…and you ain’t gettin’ no healthier!
For some time I have been considering some comments about ADD/ADHD, or at least some questions that might be asked. Among them are:
1. It has been reported there is no clinical description ADD/ADHD which, if so, indicates that it is whatever someone says it is. Should not an alleged medical condition that requires treatment with a drug at least be properly identified?
2. It is estimated that 2 million or more public school students in the nation are now treated with the drug Ritalin for this supposed condition. If it is this common, and serious, why is it that students in the past were not so identified and treated; why are students in nonpublic schools not similarly afflicted (on a ratio basis, at least 200,000 of them should be so regarded); and why are not youngsters in other nations similarly afflicted?
3. Do we know what the long-term affects of Ritalin are on still developing children? Continue reading →