Category Archives: PHARMACEU’TIC: A Spoonful of Sugar


PHARMACEU’TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

“A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down…” focuses on professionally administered and prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals. Initially on conception this category was developed to deal with the aspect of the abuse of children, ie; Ritalin, Prozac and other legal, “Mood altering” drugs. As time went on – we chose to attack the poisons that we are ALL being fed by our medical ‘professionals.’ The overpriced products of BIG Pharma are slowly – or rapidly killing us.

Big Pharma’ Spent Record Amounts on Lobbying in 2018

The industry wants to put in a dent in your wallet to line theirs

The pharmaceutical industry, as usual, is doing whatever it can to profit off the suffering of Americans. Recent filings show ‘Big Pharma’ spent a record amount of money on lobbying in 2018. While you and your family are struggling to figure out how to pay for prescriptions, pharmaceutical companies are trying to figure out how to dig an even deeper hole in your wallet to make theirs fatter. Continue reading

Fentanyl Now Behind More Deaths Than Heroin

New report on the opioid epidemic also found that most fatal overdoses were the result of more than one drug

According to a new study, starting in 2013, fentanyl use increased 113 percent per year. ~ Drew Angerer/Getty Images

A new report from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) assessing overdose deaths from 2011 to 2016 offers further evidence of fentanyl’s impact on the ever-worsening opioid crisis. The report also emphasizes what public health experts have been saying for years — that most people who suffer fatal overdoses have more than one drug in their system. Continue reading

20 Million School children Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Known to Cause Suicidal Thoughts

Clinical depression, mental illness and disorder or bad health services concept. Sad smiley face made from pills, medicine and tablets on wooden table. Dissatisfied and unhappy icon.

A news article published in 2017 reported that, according to the latest data, a staggering 12.7 percent of all US citizens over the age of 12 were taking antidepressants. Thrive Global, who reported these figures, stated that:

For many, antidepressants have been a long-term course of medication: 68 percent of people in the most recent survey said they’d been taking them for two or more years, and 25 percent had been taking them for more than a decade.”

In reality, more children are being prescribed these drugs than the public are aware of. Continue reading

How Sugar Allows Cancer Cells to Grow Inside Your Body

It’s not breaking news that too much sugar in your diet can lead to serious health concerns such as diabetes and obesity. In fact, there have been lots of questions regarding sugar’s relationship to cancer. We know that sugar consumption can impact our insulin levels which, in turn, can lead to chronic disease but… does too much sugar directly cause cancer? Continue reading

Our Grandparents’ Pharmacy – Heroin, Cocaine, Rattlesnake Oil, Electricity

Drug overdose deaths in the US are estimated to have been around 59,000 in 2016 and addiction is on the rise. But drug addiction and deaths have always been a part of our history – on the Mayflower, the doctor carried a kit with an early form of laudanum. Cocaine, heroin, opium, alcohol, marijuana . . . our grandparents used all of these to cure their illnesses – often unknowingly. Addiction isn’t new: patent medicines weren’t usually patented (no one wanted to share the ingredients) – and they weren’t regulated, either.

The FDA was formed in 1906 but it was years before true regulation took place. From the 1800’s through the 1930’s, patent medicines were sold to cure everything from baldness to serious diseases. Some “cures” were harmless sugar water and some were strong drugs. Laudanum, for instance (which included opium, alcohol, and morphine), was used to relieve coughing, diarrhea, and general pain. Continue reading

DEATH by Pharma…

FDA committee votes to approve opioid tablet 1,000 times stronger than morphine – but even the group’s own chair warns ‘it will cause death’

Show me de monee!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is poised to approve a new opioid that is up to 1,000 times more powerful than morphine.

Though its advisory panel has given the agency the green light, many doctors are outraged and one group has published a letter – penned by the advisory committee’s own chairman, who did not take part in the vote – urging the FDA to stop the approval process short. Continue reading

Pharmaceutical Drugs often Forced on Children

If you disagree with your doctor regarding the medical treatment of your children, they can be taken away from you, put in a foster home, and you can be arrested for endangering the health and welfare of your child. There are many people jailed every year, put there for disagreeing with medical doctors and their policies. In order to break free from the clutches of organized medical crime, pharmaceutical drug cartels and the monstrous insurance companies, we must all work to reform the unconstitutional laws that monopolize health care. Continue reading

FDA Recalls Common Heart Medication Due to Contamination with Cancer-Causing Ingredient

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced a voluntary recall of drugs used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.

The FDA joins 22 other countries in recalling several drugs, reported Fox News. All of the drugs include the active ingredient valsartan.

Tests showed that there was N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in the recalled products. The FDA reported that NDMA is classified as a probable human carcinogen (a substance that could cause cancer) based on results from laboratory tests. Continue reading

The Real Reason Americans are Getting Dumber

It happened subtly, over the course of a decade or two. Household cleaners went from being largely soap-based to primarily chemical-based. Cosmetics such as lipstick and blush went from being made from bees wax, plant-based extracts, and strawberries to being pumped full of lead, parabens, and synthetic dyes. A loaf of bread went from being nothing more than flour, yeast, sugar, and salt to a confusing concoction of additives and artificial flavorings. Continue reading

Xanax could be driving America’s next drug epidemic

Top psychiatrist warns addictive anti-anxiety meds are being dished out like opioids were in the 90s – and patients are struggling to quit

Opioid prescriptions peaked in 2012. But the rate of benzodiazepine prescriptions climbed 67 percent between 1996 and 2013, and more patients are struggling to quit, Dr Anna Lembke of Stanford warns

America is on track for an epidemic of addiction and overdoses from anti-anxiety medication, a top clinician warns.

With the nation’s attention on prescription painkillers, there has been scant conversation about the climbing rate of people being prescribed benzodiazepines, potent drugs like Xanax and Valium designed to alleviate anxiety and panic attacks on a short term basis. Continue reading

ADHD is a FAKE Disease Invented by Big Pharma to Drug Children for Profit

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is ubiquitous in the American classroom, there’s little debate about that. According to CDC statistics from 2012, 11 percent of children between the ages of four and 17 had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point. With over six million kids diagnosed, it’s hard not to wonder: Is this condition even a real problem? Continue reading

How Magnesium Supplementation Could Help with Depression

Sadly, depression is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people in Australia and around the world. However, there are many natural therapies for depression that give you back your power, as they are more preventive in nature and help your body to heal itself. One of these natural solutions for depression may be magnesium, as pointed out in recent research. Continue reading

Many ordinary meds cause depression

Public trust in Pharma hits new low!

For years, I’ve been writing about the medical system’s self-feeding mechanism:

Give a patient a drug to treat his symptoms; the drug causes new symptoms, which are diagnosed as a new illness; and then new drugs are given, and those drugs cause still more symptoms, which in turn are diagnosed as a new condition…on and on it goes. Drugged patients suffer tragically and needlessly, and cash piles up in Big Pharma’s coffers.

At one time, this circle of devastation might have been called an accident. But now, all the experts know the truth. Therefore, this is rightly labeled a MARKETING STRATEGY, and, at the highest levels, a covert op to disable the population. Continue reading

Antibiotics HALVE life expectancy of cancer sufferers

NHS medics reveal in world first at US conference

Antibiotics may significantly shorten the lives of cancer patients receiving immunotherapy treatment, a UK study has shown.

Taking the pills to treat minor infections could be unnecessarily affecting length of survival as GPs and oncologists were urged to prescribe with caution. Continue reading