arginine and other amino acids. And remarkably, in a bid to keep growing, they induce mutations that reduce their reliance on it.

It’s like if you had a Lego set, and you’re trying to build a fancy model plane, and you run out of the right bricks… (Continue to full article)

400 patients were wrongly informed they might have cancer, biotech company says
A cancer test company incorrectly informed around 400 patients that they may have developed cancer, a company said, after there was a software issue with its telemedicine provider.

Grail Inc, an American biotechnology company, developed an early-detection blood test called Galleri, created to identify more than 50 types of cancer before symptoms appear, per Reuters.

According to an internal company document seen by the Financial Times, 408 patients were erroneously sent letters saying the test had detected a sign in their blood potentially indicating cancer… (Continue to full article)

The One-a-Day Vitamin That Slashed Death From Cancer
Approximately 35% of adults in the United States have a vitamin D deficiency according to some reports. But it may actually be lower…

Part of the reason is that most doctors don’t test patient levels unless asked, and many insurances won’t cover vitamin D testing like they do other blood panels. So, often, we rely on studies that focus on specific groups to understand the true depth of vitamin deficiencies.

In one such study among nursing home residents, vitamin D deficiency was as high as 60 percent, and in a general hospital ward where patients for various reasons were admitted, 57 percent were found to be deficient. Another study found two-thirds of young adults living in Boston were vitamin D insufficient at winter’s end.

Where do you think your vitamin D levels stand? And why does it matter??? (Continue to full article)

I felt run down for months and thought it was just the flu, but when I went to the doctor they told me I had cancer
The 20-year-old had been struggling ‘with the flu’ for a few months before she went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a late-stage blood cancer.

The otherwise ‘perfectly healthy’ young woman struggled with the symptoms in the months leading up to her devastating Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosis.

Olivia explained her symptoms began in October 2022 when she started to feel fatigued and rundown. She had lower backpain and a lingering cough she thought would eventually go away.

She also had a small lump above her left collarbone which was painful to touch.

Eventually when she couldn’t shake off the uncomfortable symptoms, the young Melbourne woman went to her GP for answers.

I’m only 20 – here are the signs I missed…… (Continue to full article)

I had colon cancer at 27
Oplopanax elatus, commonly known as nakai, is an herb native to northern China A woman who was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer at age 27 has revealed her early warning signs — amid a mystery uptick in cases in younger adults.

Vanessa Mendico, now 29, described herself as a ‘super fit’ person who exercised five or six times a week, ate healthily, didn’t smoke and only rarely drank alcohol.

But the youth worker, who lives in Australia, became concerned after specs of blood started to appear in her feces in February last year.

These are the symptoms to watch out for… (Continue to full article)

Breakthrough in treating one of the deadliest blood cancers
‘Remarkably effective’ new immunotherapy can slow disease’s progress by 74 per cent

A new type of immunotherapy can significantly slow the progression of one of the most deadly cancers by three-quarters, a study has found.

Experts found the CAR-T therapy ‘remarkably effective’ for treating patients with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that develops from cells in the bone marrow.

Trials found the drug, which goes by the brand name Carvykti, slowed disease progression by 74 per cent in patients who had become resistant to other medication… (Continue to full article)

ORDER Dr. Kelley’s book TODAY!

Throat Cancer Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Throat cancer is a serious condition that affects the tissues and organs within the throat, including the voice box, tonsils, and vocal cords. Recognizing the early warning signs is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. Fortunately, you can learn everything you need to know about throat cancer with a search online, which could help you spot the early warning signs. Continue reading

Mystery epidemic of colon cancer in young people laid bare

Cases have DOUBLED in under-40s by 2030, it’ll be the number one cancer killer, and experts believe bad diets or fungus is to blame

Colon cancer deaths among young people are expected to double in two decades by 2030, experts warn.

The cancer – which is especially hard to treat due to late diagnosis and broad symptoms – is also expected to become the number one cause of cancer deaths in people under 50 by the end of the decade. Continue reading

Medical Students Aren’t Showing Up to Class

What does that mean for future Docs?

Many medical students do not attend lectures in the first two years, instead opting to watch recorded classes on their own time. (Tom Fowlks/Getty Images)

During my first two years as a medical student, I almost never went to lectures. Neither did my peers. In fact, I estimate that not even a quarter of medical students in my class consistently attended classes in person. One of my professors, Dr. Philip Gruppuso, says in his 40 years of teaching, in-person lecture attendance is the lowest he’s seen. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, first- and second-year medical students regularly skipped lectures. Instead, they opted to watch the recordings at home on their own time. The pandemic accelerated the shift.

This absence from the classroom has a lot of people in the medical education system wondering how this will affect future doctors, and has precipitated wide discussion among medical institutions. Medical education is changing rapidly, and the change is being driven by students — so how do schools incorporate the reality of virtual learning while training them adequately for the huge responsibility of patient care? Continue reading

June 1, 2023: Your Health ~ YOUR Choice!

New Study Is Extremely Embarrassing for Lab-Grown Meat

Researchers at UC Davis have made a startling discovery that could change the way we view lab-grown meat.

As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, they found that the meat alternative’s environmental impact appears to be “orders of magnitude” higher than retail beef you can buy at the grocery store — itself already a very environmentally damaging foodstuff — at least based on current production methods.

If confirmed, the research could be damning: lab-grown meat, long seen as a greener alternative to meat products that don’t involve the slaughter of animals, could be more harmful to the environment than the products it’s trying to replace

It’s not a panacea“… (Continue to full article)

9 Healthiest Vegetables to Eat
We all know veggies are healthy, but which ones are the healthiest to include in your daily diet?

“All vegetables offer health-promoting properties and compounds that reduce risk of disease, however, some vegetables are more nutrient-dense and functional than others, and I encourage people to include [those] in their eating plan every day.

Ready to fill up on veggies? Here are some of the healthiest vegetables to eat everyday… (Continue to full article)

Why Butter Is Better
When the fabricated food folks and apologists for the corporate farm realized that they couldn’t block America’s growing interest in diet and nutrition, a movement that would ultimately put an end to America’s biggest and most monopolistic industries, they infiltrated the movement and put a few sinister twists on information going out to the public.

Item number one in the disinformation campaign was the assertion that naturally saturated fats from animal sources are the root cause of the current heart disease and cancer plague. Butter bore the brunt of the attack, and was accused of terrible crimes. The Diet Dictocrats told us that it was better to switch to polyunsaturated margarine and most Americans did. Butter all but disappeared from our tables, shunned as a miscreant.

This would come as a surprise to many people around the globe who have valued butter for its life-sustaining properties for millennia… (Continue to full article)

Covid vaccines – A colossal failure around the world
The COVID vaccines – and the new bivalents, of which they are a part – are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective nor reversible. In this article, I show irrefutable proof that the COVID vaccines are irredeemably ineffective. (See many dozens of my other Substack articles, and my book Neither Safe Nor Effective, on how dangerous these vaccines are.)

Background – US mortality data at the end of 2020 did not support the allegation of a pandemic, because there was no more of an outlying peak in excess deaths in 2020 than other peaks throughout the past two decades, as reported at that time. A series of CDC revisions have continually increased the number claimed dead in 2020. Even now, as of 4/24/23, the CDC shows that 3,383,729 people died from all causes in the US in 2020 on one page written in December 2021.

If even two years after the end of 2020, allegations of the number of those dead in 2020 continued to increase, at what point will that number be settled? How is it that by December 2021 an accurate number of deaths in 2020 was not available to the CDC? …and it is now half-way through 2023… (Continue to full article)

Men should eat walnuts to prevent prostate cancer
Good news, gentlemen: Eating walnuts can help stave off prostate cancer.

This is according to researchers from the University of California, Davis, who found that walnuts, aside from helping to reduce excess cholesterol and increasing insulin sensitivity, are also capable of reducing the levels of a protein associated with prostate cancer.

According to nutritionist Paul Davis, who acted as the study’s lead researcher, their findings provide additional evidence that walnuts, despite being high in fats, are actually a great addition to a healthy diet

Compounds in walnuts affect the expression of prostate cancer-related genes… (Continue to full article)

Gut microbiota may affect the anti-cancer activity of this oriental herb against colorectal cancer
Oplopanax elatus, commonly known as nakai, is an herb native to northern China that is known for its anti-cancer effects, especially against colorectal cancer (CRC). But questions remain on whether or not the human gut microbiota interferes with nakai’s anti-CRC effects

Finding out if the gut microbiota does affect the anti-CRC effects of molecules from O. elatus is important. Doing so allows doctors and scientists to better understand how to better use the herb in the treatment of CRC.

To test this, the researchers analyzed both compounds in the PEFO as well as PEFO incubated with human gut microbiota for 72 hours (PEFO I) using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer (HPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS) method validation… (Continue to full article)

TURBO CANCER: Children are DYING within hours or days of leukemia diagnosis, often after receiving vaccine jabs
Children and young adults are dying within hours or days after being diagnosed with leukemia. Some say the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines have something to do with these untimely deaths.

Data suggests that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) with mRNA to the bone marrow. What does this have to do with these cases?

Leukemia is a broad term for cancers of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. Leukemia usually involves white blood cells. In patients with leukemia, their bone marrow produces an excessive amount of abnormal white blood cells, which don’t function properly… (Continue to full article)