Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

The DANGERS of 5G pollution cannot be overstated

As the new fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology rolls out around the world, it is important to keep in mind that its widespread use does not mean that it is safe. In fact, many studies have shown quite the opposite, prompting moratoriums and bans in some areas.

Here is a closer look at some of the biggest dangers posed by 5G technology. Continue reading

When the Kids Started Getting Sick

After pressure from families, Pennsylvania has launched studies into whether fracking can be linked to local illnesses.

The home of Janice and Kurt Blanock, in Cecil, Pennsylvania. Their son, Luke, died of Ewing’s sarcoma in 2016. Photographs by Hannah Yoon for The New Yorker

On an evening in August, 2008, Cindy Valent learned that her twenty-year-old son, Curt, was in the hospital. Valent, who was fifty-three, with frosted hair and a matter-of-fact manner, lived in Cecil, a small town in southwestern Pennsylvania, which has become a hub of the natural-gas industry. For nearly a year, Curt, a junior at Robert Morris University, had been complaining that his shoulder hurt. That weekend, while with his girlfriend, Erin, he began running a fever and having chest pains. “I thought it was no big deal,” Valent told me recently. In the evening, routine imaging at the hospital revealed a spot near his lung. A few weeks later, Curt was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a virulent form of bone cancer, which had spread to his lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and spleen. Continue reading

An Epidemic of Loneliness Is Spreading Across America

The lockdowns sure haven’t helped.

Image: Pixabay

Loneliness among Americans has been growing in recent years, but the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically exacerbated the problem. A new report by Harvard University researchers finds that 36 percent of Americans are experiencing “serious loneliness,” and some groups, such as young adults and mothers with small children, are especially isolated. Continue reading

Oh Mammy – don’t do me this way!

NOTE: My broadcast earlier this evening began with the discussion of Covid vaccines, the illegality of forcing employees to take them due to their “Non-approved” status, and other minor issues. For some unknown reason I mentioned the following – and stated that I would discuss them both issue during next Wednesday’s program – and then decided to just keep going. Some of these links go back between 5 and 20 years. Each of the following headlines were discussed.

PLEASE – for your own benefit – follow each of the posts below and for even further commentary and information on Thermography and the dangers of Mammography – enter either of those words in the ‘SEARCH’ box in the right hand column of this page and hit enter. After all – it is YOUR Health! ~ Ed.

Mammograms CAUSE Breast Cancer (…and other cancer facts you probably never knew)
Is mammography an effective tool for detecting tumors? Some critics say no. In a Swedish study of 60,000 women, 70 percent of the mammographically detected tumors weren’t tumors at all. These “false positives” aren’t just financial and emotional strains, they may also lead to many unnecessary and invasive biopsies. In fact, 70 to 80 percent of all positive mammograms do not, upon biopsy, show any presence of cancer… (Continue to full article)

Switzerland Completely Abolished Mammography Screenings
Due to the lack of evidence in support of mammography and the clear potential risks involved with them, the board chose to recommend cancelling mammography-screening programs altogether. Although their recommendations are not legally binding, the report caused an uproar amongst Swiss cancer experts and organizations. The doctors on board reported:

“One of the main arguments used against it was that it contradicted the global consensus of leading experts in the field… Another argument was that the report unsettled women, but we wonder how to avoid unsettling women, given the available evidence.”… (Continue to full article)

Surgeons Admit That Mammography Is Outdated and Harmful to Women
As published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the review concluded that mammography causes more harm than good, because many more women end up being misdiagnosed and mistreated than those actually avoiding the development of terminal breast cancer. Thus, the procedure known as mammography is an outdated scourge that belongs in the history books of failed medical treatments, and not at the forefront of women’s medicine… (Continue to full article)

How X-Ray Mammography Is Accelerating The Epidemic of Cancer
At the time of this posting, that which is published below is six and one-half years old, and yet the Medical Establishment STILL refuses to heed the warnings as posted by this author. The Publisher of this site has been publishing said warnings about mammography and it’s far more reliable and safer alternative for over 20 years… (Continue to full article)

The Best Breast Test: The Promise of Thermography
As far back as the year 2000, this site and its Editor/Publisher were recommending our listeners and readers to avoid mammograms and the like and find a doctor who would work WITH you and not ON you – by going the route recommended in this marvelous five year old column.

Take heed – the answers are here – and out there. After all – it is YOUR health… (Continue to full article)

Thermography – Uncovering health issues safely
About 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. In fact, some estimates are that 255,180 new cases of invasive breast cancer – and an additional 63,410 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer – will be diagnosed across the nation in 2017 alone. With these horrible statistics, the need for early breast cancer detection and treatment is more important than ever – making thermography, also known as digital infrared thermal imaging, such a valuable (safe) tool for early detection of health issues…. (Continue to full article)

Butt Out Of Society’s Kitchens, Bill Gates

~ Forewords ~
I have viewed Billy Gates as one of the many beasts that rise out of the sea – serving the agenda of the Anti-Christ’s plans for the Great Tribulation time. His long known plans to DEPOPULATE the population of the earth (destroying what God created) – his tech business to spy on all (God knows ALL we think and say without any tech assistance). Most all those who have managed to amass great sums of money have done so because they sold their souls to Satan – it has been that way for many centuries as Satan works his deception to all he can. Take a good look at all those who are the wealthiest men in the world. Any of them preach or teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or, do they push for their ability to MAKE money? Continue reading

Bayer’s Roundup linked to “a host of chronic and mental illness

Right now, Bayer is facing a host of lawsuits related to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer that has been linked to the use of Roundup herbicide. Bayer took on the legal burdens of Roundup maker Monsanto when it bought the company for $66 billion in 2018.

The number of lawsuits related to this illness exceed 42,000, which is absolutely staggering. One of the biggest lawsuits saw a groundskeeper initially awarded $289 million in damages, although that was reduced on appeal. Another suit saw a couple receiving $2 billion in punitive damages in a jury award. A federal multidistrict litigation action containing thousands of lawsuits ended with a $10.9 billion settlement agreement. Continue reading

Steve Jobs’ Journey ~ a message from beyond…

February 3, 2021 ~ An interesting email after I got off the air tonight asked questions about Steve Jobs and his journey with cancer. The following was originally published on this site on September 2, 2019. Read it slowly and absorb the lessons of a very interesting human being. ~ Ed.

Steve Jobs died a billionaire, with a fortune of $7 billion, at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer, and here are some of his last words…

“In other eyes, my life is the essence of success, but aside from work, I have a little joy. And in the end, wealth is just a fact of life to which I am accustomed.”

“At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death. You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you – but you can not rent someone to carry the disease for you. One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost – “LIFE”. Continue reading

Will the Truth on COVID Restrictions Really Prevail?

The consequences of the SARS2 coronavirus pandemic and its management have been enormous. Over 400,000 American deaths have been attributed to the virus; more will certainly follow. Even after almost a year, the pandemic still paralyzes our country. Despite all efforts, there has been an undeniable failure to stop cases from rapidly escalating and preventing hospitalizations and death. Continue reading

A Discussion about Bioelectric Fields…

…with Professor Andrew Hague, President of CellSonic Corporation

Living cells produce electromagnetic fields that are produced by the cells of the human body. They transmit signals to the brain over the gap junctions which follow electromagnetic laws. The electromagnetic fields are made possible by minerals that a person consumes. Calcium and magnesium are the most essential minerals that produce these fields. Continue reading

Smith vs. the Virus

A close doctor friend of mine whose name I will withhold has urged me to get vaccinated. She works with COVID patients, has been vaccinated, and thus far has experienced no problems. She plans to visit me in a few weeks and would be horrified if she infected me with the virus. If I “had some sort of immunity” she would feel much better, she said.

I don’t work with patients of any kind and have not been vaccinated for anything since childhood, with the exception of a tetanus shot some years ago. Each year the flu comes and goes, and each year it has missed me. I’m 77, have a healthy BMI, stay active, but have what everyone calls a comorbidity: COPD that originated in my genes. Continue reading

12 Coronavirus Autopsy Cases Reveal the TRUTH How COVID Patients Are Dying

In all 12 Coronavirus Autopsy cases, the cause of death was found within the lungs or the pulmonary vascular system. Those who did not die of large pulmonary emboli died of extensive inflammation, meaning pneumonia with ARDS. In these Coronavirus Autopsy cases, the lungs were wet and heavy, much like a sponge that is saturated with water. Continue reading

Child Abuse: Masked schoolchildren are harmed physically, psychologically, behaviorally and suffer from 24 distinct health issues

A first-of-its-kind study, involving over 25,000 children, reveals that masks are harming schoolchildren in many physical and psychological ways and have a negative effect on their behavior, focus and interest in learning. These negative effects are censored from social media, under-reported by the media, and ignored by government officials. Continue reading

The Medical Corruption that few People have Heard About

With the political corruption in the U.S. so rampant, a person does not hear very much about the medical system, and how it is controlled by the Drug companies, FDA, and even the government in some areas.

Political corruption is everywhere. The political corruption in the United States is so rampant that it extends right up to the front steps of the white house. It has invaded our government in a very large, destructive way. Continue reading

Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us

The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk?

No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent more than three decades studying the human immune system and is at the pinnacle of his profession. You might say he is more foundation than fringe in his specialty; he wrote the textbooks. The Mosaic of Autoimmunity, Autoantibodies, Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases, Infection and Autoimmunity, Cancer and Autoimmunity – the list is 25 titles long and some of them are cornerstones of clinical practice. Hardly surprising that Shoenfeld has been called the “Godfather of Autoimmunology” – the study of the immune system turned on itself in a wide array of diseases from type 1 diabetes to ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis.

But something strange is happening in the world of immunology lately and a small evidence of it is that the Godfather of Autoimmunology is pointing to vaccines – specifically, some of their ingredients including the toxic metal aluminum – as a significant contributor to the growing global epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Continue reading