Category Archives: PHARMACEU’TIC: A Spoonful of Sugar


PHARMACEU’TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

“A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down…” focuses on professionally administered and prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals. Initially on conception this category was developed to deal with the aspect of the abuse of children, ie; Ritalin, Prozac and other legal, “Mood altering” drugs. As time went on – we chose to attack the poisons that we are ALL being fed by our medical ‘professionals.’ The overpriced products of BIG Pharma are slowly – or rapidly killing us.

Miller: Doctors vs. Drug Warriors!

One egregious and less-than-publicized side of the drug war is its interference with doctors and their ailing patients, especially those suffering from chronic pain.

WND’s “Babe in the Bunker,” Barbara Simpson, wrote recently about a lawsuit aimed at one Dr. Wing Chin, an internist sued by the family of cancer patient William Bergman for not adequately treating his pain. Bergman is now dead, but the family scored a purse of $1.5 million in general damages. Continue reading

Wollstein: Uncle Sam Now America’s #1 Drug Pusher

Every day some 6 million children – some as young as 2 or 3 – are now given Ritalin and other stimulants at the urging of school officials and psychiatrists. The reason: They are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a recently discovered mental “disease” whose symptoms include short attention span, impulsive behavior, and difficulty sitting still.

Many more boys than girls are diagnosed with ADHD. In some schools – including two school districts near Virginia Beach, Virginia – as many as 20 percent of the boys are now given Ritalin daily.

The strongest advocates of drugging children are the Department of Education, educational bureaucrats and psychiatrists. The U.S. consumes over 90 percent of Ritalin produced in the world. What bureaucrats don’t tell parents, however, is that Ritalin has effects similar to amphetamines and is listed by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a Schedule II controlled substance. Continue reading

Psychiatrist says pills Hoffman took are safe!

According to Who?

The student accused of wounding five people with a shotgun at Granite Hills High School had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting and had been prescribed two antidepressant medications, his attorney said yesterday.

Jason Hoffman, 18, had been diagnosed as clinically depressed and had been prescribed Celexa and Effexor, both of which treat the illness, Deputy Public Defender William Trainor said. Continue reading


While a hotly debated topic, the use of mind-altering and stimulant drugs to treat children for behavioral problems remains unresolved. Ritalin is at the forefront as the drug of choice for treating children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and its use is increasing at an alarming rate. It is especially disturbing considering the fact that, to date, there have been no studies conducted regarding the long-term effects of Ritalin. In fact, concerns regarding over-medication have prompted lawsuits alleging collusion between drug companies and the psychiatric community. While the debates and lawsuits rage on, more prescriptions are written, and more children are at risk for potential misdiagnosis. Continue reading

Another school shooting: How could this happen?

The answer: Government-approved drug addicts

I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt. – Martin Luther [1483-1546]

It is now becoming a routine news story when a young person walks into his school, killing and wounding classmates and teachers. Each time the question is asked “How could this happen?” but no one is actually listening to the answer or doing anything about it.

There is a strong likelihood the answer is seven million government-mandated and government-approved drug addicts who walk into schools located in officially declared “drug free zones.” They are the children of America who have been diagnosed by teachers and counselors as victims of Attention Deficit or hyperactivity disorders and required, often against their parent’s objections, to take mind-altering drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac. Continue reading

Diller: Just say yes to Ritalin!

Are parents being pressured to medicate their kids?

Public school administrators, long the enthusiastic adherents of a “Just Say No!” policy on drug use, appear to have a new motto for the parents of certain tiny soldiers in the war on drugs: “Medicate or Else!” It is a new and troubling twist in the psychiatric drugs saga, in which public schools have begun to issue ultimatums to parents of hard-to-handle kids, saying they will not allow students to attend conventional classes unless they are medicated.

IN THE MOST extreme cases, parents unwilling to give their kids drugs are being reported by their schools to local offices of Child Protective Services, the implication being that by withholding drugs, the parents are guilty of neglect. Continue reading

The American Death Ceremony

The death ceremony began as a crude ritual, back in the days of witchcraft. In recent years it has been developed into a science. It usually takes from 10 to 15 years to come full circle, however modern scientific advancements are shortening this period of time.

It all begins with a single simple aspirin for a simple headache. When the one aspirin will no longer cover up the headache, take two. After a few months, when two aspirin will no longer cover the headache – you take one of the stronger compounds. By this time it becomes necessary to take something for the ulcers that have been caused by the aspirin. Now that you are taking two medicines, you have a good start. After a few months these medications will disrupt your liver function. If a good infection develops, you can take some penicillin. Of course the penicillin will damage your red blood corpuscles and spleen so that you develop anemia. Continue reading


My name is Bruce Wiseman. I am the US President of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a group which for 30 years has been investigating and exposing psychiatric violations of human rights and cleaning up the field of mental health.

I am also a former educator having been the Chairman of the Department of History of John F. Kennedy University.

I want to thank you for the opportunity to address you today. But more importantly, I want to acknowledge you for having the courage to confront what has truly become one of the most dangerous and insidious situations facing American life – the fraudulent labeling and drugging of millions of our nation’s youth with psychiatric mind altering drugs – a circumstance that has caused a corresponding increase in acts of senseless violence in our schools. Continue reading

Attention Deficit Order? – The Beat Goes On …

…and you ain’t gettin’ no healthier!

For some time I have been considering some comments about ADD/ADHD, or at least some questions that might be asked. Among them are:

1. It has been reported there is no clinical description ADD/ADHD which, if so, indicates that it is whatever someone says it is. Should not an alleged medical condition that requires treatment with a drug at least be properly identified?

2. It is estimated that 2 million or more public school students in the nation are now treated with the drug Ritalin for this supposed condition. If it is this common, and serious, why is it that students in the past were not so identified and treated; why are students in nonpublic schools not similarly afflicted (on a ratio basis, at least 200,000 of them should be so regarded); and why are not youngsters in other nations similarly afflicted?

3. Do we know what the long-term affects of Ritalin are on still developing children? Continue reading

Marks: Schoolyard hustlers’ new drug – Ritalin!

In the bathroom of a suburban elementary school outside Peterborough, Ontario, a 13- year-old boy offers to sell a quick high to some 10 and 12-year olds. His drug of choice: Ritalin, the prescription drug widely used to treat hyperactivity in children.

In a small town outside Athens, Ga., 282 Ritalin pills suddenly disappear from a medical cart kept in a locked closet of the middle school.

Outside Chicago, two teens report being regularly harassed and pressured by classmates to hand over their daily dose of the drug. They’ve now changed schools. Continue reading

Who Are The Real Killers?

Got kids? Who’s minding them? Your doctor? It’s time to wake up America! People are dying for lack of knowledge! We have given up all self-responsibility in this nation. It’s time we take it back. For over five years, Kettle Moraine Productions and its radio program, Perspectives on AmericA have endeavored to “wake up America” by reporting on and bringing truth to the public. Truth doesn’t hurt – lack of it does. (Ed.)

Why is America suddenly experiencing an explosion of new mental diseases and disorders never heard of thirty years ago? Why are children seemingly out of control, refusing to listen to parents and teachers – even driven to violence? I submit that psychologists have developed the habit of simply making up diseases and disorders if there is money to be made. Many of these so called diseases, such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) could in fact be side effects of the drugs, which are being poured into our children to ‘cure’ them. Continue reading

Caher: Ritalin Case Puts Parents, Courts on Collision Course

ALBANY – An educational neglect case in Albany involving a 7-year-old boy whose parents were hauled into court after taking him off Ritalin has sparked a national debate over privacy rights, judicial authority and parental sovereignty.

The Kyle Carroll case is apparently the first in the nation in which parents were pressured – if not outright ordered – by a judge to give their child the controversial stimulant after the school district petitioned the court.

Albany County Family Court Judge Gerard E. Maney has become something of a lightning rod for criticism in a widely reported matter illustrating some of the legal complexities that arise when schools and courts are confronted with a child covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. 1400. Continue reading

Marks: Backlash Builds to Ritalin!

WARNING! Taking drugs prescribed by your physician – without proper explanation – could be hazardous to your health!

What have we come to when parents need court approval to prevent their children from being drugged? The exercising of Parens Patriae is practiced more and more every day. Just say NO to Ritalin! (Ed.)

NEW YORK – One day last year, a social worker came knocking on the door of Michael Carroll’s home in West Berne, N.Y.

The trouble: The father of four had been reported to Child Protective Services for putting his seven-year-old son, Kyle, at risk. Stunned, Mr. Carroll asked what he’d done. Continue reading

ADHD ~ ‘not a real condition’

It’s about time that someone else in the world began to tell this story besides us. ~ Ed

THE legitimacy of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder as a medical condition is questioned in a new report.

The report, commissioned by the Youth Affairs Network of Queensland, has called for a moratorium on and inquiry into the use of the amphetamine-based drugs Ritalin and Dexamphetamine to treat ADHD – diagnosed in thousands of Australian children. Continue reading