Category Archives: PHARMACEU’TIC: A Spoonful of Sugar


PHARMACEU’TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

“A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down…” focuses on professionally administered and prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals. Initially on conception this category was developed to deal with the aspect of the abuse of children, ie; Ritalin, Prozac and other legal, “Mood altering” drugs. As time went on – we chose to attack the poisons that we are ALL being fed by our medical ‘professionals.’ The overpriced products of BIG Pharma are slowly – or rapidly killing us.

The elephant in the room…

Why isn’t anyone talking about the link between psychiatric medications and mass shootings?

The “March For Our Lives” gun-grabbers have convinced themselves that the only way to stop mass shootings in the United States is to prohibit law-abiding Americans from owning firearms. But what these brainwashed leftists fail (or willfully refuse) to acknowledge is the fact that almost every major shooting incident that’s occurred in recent years is directly tied to the perpetrators’ use of mind-altering pharmaceuticals. Continue reading

Look in the Mirror America, to See a Reason Drug Prices Are So High

Until we are willing to accept the trade-offs and sacrifices needed to fix the system, the status quo will persist.

The idea of bringing down U.S. drug prices is universally popular. The hard choices, trade-offs and political fortitude needed to actually do it, however, are a harder sell. So here we are, with a drug-pricing plan so toothless that biotech shares soared as it was unveiled by President Donald Trump (recently). Continue reading

Huge surge in kids poisoned by ADHD pills

Why aren’t celebrities talking about this instead of spouting off about gun control? We should be looking for REASONS our kids are so messed up.

The rate of kids being poisoned by ADHD medications – accidentally and intentionally – has soared since 2000 – with thousands of under-6s taking them accidentally as teens use them to get high. Continue reading

12.09.2009: Why Drug Companies are Working to Control Natural Supplements

Once again – a post from the past. Thanks to Tom DeWeese. ~ Ed.

Show me de monee!

As the battle over government-controlled health care continues, many Americans simply want out of the whole mess. They instead seek a plan of wellness based on healthy eating and natural supplements.

That approach, however, is the opposite of the health care agenda of the American Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical industry. Those forces, which literally control America’s health industry, are based on sickness. The sicker you are, the more drugs you will buy. Continue reading

More than one million children under age 6 are on psychiatric drugs

… parents don’t know what they’re getting into

Are children in the United States being over-medicated? According to some recent statistics, it surely looks that way. Over a million children six years of age or under are prescribed a psychiatric medication. Overall, more than eight million kids in America are on some sort of psychotropic drug — and the medical establishment is hardly batting an eye. Continue reading

Magnesium Found to Treat Depression Better Than Antidepressant Drugs

A breakthrough nutritional study conducted at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont and published in PLoS ONE has found that just 248mg of magnesium per day leads to an astounding reversal of depression symptoms in study subjects.

“New clinical research results show magnesium is effective at addressing symptoms and is safer and easier on the wallet than prescription therapies,” reports Science Daily, echoing the reporting of Natural News from over a decade ago. Today, even mainstream science is now confirming that magnesium is a safe, affordable and effective treatment for depression. Continue reading

As Opioid Prescriptions Fall, Prescriptions for Drugs to Treat Addiction Rise

Prescriptions for opioid painkillers have been falling in recent years. At the same time, prescriptions for medications to treat opioid addiction are rising sharply. Credit Patrick Sison/Associated Press

The number of new monthly prescriptions for medications that treat opioid addiction nearly doubled over the past two years, according to new data, while prescriptions for opioid painkillers continued to decline.

The changing calculus reflects a stepping up of efforts among policymakers and the medical establishment to address the nation’s opioid epidemic, which is killing more than 115 people every day. But it also underscores questions about whether some pain patients are now being undertreated, and whether tightened prescribing over the last few years has contributed to the surge in overdose deaths from heroin and especially fentanyl. Continue reading

Cancer is CAUSED by chemicals, so

why on Earth would you use chemicals to fight it?

Americans are scared to death of cancer, and righteously so. Mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably can take over organs, including the most complex organ in the body, the brain. Nearly half of all Americans will get some form of cancer in their lifetime, and approximately half of those victims will die from it. Or will they? What if you found out today that many people who “die” from cancer die from the treatments given to them by medical doctors and oncologists, and from the continued consumption of more chemicals after those very same patients are diagnosed, operated on, treated with radiation, and prescribed chemotherapy? Are you on “the drip” right now? Let’s have an intelligent discussion and get to the root of this massive pandemic-style problem. Continue reading

BPA may be the cause of the ADHD epidemic

Scientists link the plastics chemical to the condition

Health experts have been digging through the data trying to figure out why so many children these days are suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, and they just may have stumbled upon one of the biggest culprits: the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA).

New research published in the journal Environment International highlights the fact that BPA, like other chemicals used in plastics, is an endocrine disruptor, meaning it interferes with hormone production and balance. Continue reading

This is Why the FDA Shouldn’t Regulate Anything

New dietary ingredients” are the government’s code phrase for supplements, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants to prohibit your access to all-natural, health-supporting herbs and food ingredients which have been used as medicine for centuries.

These “new dietary ingredientsaren’t new, despite the FDA’s lingo. They’ve been tested over time by award-winning chemists, doctors, indigenous healers, and lay people alike. So, why is the FDA trying to regulate the supplement industry with such renewed vigor? Continue reading

JAMA: Over 30% of All ‘FDA-Approved’ Drugs Have Grave & Deadly Side Effects

A study from The Journal of the American Medical Association has exposed safety issues occurring in over 30% of FDA-approved drugs between 2001 and 2010.

Close to one-third of drugs approved by the FDA are found to have safety problems, according to a research report from The Journal of the American Medical Association.

JAMA’s report stated that these safety issues, known as “postmarket safety events,” are “common after FDA approval, highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring of the safety of novel therapeutics throughout their life cycle.” Continue reading

‘Same big pharma that hooked people on opioids now profits again from addicts’ switch to heroin’

The same pharma companies that profited from the opioid epidemic in the US by hooking patients on their drugs are profiting again as their victims migrate to heroin and participate in needle exchange programs, an attorney told RT.

The opioid epidemic is one of the biggest stories of 2017. The number of people dying from big pharma’s prescription narcotics has skyrocketed. But the same pharmaceutical companies that profited from creating the crisis in the first place, and received a slap on the wrist for it, are now profiting from it again, attorney Peter Mougey said in an interview with RT America’s Mike Papantonio. [VIDEO] Continue reading

Big Pharma is polluting the environment as well as your health

Pharma factories leak waste, worsening the superbug problem

Big Pharma’s many wrongdoings are well-documented, but most of us focus on the damage they’ve caused to human health. Unfortunately, a new report shows that the environment is also suffering because of their practices – and it’s setting a chain of events in motion that could undo all of the medical progress made in modern times. Continue reading

Proof that ADHD is a Fake Disease

Some children are better at paying attention than others. Some can cope with, or even enjoy, a school classroom setting. Some kids have more energy than others. Some are good at following directions, and some are easily distracted.

But just because a classroom is not a good environment for many children does not mean they have a disorder. They may have an Attention Deficit because they are bored. They may he Hyperactive because they are cooped up and forced to sit still at a desk. But this does not constitute a Disorder. Continue reading

Tamiflu Hallucination Outbreak Spread Across U.S.

~ Forewords ~
I lay the FAULT of this kind of Big PHARMA murders right at the feet and laps of the entire medical profession. I have yet to meet any doctor or all those TV mouths on the so called *news* stations who are constantly hammering folks to get the Flu Shot or some other Big Pharma concoction and REFUSING to tell folks about the pH balance that PREVENTS the viral and bacterial illnesses. The goal is to make MONEY and the information on how to PREVENT an illness does not make them any money – the FACT that those Big PHARMA concoctions kill people is never mentioned until enough of them die that it has to be reported on. Continue reading