Is Your Multivitamin Supplement a Multi-Waste of Your Money?

When the average person makes the decision to add a nutritional supplement to their diet, a multivitamin is likely to be the first choice. That’s because to most people it feels like “taking out insurance” on their health. In fact, multivitamin supplements are regularly used by one-third of all American adults and are the most […]

Soylent Is Healthier Than the Average North American Diet

And that’s embarrassing… Food tastes better than Soylent. On that, there is universal agreement. Bland in flavor but audacious in concept, everything else about the beige food replacement is fiercely contested. Foodies decry the decline of experiential eating, cultural critics bemoan the loss of communal mealtimes, and others warn of techno-hubris. There have also been […]

Dr. V.: Could Magnesium Deficiency Be Raising Your Risk of Breast Cancer?

Famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” Those are pretty powerful words. Yet most conventional doctors are unlikely to suggest that their patients get tested regularly for magnesium deficiency. The latest studies by the U.S. government state that approximately 68% […]

Dandelion root far more effective in fighting cancer cells than chemotherapy

Interesting the ‘Weed(s)’ seem to providing natural remedies for whatever ails you… A so-called “weed” growing right in your front and back yards could hold the key to being the most effective cancer-fighting compound in the world. Previous research, as well as recent research from the University of Windsor in Canada, has found that dandelion […]

You can prevent arthritis and cancer with broccoli!

Scientists who really understand and care about holistic and homeopathic medicine are always researching to find alternatives to Big Pharma and mainstream health treatments that really don’t do much of anything except fill the bank accounts of corporate medicine. Part of their research has been to examine whether and how certain foods – especially those […]

Shakin’ it Up!: The Truth About Fat And Sugar

Cardiologist explains why FAT is the best medicine – and why it’s so crucial to our health For decades, we were told that eating fat would lead us to early grave. Horror stories of clogged arteries and coronaries were the norm, while foods such as pasta were seen as healthy. But research is increasingly disproving […]