Category Archives: Out of The Past ~ The Archive Edition

As time allows, we continue to review many previously posted columns and articles from the first generation of several of the family of Kettle Moraine Publications, drawing from in excess of 90,000 published articles – yet many could have been written today. Others were a forewarning of (as H.G. Wells once wrote) “Things to Come.” So today we return to the days of yesteryear, or is it, Back to the Future? C’mon Marty – tell me which it is – or will we even have a future?

Seese: Cost of Health Care Up 20 X Since 1962…Gubmint Blamed!

…and how much more do you think that our cost of Hell-Care has gone up since the author wrote this column in 2002? ~ Editor

Government And Medicare Have Driven Up Our Medical Costs.

March 15, 2002 ~ In 1962 I still lived in the Los Angeles area, where I was born and where I grew up, where I attended private school and UCLA. In August, 1962, I moved away from the congestion to my second home, Arizona, where my grandparents had lived and where I had spent much of my childhood. However, the main reason for coming here was that my mother had undergone very serious surgery at the UCLA Medical Center in June, 1962, and I wanted her to be around her mother and sisters.

Two facts need to be established so that the purpose of this article is clear. First, there was no such thing as Medicare in 1962 and most medical and hospital services were affordable to working men for themselves and their families.

Second, I was the sole support of my mother and her only child, she was not covered under my employer’s health benefits at any premium, because a dependent parent wasn’t eligible. As a woman business systems analyst, I was paid about half what the men made for a similar job. Continue reading

Just gone to a better place…

March 17, 2016 ~ There are many trials in this life that we must all face. With the passing of Joey Feek on March 4, 2015, the world lost a true angel. Rory and their daughter have had someone with them, who was truly a rare individual – an Angel here on Earth.

Behind the scenes of “When I’m Gone” recording. Rory wasn’t allowed to sing on this taping (NOTE: A video which is no longer available. ~ Editor). He did NOT like that! It broke his heart, even then, at the thought of losing Joey. . . Little did they know, at the time of the recording, this would be a message from Joey that Rory would need over and over and over again. Continue reading

Elliman: A 10,000-Year-Old Killer

SMALLPOX may be used as a bioweapon by terrorists.

Originally published by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. on March 17, 2002 in the early days of the Original Federal – but it DOES deal with Smallpox. ~ Editor

Ramses V, one of the pharaohs of Egypt, is believed to have died from a smallpox infection. Smallpox evolved relatively recently, appearing approximately 10,000 years ago around the time when humans developed agriculture.

Eradicated from the world during the 1970s, few individuals living today have any immunity against this deadly pathogen. Continue reading

Terry: I’ve Been Diagnosed as Delusional!

Originally published by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. on January 14, 2002 in the early days of the Original Federal – but it DOES deal with Health – or does it? ~ Editor

I went to see my Doctor at the Hershey Medical Center. I proceeded to explain to him that there was no law requiring most people to pay Federal Income Taxes. Dr. Richard Levine got all upset and called the Emergency Room. He then asked me to go to the emergency room and talk to a psychiatrist. Dr. Levine said to me that he did not know if the Psychiatrist would Hospitalize me or not for stating that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income Taxes. He said that a few days in the Hospital might do me some good.

I did not go to the Emergency Room I went home because I did not want to go to the Psychiatric Ward. When I returned to Dr. Levine’s office for a follow-up appointment, I told him that I did not go to the Emergency Room. Dr. Levine called my boyfriend into his office with us and told my boyfriend that I was having Delusional thoughts. He then proceeded to ask me if I still thought that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income taxes. I said “No I thought about that and it would be impossible for the Government to fool the entire Nation.” I had to say something or he probably would have had me locked up. I hated saying something existed that I knew didn’t. Continue reading

Glueck and Cihak: School Bells or Jail Cells?

Published on the first generation Federal Observer website sometime in late 2001 or early 2002. Life goes on and nothing really changes. ~ Editor

Will it be school bells or jail cells for back-to-school this year? That all depends on an important decision you’ll be making in the next few weeks and whether some public-health official decides to yank your child from school, stick them in a foster home and charge you with neglect if you make the wrong one. Your crime? You refuse to subject your child to an unnecessary medical treatment. Continue reading

The TRUE History of Chemotherapy & the Pharmaceutical Monopoly

April 17, 2018 – In 2016, approximately 1,685,210 new cases of cancer (were) diagnosed in the United States alone, and approximately 600,000 people will die from the disease. The number of new cancer cases is 454.8 per 100,000 men and women per year, based on cases from 2008-2010.

Men have almost a 50 percent chance of contracting the disease at some point within their lifetime, and women have a 1/3 chance. Pretty crazy isn’t it? (Source)

In a time where so much information is coming to light, challenging the belief systems of so many, it’s important to keep an open mind to new information to help us see through what’s really been happening on our planet. It’s no secret that a small group of corporations dominate almost every aspect of our lives, from energy to education, all the way to modern day healthcare. Continue reading

Develop a Natural Cancer Treatment…GO TO JAIL

There are two major reasons we don’t have a cure for cancer. Why despite a 40 55 (Ed.) year old “war” on the disease survival rates haven’t increased one bit. The governmental meddling of the National Institutes of Health and The National Cancer Institute along with the FDA have made it difficult, if not impossible, for doctors with breakthrough cancer therapies to bring their healing discoveries to those who need them. The orthodox medical establishment is hell-bent on destroying anyone who dares to challenge the status quo on cancer treatment.

Even though we have lost the war on cancer, we continue to use and promote the very methods that don’t work while banishing those who try non-pharmaceutical modalities to the scrap heap of healing. Continue reading

Seese: The People VS. Vaccines

                          Dr. Lorraine Day

May 5, 2002 ~ Government-mandated vaccinations are coming front and center again as parents around the nation notice that after supposed “immunization” their kids develop other illnesses, if not the very ones they were vaccinated to prevent. At this point, I owe a big “thank you, granny” to my grandmother, my mom’s mother, for her orders to my mom never to have me vaccinated as a child. What granny knew in the early 1940’s, a few honest medical doctors are speaking out about now – the dangers of vaccination and worse, their ineffectiveness in so many cases.

This afternoon I heard Dr. Lorraine Day speaking on radio KFYI in Phoenix about some of the horrors of vaccination and many of the aftereffects. Dr. Day is not the first speaker I have heard on this subject, but it is just time to remind the people outside our listening area that a well-credentialed medical doctor has come forward to make her views and knowledge about vaccinations available to the public, which most doctors will not do. Continue reading

Agent Orange Linked To Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s

More veterans may be included in compensation

agent-orange-report-735Originally published on this site on November 8, 2016. ~ Monsanto and Dow were 2 of the 9 wartime contractors hired by the US government to create Agent Orange, a combination of the toxic chemicals 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T, just over 40 years ago. The damage these chemicals have perpetrated on our health and environment did not end with the Vietnam War though.

Aside from the long-term poisoning of soil and crops, a new review of Agent Orange research has found evidence that bladder cancer and hypothyroidism are more strongly linked to exposure to Agent Orange than was previously assumed. Continue reading

Post-Op Observations: Abscess make the farts go ‘Honda’

It is interesting how things come back around to haunt you once again. Note the date – and this is when I had hernia surgery back in the day. Five months later I moved into my sons’ house to begin an 11 month renovation and restoration to prepare to sell the home for his family. The following was a letter which I sent to my Physician while I was going though my recovery. He laughed his rear-end off and asked if he could frame the letter and hang it in his office.

During that 11 months – I brought myself to the best health I had ever been in in my life. It is now eight-plus years later and once again – I am feeling rather poopy. ~ Jeff
Continue reading

1249 ~ U.S. Offers Anthrax Vaccine to Thousands

Preparation Used by Military Is Unlicensed, Controversial.

October 27, 2001 – Published as the 1,249th post on the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, To Health With You!, approximately three months from the sites first publication … and so the games continue! ~ Editor

The federal government will begin offering anthrax vaccine as an experimental treatment to thousands of people potentially exposed to the deadly bacteria during a series of attacks this fall, administration officials announced yesterday.

For those wary of taking the controversial, unlicensed vaccine, health officials laid out two alternatives: take an additional 40 days of antibiotics or take no new medicines and wait to see if symptoms arise.

The decision to make the vaccine available as early as today reflects growing unease that antibiotics may not be sufficient protection against a disease that scientists know very little about. Bacteria may survive longer in people”s lungs than 60 days and continue to pose a health threat. The vaccine may enable the immune system to fight off any lingering spores. Continue reading

787 ~ OHS Plans For Forced Vaccination/Quarantines

Published on the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, To Health With You!, November 6, 2001 This was the 787th column posted within just over three months of the site’s existence. We were WARNED – nearly 20 years ago! … and so the games continue! ~ Editor

Patients could be forced to take medicines or receive vaccines for contagious diseases that pose a public health threat, such as smallpox, under the model law. Patients wouldn’t be allowed to appeal a state’s decision, though the state would likely quarantine anyone who refused to comply, triggering an appeals process…

If the Bush administration’s seeming incompetence in handling the anthrax issue and tendency to issue conflicting statements generating confusion and panic in the public has you puzzled, perhaps this may shed a bit of light on what they are actually up to. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has drafted a model law which will require forced vaccinations of all Americans, imprisonment and quarantine of those who refuse to submit to vaccination, seizure of property and other drastic measures. Continue reading

1581 ~ Who Controls Anthrax Vaccine Bottler?

Published in the category, Conspiracy Chronicles on the first generation Federal Observer, January 28 2002.

NOTE: It is nearly nineteen years since the publication of the following article and we are entering a similar phase with the Covid-19 Vaccine. In addition – how many of the firms mentioned below have been merged into others, or simply disappeared? Does anything ever REALLY change? ~ Ed., October 11, 2020

“Follow the Yellow Brick road, follow the yellow brick road – because, because, because, because, because – you’ll find the Wizard if ever there was – a Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

It appears that Bioport, the sole manufacturer of anthrax vaccine in the U.S., has cleared the first of three hurdles toward resuming shipments of its vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced approval of Bioport’s revamped production facilities. Continue reading

1064 ~ AMA Declines to Call for Nationwide Smallpox Vaccinations

Published on the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, To Health With You!, December 5, 2001. …and all these years later – you really thought that things would change???

The American Medical Association on Tuesday refused to endorse smallpox vaccinations for all Americans, rejecting calls from doctors who say the disease could be used as a biological weapon.

Instead, the 538 delegates attending the AMA’s annual winter meeting in San Francisco voted overwhelmingly to continue studying the possible repercussions of such a mass inoculation. Continue reading


Artwork by Talia Goldenberg

After enduring years of painful headaches and injuries, Talia Goldenberg — a lively, uninhibited artist — was ready for surgery to help stabilize her flexible spine.

3:46 p.m. Feb. 10, 2014
Talia Goldenberg emerged from the fog of anesthesia. The 23-year-old wiggled her toes. She wagged her feet. Good signs for a patient coming out of spinal surgery. Continue reading