Thomas: Is Your Doctor a Serial Killer?

What you are about to read, is one of many articles published on this site since the year 2000, regarding the misuse of prescription drugs to “control” supposed “out of control” children. The category, “A Spoonful of Sugar,” relates more to the dietary habits, which seem to have a greater affect on these children.

As a former assistant Scout-Master of a Boy Scout Troop, which seemed to draw more of its fair share of “ADD/ADHD” diagnosed children – the common denominator in their homes, was bowls of sugar – candy – cookies, cakes and pies. Every kind of dessert imaginable, but poor overall dietary habits, many of which, were mirrored on our frequent Troop camping trips. “Don’t forget the Chitos and the M&M’s!

And the Doctors? Well, they seem to dispense this stuff as if it were candy! (Ed.) Continue reading

Surgeon: Medicine Is Lost in the Wilderness

I once was proud of my profession. I spent over 40 years as a clinician, educator, and researcher and for most of that time thought I was engaged in a noble calling. But all that has changed in the last 3 years. Medicine is LOST in The Wilderness.

There were warning signals, to be sure. For many years I was heavily involved in medical associations on the local, state, and national levels. Gradually I became disillusioned when I saw that many of my colleagues who gravitated to this activity did not share my views. They enjoyed the politics of medicine. In fact, they enjoyed it too much. I lost interest. Perhaps in retrospect that was part of the problem. The policy of medicine gradually became the politics of medicine. And as is often the case, where there is politics there is also corruption. Continue reading

Osborne: The Secret World of Breast Cancer

17 surprising things I wish I’d known

‘It’s reassuring to know that everything that happens to you has happened to someone else …’ Hilary Osborne. Illustration: KIKA KLAT/The Guardian

I thought I knew all about the disease that took my mother when I was nine. But on being diagnosed myself, my eyes were opened to the myths and realities

October is breast cancer awareness month. You are probably aware of breast cancer in some way. I was – for much of my childhood my mum was undergoing treatment for it, and shortly before I turned 10, she died from it. But despite that experience, I was blissfully unaware of many things about breast cancer until I was diagnosed with it last summer. Here are some of the things I know now that I wish I had known then. Continue reading

Five Cancer FACTS That Big Pharma is Now AGGRESSIVELY Claiming are MYTHS

The following was originally posted on this site on December 8, 2015. ~ Editor

According to the conventional wisdom of mainstream medicine, the world’s leading health practitioners in alternative, complementary and integrative medicine have it all wrong and are misinforming millions in practice and on the internet with a barrage of myths and misconceptions they claim are causing more harm to cancer patients.

Could this initiative to sway opinion by leading cancer authorities possibly – just possibly – be related to the revolution that is happening around the world – highlighting the dangers and ineffectiveness of toxic chemotherapy and radiation, bringing cancer cures such as cannabis to the forefront, or the emerging mass markets now creating awareness on the reality of our food and the consequences of the cancer industry itself? Continue reading

Agent Orange Linked To Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s

More veterans may be included in compensation

agent-orange-report-735Originally published on this site on November 8, 2016. ~ Monsanto and Dow were 2 of the 9 wartime contractors hired by the US government to create Agent Orange, a combination of the toxic chemicals 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T, just over 40 years ago. The damage these chemicals have perpetrated on our health and environment did not end with the Vietnam War though.

Aside from the long-term poisoning of soil and crops, a new review of Agent Orange research has found evidence that bladder cancer and hypothyroidism are more strongly linked to exposure to Agent Orange than was previously assumed. Continue reading

Dr. Harvey Risch: Cancers Appearing in Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations

Controversial Claims Link Increased Cancer Rates to COVID-19 Vaccination

Amid ongoing vaccination efforts, Dr. Risch is professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early diagnosis. Continue reading

US Surgeons Are Killing Themselves at an Alarming Rate

One decided to speak out…

The grueling profession has long kept silent about mental distress. After losing a friend and quietly grappling with illness, Carrie Cunningham found a new way to save lives

Carrie Cunningham puffed out her cheeks and exhaled. She looked out at the audience filled with 2,000 of her peers, surgeons who were attending the annual meeting of the Association of Academic Surgery, a prestigious gathering of specialists from universities across the United States and Canada.

Cunningham, president of the organization, knew what she was about to reveal could cost her promotions, patients and professional standing. She took a deep breath.

“I was the top junior tennis player in the United States,” she began. “I am an associate professor of surgery at Harvard.

“But I am also human. I am a person with lifelong depression, anxiety, and now a substance use disorder.”

The room fell silent.

Cunningham knew others in the room were struggling, too. Doctors are dying by suicide at higher rates than the general population. Somewhere between 300 to 400 physicians a year in the US take their own lives, the equivalent of one medical school graduating class annually. Continue reading

Why Are Vaccine Injured Patients Silenced?

How a decade of propaganda turned us against each other

One of the cruelest things about being injured by a pharmaceutical is the degree to which doctors will deny the idea that the injury happened (as acknowledging it requires them to accept the shortcomings of the medical model they’ve invested their lives into). This denial is known as medical gaslighting and it is often so powerful that friends and family members of the patient will adopt the reality asserted by those doctors and likewise gaslight the injured patient. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this tragedy transpire in my immediate circle and one of my missions here has been to bring awareness to medical gaslighting and explain why it always happens. Continue reading

CDC: Put Another Experimental Vaccine Booster in Your Child’s Body ASAP

Some health experts say the public is headed into another winter bout with COVID, which means the CDC is pushing vaccines once again, but this time even babies are included in the newest push.

Pfizer and Moderna had new COVID vaccines ready for last week when the Centers for Disease Control urged Americans to start lining up for a second or third – or more – jab in the arm, including young children. Continue reading

Dr. William D. Kelley: Developer of Non-Specific Metabolic Therapy

NOTE: The following was the basis for my evening broadcast, ‘The Edge ~ To Health With You‘ on September 2, 2020. Join me each Wednesday evening for another installment of ‘To Health With You.’~ Ed.

A dentist and orthodontist by training, Dr. William D. Kelley discusses the nutritional concepts and practices underlying non-specific metabolic therapy, how they emerged over years of treating patients and himself for disease, and the results he has achieved applying them.

Following this magazine’s interview with Dr. Harold W. Manner, we received innumerable letters and phone calls. Much of that correspondence was from readers who hadn’t known of the healthcare possibilities offered by nutrition therapy until they read about the Manner program in our pages, but a surprisingly large number of folks called to let us know that there are other revolutionary researchers who are “curing” degenerative diseases such as cancer. And the greater part of these “tips” suggested that MOTHER EARTH NEWS look into the metabolic therapy work of Dr. William Donald Kelley at his Winthrop, Washington clinic.
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Chemotherapy May Sometimes Reactivate Dormant Cancer Cells

Scientists are looking into why dormant breast cancer cells sometimes reactivate. Roberto Jimenez/Getty Images

* Breast cancer is a common type of cancer. After treatment with chemotherapy, there is the risk for some cancer cells to become dormant and then become active later.

* A recent study found that a particular chemotherapy treatment affects surrounding tissues and that this interaction further induces the reactivation of cancer cells.

* Further research is needed to understand the effects of these findings in the clinical treatment of breast cancer.
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The Case Against Ivermectin to Prevent and Treat COVID-19 Has Been Reversed by the Court

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court’s ruling that “sovereign immunity” protects the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from any wrongdoing or harm in telling the public to stop taking ivermectin, a safe, well-studied, and proven drug for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

In their opinion, Judges Clement, Elrod, and Willett state, “FDA argues that the Twitter posts are ‘informational statements’ that cannot qualify as rules because they ‘do not ‘direct’ consumers, or anyone else, to do or refrain from doing anything.’ We are not convinced.” Continue reading

Curcumin in Turmeric STARVES CANCER CELLS to Death

The polyphenol curcumin, which is responsible for the bright orange-yellow color of turmeric (Curcuma longa), appears to have preventative and therapeutic effectss against various types of cancers.

Over 4,500 published peer-reviewed studies have shown curcumin to prevent cancer progression through a variety of mechanisms – by reducing inflammation, preventing chemical stress from radiotherapy and chemotherapy, shutting down cancer-promoting pathways and interfering with the growth and development of malignant cells. Continue reading

DANGEROUS MEDS: Pharmaceutical Drugs Becoming So Tainted That the Defense Department Is Calling for Outside Testing

The world’s pharmaceutical drug factories have become so filthy that the United States Department of Defense (DoD) is intervening to try to clean things up by bringing in an outside testing service to spot contamination.

Valisure, an independent testing laboratory that deals with this kind of thing, was brought in by the DoD to test a slew of medications amid growing concerns about pharmaceutical drug contamination and other quality and supply issues. Continue reading

Paul: The Death of Informed Consent

Here’s what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, “You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53% of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down. And you’ll notice here in Remdesivir’s fact sheet, it says, ‘Not a lot of people have used Remdesivir. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen.’ Or we can give you ivermectin, a safe and effective drug that’s been successfully used for decades, and send you home. Which do you prefer?”

The reason that conversation never happened is that it would have cost the hospital too much money. If the hospital gave you ivermectin and sent you home, the federal government paid the hospital $3,200. If the hospital gave you Remdesivir, the federal government paid the entire hospital bill, plus a 20% bonus. So the hospital executives’ choice was to receive $3,200 or $500,000, which was the average hospital bill. No contest. Patients were going to get Remdesivir — whether they wanted it or not. Continue reading