Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

Antiseptic Developed by a Confederate Veteran Still Sold Today

George H. Tichenor was born in Ohio County, Kentucky, on April 17, 1837.

He was a businessman in Franklin (Williamson County), Tennessee, when the war began and enlisted in the 22nd Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, CSA. He later became an enrolling officer and then an assistant surgeon. While at this post, he developed the original Dr. Tichenor’s antiseptic formula.

In 1863, he was wounded in a battle near Memphis, TN. Fearing infection, army hospital surgeons ordered that his leg be amputated. Against medical advice, and with the assistance of friends, he left the hospital and saved his leg using the antiseptic formula he had developed. Continue reading

Conscious Truth Behind Coronavirus Lockdown

I have seen an unprecedented amount of perspectives about what is going on with this global event. Typically, there are a few theories that emerge with something like this. A mainstream narrative, perhaps a couple political narratives, then a few alternative narratives. But in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have seen narratives from virtually anyone with a voice. This has created an incredibly confusing landscape, but I hope to shift that a bit with the video I want to share with you below. Continue reading

NO Disease Can Exist In An Alkaline Environment

Dr. Otto Warburg was born in 1883 in Freiburg, Germany. He studied under Emil Fischer in Berlin, until receiving a Doctorate in Chemistry in 1906. By the age of twenty-eight, he also received a Doctorate in Medicine.

He spent a significant portion of his life studying oxygen consumption and fermentation. In 1928, he released the well-known paper, “The Chemical Constitution of Respiration Ferment”, where he differentiates the energy consumption between regular body cells and cancer cells. Continue reading

Death by Medicine ~ The History of the Pharma Cartel

1911, May 15
The Supreme Court of the U.S. finds John Rockefeller and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and racketeering. As a result of this decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil-Trust, the world’s largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to be dismantled. But Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision. Continue reading


CLICK for Information

Why has cancer exploded in the last twenty or so years? There are many reasons and include: the non-organic food we are eating; vaccinations; chemicals being sprayed in our atmosphere; and chemicals used in our food production.

The US if fifth in the world in cancer rates. How can this be? When you look at what goes into our food and you can see. Glyphosate is the leading cause of breast cancer and contributes to all other types also. We are among only a few countries that use RoundUp herbicide. Connection? Continue reading

The Eyes of Darkness

Behold the insanity of those who deviously plan over decades and centuries about the ways they intend to kill us.

What you are about to see below is called “revelation of the method” – the process by which the psychopathic “elite” tell us ahead of time what they plan to do. They make these announcements ahead of time because, in their warped and twisted minds, they believe if they tell us what they are going to do and we do not object, then they have our consent. Thus, they believe, they cannot be held spiritually accountable or liable for the harm they cause. . . This book was published in 1981 and written by Dean Koontz.

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The AMA once paid a cancer virus researcher $250K to retire in Mexico and stop working on natural cures

Dr. Morris Fishbein

It all started with an evil, corrupt man named Dr. Morris Fishbein, who ran the “prestigious” American Medical Association (AMA) for over 40 years, and even though he had a medical degree, he never treated a patient in his life. Rather, Fishbein succeeded at controlling, suppressing and willfully crushing natural cures for cancer by using money, coercion, and the power of the AMA “seal of approval.” Continue reading

Medieval Diseases Are Infecting California’s Homeless

Typhus, tuberculosis, and other illnesses are spreading quickly through camps and shelters.

Jennifer Millar receives a checkup by Saban Community Clinic physician assistant Negeen Farmand.

Jennifer Millar keeps trash bags and hand sanitizer near her tent, and she regularly pours water mixed with hydrogen peroxide on the sidewalk nearby. Keeping herself and the patch of concrete she calls home clean is a top priority.

But this homeless encampment off a Hollywood freeway ramp is often littered with needles and trash and soaked in urine. Rats occasionally scamper through, and Millar fears the consequences. Continue reading

5th Graders Learn Powerful Life Lessons by Writing Letters to Cancer Survivors

This teacher wants his students to know that even the smallest act matters.

This October, students at Abbey Lane Elementary School in Levittown, New York, will take on a project that helps make the lives of cancer patients, survivors, and their families just a little bit brighter. They’re writing letters to cancer survivors to give them hope and encouragement. Continue reading

Google goes full-throttle with health censorship, doubles down on Big Pharma drugs and disease

Google has gone all-in with Big Pharma to push drugs and disease, while simultaneously blocking access to life-saving health information. Gone are the days when people could easily find information on nutrition, supplements, natural remedies and alternative therapies, but Google’s not stopping at censorship for health and wellness — the tech giant is also pushing pro-Big Pharma propaganda on their search engine. Continue reading

Heroes… Just doing their job

In my years of working with Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS – and there were 7 very good ones until his passing in 2005 – I was taught many things … among them – the following – and it has an amazing bearing on the shared story beyond the following image. ~ Ed.

Over the last half-century, the medical profession and the medical community have progressed to unprecedented heights and achievements in areas of reconstruction and surgical procedure. They have worked hard and deserve every bit of the respect and honor, which they receive. They have centered their energies and advancement on infectious and traumatic cases – all but conquering infections of many types. Surgical procedures and treatment of traumatic ills have advanced equally. In short – what the medical community has done – it has done well – unsurpassed in the history of mankind. ~ W.D. Kelley, DDS, MS

Next time you complain about how long you had to wait in emergency for your “sore stomach” or “swollen knee” and THEN decide to abuse staff with your impatience… the people you are selfishly yelling at could have just fought for endless minutes or even hours to SELFLESSLY try and save the life of a complete stranger. They may have put themselves in harms way and had to deal with sights most people can’t even stomach in the movies. They may have had to hold the hands of the mothers, brothers, husbands or even children of a patient while trying not to cry themselves. So next time you’re yelling at them for the “precious time you have wasted ” waiting when you could have gone to a G.P remember IF you are having to wait there is GOOD reason, there maybe people far worse off than you behind those doors.

Be grateful which side of the waiting room you’re on because it means you’re alive and not FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE.

Thank You Doctors & Nurses.

Written for and published by The Emergency Nurse ~ September 25, 2018

How can conservatives realize that climate change is a total hoax, but still be CONNED by the vaccine hoax which is run the exact same way?

There’s a sizable contingent of the so-called “conservative” movement that, at the same time that they’re decrying climate change hysteria as the hoax that it obviously is, somehow continue to fall hook, line, and sinker for the vaccine hysteria hoax, which is propagated on the masses using many of the same obvious manipulation tactics.

Take The Daily Caller, for instance. In a recent piece about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), the seemingly conservative news outlet rightfully mocked the freshman House member for suggesting that a spate of recent tornado warnings in the Washington, D.C., area somehow prove that there’s a “climate crisis,” which she believes is going to lead to the end of the world in 12 years. Continue reading

Cancer: Coming to You, a Family Member, or a Friend

This summer on my journey through 40 states on my bike, I saw a lot of America. I talked to countless Americans along the way. I saw things that disturbed me, even upset me and forever rendered me sober as to the challenges Americans face in the 21st century.

I saw chemical-spewing airplanes spraying poisons across thousands of acres of crops. I saw tractors spraying poisons upon endless fields of the foods we eat. I saw signs on corn fields showing the Genetically Modified Organism filled with artificial DNA at the hands of blind, stupid and greedy crop scientists—from Monsanto and Bayer. Continue reading