Kelley: Warning of Fraud ~ Questions and Answers

The following is a lengthy interview done with Dr. Kelley years ago. At this time, our records do not indicate who was the interviewer, however – I find that the interviewer was quite deliberate and specific with a very wide range of questions., which I found to be quite admirable.

Please do keep in mind, that due to the apparent age of this interview – probably during the mid-1970’s – there was much that changed – and continue to change as Kelley would continue to fine-tune his protocols – and how he dealt with the issues at hand.

Just remember – you are – or will become – what you eat! ~ Editor

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Time to Inform the Public About the Adverse Effects of Ultra-Processed Foods

Summary of potential factors and mechanisms linking ultra-processed food consumption with adverse cardio-metabolic outcomes. Credit: BMJ (2023)

A team led by researchers from the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and Université Paris Cité, France, has summarized where we are in our understanding of the adverse health effects related to ultra-processed food with some suggestions of how to move forward with this information.

In their paper, “Ultra-processed foods and cardiometabolic health: public health policies to reduce consumption cannot wait,” published in BMJ, the authors point out that while there is convincing evidence that processed foods have adverse health risks, efforts to reduce, change or eliminate these food formulations lack sufficient support. Continue reading

Cancer Preventing‘ Vegetable That Could Also Protect Against Diabetes and Heart Disease

Red onions are full of health-boosting compounds (Image: Getty)

Research has suggested that eating red onions could help prevent cancer. The vegetable, which is a cornerstone of dishes in food cultures from all over the world, is full of chemicals that can kill cancer cells, according to scientists.

Eventually, this discovery could lead to cancer-busting pills being developed that are based on the internal chemistry of an onion. People with the highest level of consumption of the vegetable have a lower chance of several types of cancer; including ovarian, bowel, and breast cancer. Continue reading

Official Medicare Premiums 2024 – The Numbers Are In

Healthcare costs are on the rise for Medicare recipients – nationwide.

The information for this article is sourced directly from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services..

On the heels of the Social Security announcement of a 3.2% cost of living adjustment comes the official Medicare rates for 2024. As always a degree in finance would be helpful in understanding them. Continue reading

Experts Warn: A Long-Forgotten Disease Could Return in the US – And Have ‘Greater Toll’ Than Most Modern Outbreaks

Some of America’s leading infectious disease experts warn that yellow fever could make a return in the U.S., with the South at the highest risk.

In an editorial published in the New England Journal of Medicine, infectious disease experts Peter J. Hotez, M.D, Ph.D, and Angelle Desiree LaBeaud, M.D warn that clusters of cases recorded over summer are not an outlier, but instead a sign of things to come. Continue reading

Excessive Consumption of BAD CARBS Increases RISK of CANCER

Honey, Honey! Sugar, Sugar! You are my Candy girl…

Foods Containing Unhealthy Or Bad Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are macronutrients that provide energy, protect against disease and weight control. However, observational studies show evidence that high intake of bad carbohydrates may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Continue reading

Turbo” Cancers and Other Unusual Tumorous Conditions Appearing in “Very Strange” Ways Since COVID Jabs Were Unleashed

A professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and the Yale School of Medicine is speaking out about the horrors he and his colleagues are witnessing in patients who were previously “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Dr. Harvey Risch, whom we have covered before, says that the number of “turbo cancers” is skyrocketing ever since the launch of Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration scheme that fast-tracked COVID jabs into production and released them en masse under the guise of a “public health emergency.” Continue reading

Precision Nutrition: How Certain Diets Can Starve Cancer Cells

Cancer likes glucose. So take it away.

Researchers say gut bacteria changed in subjects that consumed artificial sweeteners, leading to glucose intolerance. Credit Weizmann Institute of Science

Preliminary studies show that certain diets can slow the spread of cancer in mice. Low-calorie, intermittent-fasting, and ketogenic diets all can lower the amount of blood glucose available to fuel cancer cells. Restricting the intake of certain amino acids and lipids also can starve tumors of nutrients. Still, those promising early results in animals have yet to show up in human trials, mostly because large, controlled studies have not been conducted.

Cancer is the target of some of the most advanced treatments in medicine’s arsenal. Proton therapy bombards tumors with targeted streams of positively charged particles. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (engineered white blood cells) penetrate into tumors and destroy cancer cells. CAR T-cell therapy sends reprogrammed T-cells to hunt down out-of-control cells.

Oddly, however, clinicians often neglect a simpler way to potentially fight cancer, one that can be used in tandem with other therapies: FOOD!
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Is Your Emotional Intelligence Affecting Your Wellbeing?

McKinsey & Company declared in 2018 that the need for Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills would outpace the demand for cognitive skills through 2030. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum in 2021 stated that companies must prioritize wellbeing in the workplace. Many individuals lacking in emotional intelligence face several difficulties managing stress-related issues which could end up harming their overall wellbeing. Continue reading

Anti-Parasite Benzimidazole Drugs Show Promise for Treating Cancer, but Remain SUPPRESSED by the FDA

Multiple peer-reviewed papers suggest that anti-parasite benzimidazole drugs could be useful in cancer treatment protocols. Fenbendazole, for example, possesses at least twelve anti-cancer mechanisms of action and has been proven effective against a host of different cancers, including colorectal cancer cells, leukemia, breast cancer, lymphomas and ovarian cancer.

However, in the United States, the drug remains unapproved for use in humans, despite its low toxicity profile in both animals and humans since the 1960s. This inexpensive and efficacious anti-parasitic drug could be useful in treating various cancers, but just like the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin, it too remains suppressed by the Food and Drug Administration and is relegated to being just some “horse dewormer” for veterinary use only. Continue reading

Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Resulting in DEATH Spiked Nearly 30% After COVID “Vaccines” Were Unleashed

In 2021, the year of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” – Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump regime in late-2020 – out-of-hospital cardiac arrests spiked dramatically, a new study has found.

Data from Seattle and King County in Washington between the years of 2018 and 2021 shows a clear jump in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests immediately after COVID jabs were launched, suggesting a causative correlation between their rollout and the mass destruction of people’s hearts.

The dataset included 13,081 patients, 7,102 of whom were found to already be dead by the time emergency responders arrived on the scene. Another 4,952 patients were treated by emergency personnel but died either ahead of arriving at the hospital or after arriving at the hospital. Continue reading

Miss Colorado… Talks About Nursing

She just did something very unique and no one caught it…….she changed how everyone especially young girls dreaming of becoming beauty queens will view this contest and did it with one of the greatest and honorable professions there is!! I hope young people are viewing this and listening to everything she said. Nurses are the greatest!! ~ Cow Lico

Wow! She showed that talent doesn’t have to be an overly entertaining performance… It can also be making a big difference in the lives of people and touching them. There is nothing wrong with normal talents but, I think it’s wonderful that she showed how much of a talent it can be to help others! What an incredible role model!! ~ Ashleigh Ware

I wish there were more nurses that pursued nursing because they have a genuine interest in taking care of others. A valuable nurse is one that has great concern for the welfare of others. As a patient, I found that it was largely the older, more experience nurses that exuded confidence. They also seem to have a greater understanding of the impact they make on the daily lives of each of their patients. As a patient in a hospital, you are quite vulnerable and dependent on a nurse not only for physical assistance but emotional assistance as well. In the sense that, a nurse’s behavior has a huge impact on a patient. When you are fighting for your life, the more positive, encouraging and kind one can be – the better for the vitality of the patient. It’s not just about the chart. This is true of doctors just as much as nurses. I’m sure that I am not alone when I say that it is quite offensive when nurses/doctors do their rounds and just look at your chart and then walk out… To those of you who perform your jobs this way, please be more compassionate. You are important to each of your patients. Your job is essential and highly valued by patients. ~ Facts Matter

6 Drugs Linked to Depression: Understanding the Connection

Photo by Myriam Zilles

Is your medication messing with your mood? More than 200 medications are linked to depression. Here are some of the most common.

If you are taking medication, you should be aware of the potential side effects, including depression. In fact, about a third of Americans are taking a prescription medication that could potentially cause depression or increase suicide risk. Older adults are more vulnerable to medication side effects, including depression. Continue reading

cancer, Cancer, CANCER – VAX and POISON ~ October 6, 2023

Residents are worried that, in addition to contamination from years of coal mining and byproducts in the area, nearby fracking projects such as this one will add further toxicity to the local water supplies and soil

Scientists find at least SIX toxins like arsenic and uranium in systems used by 95% of the US population
About 95 percent of the US population is drinking water from wells and community systems containing unsafe levels of toxic contaminants, a new study has revealed.

Scientists at the University of New Mexico identified at least six pollutants, primarily arsenic, nitrates, uranium and lead, linked to neurological and developmental problems.

Fracking fluids and PFAS were also detected in the drinking water that also flows to the homes of about 320 million Americans.

‘The seven contaminants and contaminant groups presented here represent a tiny fraction of the thousands of regulated and unregulated chemical agents present in drinking water,’… (Continue to full article)

Thousands of workers leave the VA amid a flood of new cases and quota demands
Claims processors with the Department of Veterans Affairs say they have strained to keep up with a flood of new cases brought on by the PACT Act and an existing quota system that pits their livelihoods against the veterans they signed up to help as a growing number of the processors leave the job.

The PACT Act expanded benefits to millions of veterans exposed to toxic substances when it was enacted in August of last year. But that has stressed the VA workers tasked with moving cases along amid a backlog, mandatory overtime, inadequate training and quota demands, according to two former claims processors and four current processors who spoke to NBC News on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Another employee said at least 25 new claims enter her queue each day, on top of the cases she did not get to the day before.

It’s impossible. You’re falling in sand you can’t get out of.” … (Continue to full article)

Agent Orange Linked To Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s

More veterans may be included in compensation

agent-orange-report-735Originally published on this site on November 8, 2016. ~ Monsanto and Dow were 2 of the 9 wartime contractors hired by the US government to create Agent Orange, a combination of the toxic chemicals 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T, just over 40 years ago. The damage these chemicals have perpetrated on our health and environment did not end with the Vietnam War though.

Aside from the long-term poisoning of soil and crops, a new review of Agent Orange research has found evidence that bladder cancer and hypothyroidism are more strongly linked to exposure to Agent Orange than was previously assumed. … (Continue to full article)

U.S. Gov. data confirms a 143,233% increase in Deadly Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination
This Substack has been diligently chronicling the horrifying DEATHVAX™-induced turbo cancer phenomenon:

From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program

Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States.

Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%n… (Continue to full article)

Seven Signs of Stage 1 Stomach Cancer

Seek Immediate Medical Attention If You Noticed These Symptoms

As pictured above, having no energy, unintentionally losing weight, constant indigestion, difficulty swallowing, feeling sick and a lump at the top of your tummy are all warning signs and symptoms of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, involves a tumor growing in any part of the stomach. Ranked as the sixth most common type of cancer globally, more than 127,000 individuals in the U.S. were diagnosed with it in 2020, as the National Cancer Institute reported. Looking ahead, projections estimate 26,500 new cases in 2023. Continue reading