Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

America’s Diminishing IQ

Wherever one goes on social media or any other public forum, one of the main thrusts of conversation is the apparent mental deterioration of the American public. Today’s Americans are not only more ignorant than previous generations, but as illustrated by our violent politics and social chaos, we appear to have lost the ability to function as civilized people. Much is explained by our deplorable educational system, but the loss of the ability of many people of all ages to rationally think and act cannot be explained away simply by bad schools or toxic entertainment. Even the most credulous are beginning to believe that there is some underlying reason for the collapse of the American intellect, something that is more basic than bad teachers, schools and curricula—and they’re right. Continue reading

FDA Releases Glyphosate Herbicide Residue Report

On October 1, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the final results of a “special assignment” that tested for levels of glyphosate, the weed-killing chemical found in the blockbuster herbicide Roundup. They also posted results for a competing herbicide, called glufosinate, in corn, soy, eggs, and milk during the fiscal year 2016. [1] Continue reading

More than a THIRD of college freshmen have a mental health disorder

Stress levels are sky-rocketing among every age group, and students adjusting to their first year of college may be particularly vulnerable.

All around the world, young adults making their first foray into college and the real world are struggling with depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders

Schools have taken steps to meet the psychological needs of their student body, but a far smaller fraction of the students utilize on-campus counseling services, but that hasn’t curbed rising rates of mental health disorders among students around the world, according to the new Columbia University study. Continue reading

Pediatricians Are Now Writing ‘Prescriptions for Play‘ During Well-Child Visits

The report recommends that pediatricians take a more active role in explaining to parents the value of childhood play.

Kids need to play. It seems like an obvious statement, as central to childhood as eating peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches and chasing fireflies. For generations, parents have known that a play-filled childhood is essential for healthy physical and mental development. They didn’t need to read the latest research findings on play. They didn’t need experts to tell them it’s important. They just knew it. Kids are designed by nature to play, and parents have generally let them. Continue reading

The doctor is out?

Why physicians are leaving their practices to pursue other careers…

Here is the quote of the day:With the [enforcement] of EHRs, I had to spend more time as a scribe. One night a child I was treating had a seizure and I couldn’t get the medicine to enable them to breathe because their chart wasn’t in the system yet. This kid was fixing to die and I, the doctor, couldn’t get the medicine. It was demoralizing.” The profession has allowed non-physicians to control the practice of medicine. This is the result. Too many physicians are employed by large firms and hospital groups which generates dissatisfaction with their profession. Unless things change, expect more of the same. ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

“After 20 years, I quit medicine and none of my colleagues were surprised. In fact, they all said they wish they could do the same.”

The news that New York University will offer free tuition to all its medical school students, in the hope of encouraging more doctors to choose lower-paying specialties, offered hope to those wishing to pursue a career in the field.

However, becoming a doctor remains one of the most challenging career paths you can embark upon. It requires extensive (and expensive) schooling followed by intensive residencies before you’re fully on your feet. The idea, generally, is that all the hard work will pay off not only financially, but also in terms of job satisfaction and work-life balance; then there’s the immeasurable personal benefits of helping people, and possibly even saving lives. In terms of both nobility and prestige, few occupations rank as high. Continue reading

TOXIC LEGACY: Poisonous dust from 9/11 attack has given almost 10,000 New Yorkers cancer

The federal World Trade Center Health Program has counted 9,795 first responders and other New Yorkers with cancer deemed 9/11-related

NEARLY 10,000 people have suffered cancers linked to the toxic dust and smoke resulting from 9/11.

With the 17th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks a month away, the federal World Trade Center Health Program has counted 9,795 first responders and other New Yorkers with cancer deemed 9/11-related. Continue reading

Dr. V: How Tapping Affects Your Gene Expression

Science has confirmed that epigenetic factors such as poor diet, chronic stress and environmental toxins are the main cause of 95% of all cancers. If you have been on the Healthy Breast journey for a while, then you know that your DNA is not your destiny. Even factors such as negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs can “flip the switch” towards disease. But have you ever considered that the opposite is also true? Just as epigenetics can cause disease, these factors can also support your health. An exciting 2016 study found that Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or Tapping, can balance dozens of genes that can lead to healing.
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Three Ways Long-Distance Caregivers Can Help Senior Loved Ones with Mobility Issues

You don’t have to live close by to take good care of a senior loved one. We all want to help our seniors live happy and healthy lives, but sometimes life puts hundreds of miles between us. If it can’t be helped, we must find a way to care from afar. If your loved one has mobility issues, there are some specific ways you can help them stay independent. Here are some tips. Continue reading

three mothers

I try to mostly write stories that are positive and filled with hope. Not because I don’t have times of deep pain and loss, but because it’s where I try to stay in my thoughts and in my heart… even when it’s not easy. That being said, sometimes it’s hard to find the positive in a story… Continue reading

Mobile Devices Are Causing, Stress, Anxiety At Home

Setting boundaries with phones to alleviate stress, anxiety (ultimately)

parents-kids-smart-phonesSmartphones and tablets are replacing face-to-face interactions, and families are suffering because of it, a new study says.

According to lead study author Dr. Jenny Radesky, assistant professor of developmental behavioral pediatrics at the University of Michigan Medical School, incoming communications from work, friends, and the world at large is “contaminating” family mealtime, bedtime, and playtime. Whether you agree with the term ‘contamination’ or not, I think we can all agree these times are changing due to these technological devices. Continue reading

Bankers, Doctors, and Dozens of Scientists Have Been Dying Mysteriously

Oh my!

Crime scene illustration, vector

Crime scene illustration, vector

You may remember a while back there was a spate of news articles about high-level bankers and bank employees committing suicide. Conspiracy theories were coming left and right and then as suddenly as the reports started they stopped – just like that. Here is a list of more than 50 of these bankers, in date order, with a brief overview on each of them.

You probably also remember that last year, a dozen holistic doctors either died or went missing over a course of only 90 days. How oddly coincidental. Continue reading

Celebrating Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, A Legend In His Time

Dr-Nicholas-Gonzalez-SmileEditor’s NOTE: It has been just over a year since the ‘mysterious’ death of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and the time is long past due that we pay homage to this brilliant practitioner. In my two-plus year endeavor to edit and compile the definitive version of Dr. William D. Kelley’s seminal treatise on cancer, I was privileged to speak with Nick on several occasions. During the course of one conversation, he generously granted me the privilege of adding his commentary regarding how he met Kelley – the man who would become his teacher and mentor – as part of the opening of Victory Over Cancer without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation. Dr. Gonzalez is missed by many.

And – oh yes – over one year after Nick’s death – his autopsy is still regarded as ‘Inconclusive.’ So much for modern ‘science‘. And the ‘mysterious‘ deaths continue… ICONIC Holistic Dr Sebi Dies After Arrest, While In Custody~ Ed. Continue reading

What A Man’s Penis Can Reveal About His Life Expectancy

Erectile dysfunction ‘increases the risk of early death by 70%

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection of sexual intercourse, and affects 40 per cent of men over the age of 40, and 70 per cent of men aged 70 and older

It is an embarrassing condition that can affect a man’s performance in the bedroom. But now, scientists have warned erectile dysfunction could have an impact on a man’s lifespan.

They found men suffering erectile dysfunction are 70 per cent more likely to die early. That is because the disorder – which affects 18 million men in the US – is an important marker of cardiovascular risk, the team at the University of Mississippi said. Continue reading