Category Archives: VACCINES: A Shot in the Dark

Addresses the controversial subject of vaccinations and their possible side-effects – sometimes referred to as ‘A Shot in the Dark’ – named after a 1964 film with Peter Sellers and a 1935 version of the same title…. But THIS category deals with VACCINES!

Vaccine’s: The Ghosts of Joseph Mengele

BREAKING: Washington state House committee passes bill to ban personal, philosophical vaccine exemptions

I have mentioned in the past about reading a men’s magazine in 1957 while staying at a lodge in Wasilla, Alaska. In that magazine there was a horrible report about this devil named Mengele. I had a 3 week old baby at that time and the report made me sick to even know there were people who could and would do this kind of stuff. There are many web sites detailing the medical experiments that the Hitler regime approved of – I see a direct similarity to those with todays *LAWS* that force American citizens to accept the injections of POISONS into their children. These children are NOT THE PROPERTY OF THE GOVERNMENT even thought they like to act as if they are. Continue reading

Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines

As I have covered in previous articles for Children’s Health Defense, the fundamental assumptions underlying the recommendation of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that everyone aged six months and up should get an annual flu shot are unsupported by scientific evidence. Examining a case study from the New York Times, we’ve seen how the corporate media manufacture consent for public vaccine policy by grossly misinforming their audiences about the science—and how, in doing so, the media are just following the CDC’s example. We’ve seen how the CDC uses deceptive fear marketing to increase demand for influenza vaccines, and how the CDC’s claims that flu vaccination significantly reduces deaths among the elderly have been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community. Continue reading


This what you are about to read was written quite some years ago by the author, and in fact has been in my files since November 1, 2000. Has anything really changed? I submit that there has been a growing awareness of much that she wrote about back then. ~ Ed

Vaccines are injections of material that contains weakened amounts of the disease germ that they are meant to protect against. They are said to work by causing the formation of antibodies, which are proteins that defend the body from an invasion by harmful germs. Orthodox medicine contends that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by vaccination, which involves injecting into the system infectious material which is supposed to confer lifelong immunity, hence the term “immunization.” Continue reading

A Strong Association Has Been Found Between The HPV Vaccine & Infertility

This spring, the United States reported its lowest birth rate in 30 years, despite an economic boom. Finland’s birth rate plummeted to a low not seen in 150 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently introduced a string of reforms aimed at stemming the country’s “deep demographic declines.” The government of Denmark introduced an ad campaign to encourage couples to “Do it for Denmark” and conceive on vacations, and Poland produced a campaign urging its citizens to “breed like rabbits.”

“Something – or things – are robbing young women and men of their capacity to procreate and public health admits it doesn’t have a clue where to start to fix the emerging priority.” Continue reading

A Shot in the Dark

Oh yes – it is THAT time of year once more – and it will last for another 365 or 366 days… because BIG Pharma and your local Drug Store just will NOT leave you alone until you get your FREE vaccination. Yeah, well – it has been since 1969 since I had my last ‘shot’ and I’ll go out smiling just the same. ~ Ed

Vaccine Boom, Population Bust
A plague is spreading silently across the globe. The young generation in America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia – in virtually every western country — is afflicted by rapidly increasing rates of infertility… (Continue to full article)

Government Study Finds Babies Who Receive Vaccines 10x More Likely To Die
The scientists term the study a “natural experiment” since a birthday-based vaccination system employed for the Bandim Health Project (BHP) in Guinea Bissau, West Africa had the effect of creating a vaccinated cohort and a similarly situated unvaccinated control group. In the time period covered by this study, Guinea-Bissau had 50% child mortality rates for children up to age 5… (Continue to full article)

A possible 5.9 million vaccine injuries in America each year?
“We looked into the eyes [of representatives of the National Institutes of Health]… — staring right into their eyes, and they had no response to the lack of safety testing, to the fact that they don’t have a surveillance system… (Continue to full article)

Researchers Search For New Flu Treatments In Fear Of The Next ‘Pandemic’
GET YOUR FLU VACCINE ! ! ! ! They are FREE in so many places – The SALES JOB is in full swing everywhere one looks. The *Sales Job* – AKA the CON JOB – AKA the FEAR/SCARE job. Get that Big PHARMA poison into your body so we can make money and bring in other illnesses to keep the money flowing into our pockets. Most who read WGEN have read my reports over the years in ABSOLUTE OPPOSITION to these poison injections that cause death to many. That Swine Flu shot of the 70’s killed my stepdad (at least he didn’t get the Swine Flu). Those BABY shots killed one of my grandsons and they said it was SIDS (true – it was ‘SUDDEN DEATH’ but ignored what caused the sudden death). One of my gal friends lost her first grandchild to those baby shots, so, don’t even try to tell me those *shots* are good for you…. unless … (Continue to full article)

VACCINATION: Proved Useless and Dangerous

PROOF: Taking you where few have taken you before

The information is always there if you choose to look. Please do your research before vaccinating yourself or your children. Vaccination is a decision you could very likely live to regret.

Boost your immunity instead and keep yourself healthy the natural way. Work with your body, not against it. ~ Dr. E.
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UPDATE: How the CDC Uses Fear to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines

The CDC claims that its recommendation that everyone aged six months and up should get an annual flu shot is firmly grounded in science. The mainstream media reinforce this characterization by misinforming the public about what the science says.

A New York Times article from earlier this year, for example, in order to persuade readers to follow the CDC’s recommendation, cited scientific literature reviews of the prestigious Cochrane Collaboration to support its characterization of the influenza vaccine as both effective and safe. The Times claimed that the science showed that the vaccine represented “a big payoff in public health” and that harms from the vaccine were “almost nonexistent”. Continue reading

Vaccine HYPOCRISY at its best

Vaccine zealots claim unvaccinated children are a danger to their vaccinated children

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it a hundred times again: The herd theory hoax that claims vaccines don’t work unless everyone gets vaccinated. Sure. And how is that? If the vaccines work, why would all of those people inoculated still be susceptible to getting the disease? It doesn’t make sense, unless you consider the fact that most vaccines are just a “shot in the dark” – an experimental guess at certain viral strains, mixed with neurotoxins, carcinogens, allergens, other animal’s blood and cells, foreign proteins, all combined and injected into muscle tissue with chemical adjuvants in hopes of stimulating a hyper-immune response that’s sadly short-lived, if it even works at all. Continue reading

Murder, they wrote…

“Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout Dr. Willis?”

In 1986, because so many children were being killed and crippled by vaccines, the United States government granted vaccine makers the right to kill and cripple your children without punishment.

Prior to 1986, you could sue a vaccine maker if the vaccine killed or crippled your child. So many children were being killed and crippled by vaccines, that the law suits could have bankrupted every pharmaceutical company on the planet. Continue reading

America’s Diminishing IQ

Wherever one goes on social media or any other public forum, one of the main thrusts of conversation is the apparent mental deterioration of the American public. Today’s Americans are not only more ignorant than previous generations, but as illustrated by our violent politics and social chaos, we appear to have lost the ability to function as civilized people. Much is explained by our deplorable educational system, but the loss of the ability of many people of all ages to rationally think and act cannot be explained away simply by bad schools or toxic entertainment. Even the most credulous are beginning to believe that there is some underlying reason for the collapse of the American intellect, something that is more basic than bad teachers, schools and curricula—and they’re right. Continue reading

Insulin’s High Cost Leads To Lethal Rationing

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a terrible way to die. It’s what happens when you don’t have enough insulin. Your blood sugar gets so high that your blood becomes highly acidic, your cells dehydrate, and your body stops functioning.

The price of insulin in the U.S. from leading manufacturers has more than doubled since 2012. That’s put the life-saving hormone out of reach for some people like Smith-Holt’s son Alec. ~ Bram Sable-Smith for NPR

Diabetic ketoacidosis is how Nicole Smith-Holt lost her son. Three days before his payday. Because he couldn’t afford his insulin.

“It shouldn’t have happened,” Smith-Holt says looking at her son’s death certificate on her dining room table in Richfield, Minn. “That cause of death of diabetic ketoacidosis should have never happened.” Continue reading

Tetanus Vaccine Causes a New Disease Known as Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Skull in Pupil, by Doug Wheller

The vaccine junta is not only unconcerned with vaccine-induced diseases, it’s massively gearing up this vaccine arms race against the human race. It’s known that tetanus vaccine causes a new disease, antiphospholipid syndrome. New adjuvants are composed of phospholipids, a potential disaster. Continue reading

US government exposed: for 30 years, it broke the law on vaccine safety

For 30 years, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) broke the law regarding vaccine safety, and no one noticed or cared.

Then two men came along and discovered the scandal: Robert F Kennedy, Jr. (twitter), head of the World Mercury Project, and Del Bigtree (twitter 1, twitter 2, FB, web), the producer of the film Vaxxed. They filed papers in court, and they won their case. Continue reading

Contract with your Doctor

NOTE: Ignore the dates and the general commentary (at least the reference to Obama and/or Ready Teddy) – pay attention to the NEED for the attached pdf. ~ Ed.

screwedbluecrossedandtatooed_thumbAugust 2, 2009 – With all of the ruckus regarding the Obama-Care (he really doesn’t) Bill, or the Kennedy-Legacy HellCare Bill, currently being discussed all over the nation, some, bright individual realized that amongst the first things each and everyone of us should do, is to require our medical Practioners (or is it ‘Practicers‘?) to sign a contract, which will indemnify said doctor for all harm, which comes our way due to his/her diagnosis and prescriptions administered.

And so, as of the date of this repost (July 30, 2018) – what has changed? Nothing – absolutely NOTHING! Thus, the following should be considered BY ALL! Click on….

Physicians Warranty of Vaccine Safety