Category Archives: Dr. Kelley’s Kitchen

FOOD and nutrition: The good, the bad, and the ugly, including some excellent recipes and commentary about certain types of food/meals, which have proven to be of benefit. Also some harsh warnings about food and food-related products, which are over-sold, over-bought and over-used, many of which raise questions as to their safety and nutritional value.

What did people eat during the Great Depression?

A look at the foods that helped people survive famine

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and continued until about 1939. It affected North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world. It was the most serious economic tragedy ever experienced by the industrialized Western world in modern history. Continue reading

Vegetable oils cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more…

Use these healthy alternatives instead

To protect your heart, ditch low-fat spread for butter or, better still, a bottle of extra virgin olive oil

Vegetables oils have been heralded as a healthy alternative to using normal fat when cooking. However, it turns out that vegetable oils are not all they’re cracked up to be when it comes down to it. We’ve all been told, even by government and medical associations, to use more vegetable seed and bean oils, such as soybean, corn, safflower and canola.

We’re told that vegetable oils are safe to use as a heart-healthy alternative to cooking with traditional saturated fats. The argument has been that traditional fats such as butter, lard and coconut oil cause high cholesterol and clogged arteries, eventually leading to heart disease. So-called “experts” advised us to avoid saturated fats in favor of polyunsaturated fatty acids – in particular, omega-6 fats. Continue reading

Drinking baking soda could help cure cancer

Kitchen ingredient makes hard-to-reach tumour cells easier to target with drugs, study finds

Baking soda could help fight cancer by making cells easier to target, a study has found.

Drinking the powder dissolved in water could make cells inside a tumour more active and easier for chemotherapy drugs to kill, according to researchers. Continue reading

Kelley’s Kitchen: May 21, 2018

5 Amazing Oregano Oil Benefits
Oregano oil benefits include protecting the heart, reversing depressive symptoms, balancing hormones, controlling pain and fighting infections… (Continue to full article)

Bone Broth for Wound Healing
The top food for wound healing is soup, not readymade supermarket canned or packaged soups, but old-fashioned homemade bone broth… (Continue to full article)

The Great Con-ola
Canola oil is “widely recognized as the healthiest salad and cooking oil available to consumers.” It was developed through hybridization of rape seed. Rape seed oil is toxic because it contains significant amounts of a poisonous substance called erucic acid… (Continue to full article)

20 Foods That Will Clean Your Arteries Naturally And Protect You From Heart Attacks
It is a fact that heart disease is a number one killer. One of the main causes for heart attack and stroke are clogged arteries which can interrupt the blood flow throughout the entire body. There are many factors which can increase the risk of a heart attack including lack of movement, stress, and unhealthy diet. However, some simple changes in your diet can help you to protect yourself, and reduce the risk of heart disease… (Continue to full article)

‘Broccoli is a life saver’
TV doctor reveals why the vegetable is the ONLY one you need to eat to boost your health… (Continue to full article)

Drink cranberry juice to decrease your risk of UTI by half
Cranberries aren’t just used for salads and baked goods. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has indicated that drinking cranberry juice regularly could reduce urinary tract infection (UTI) instances in women that previously had the condition. The study also indicated that this could reduce the need for antibiotics worldwide… (Continue to full article)

Garlic can slash the risk of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, conclude scientists
It’s been used to treat ailments for thousands of years, but eating garlic really does have health benefits… (Continue to full article)

Eating walnuts found to protect the colon from cancerous tumors
If you’re not a big fan of walnuts, now might be the time to start snacking on them because they can help decelerate colon tumor growth, according to a study led by Dr. Christos S. Mantzoros, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and… (Continue to full article)

Elderberry Extract: Nature’s “Tamiflu”
Whether you are concerned with the seasonal flu or the potential of a deadly strain of influenza becoming pandemic, elderberry extract is a vital addition to your vault of flu remedies… (Continue to full article)

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Mercola: Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer

‘Cancer-causing’: Sucralose, the artificial sweetener in Splenda, may raise the risk of leukaemia and other cancers, a study has found

If you’ve added the artificial sweetener sucralose (brand name Splenda) to your diet because you think it’s a healthy alternative to sugar, you’re being dangerously misled. Research from the Ramazzini Institute has linked the popular sugar alternative to cancer, specifically leukemia.

The findings were first presented at a London cancer conference in 2012 and prompted The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) to downgrade Splenda from its “safe” category to one of “caution.”

Now that the study has been published in a peer-reviewed journal, CSPI has again downgraded Splenda, this time from “caution” to “avoid.”
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Kelley’s Kitchen: April 8, 2018

Plant-based fats, like those found in avocados and olive oil, could extend your life by 25%
A diet that swaps fats found in meat for those in plants could reduce people’s chances of dying early by 24-to-26 per cent, according to a recent study. Plant-based fats, like those found in avocados and olive oil, significantly reduce a person’s risk of premature death, study from Harvard University found… (Continue to full article)

Beetroots could help in the fight against Alzheimer’s
Compound in the vegetable prevents the accumulation of harmful protein plaques in the brain… (Continue to full article)

Snacking on nuts and seeds could almost HALF your risk of premature death by transforming heart health
Those with a higher intake of linoleic acid, found in omega-6-rich foods like pine nuts and pumpkins seeds and vegetable oil, were 43 percent less likely to die early of preventable diseases… (Continue to full article)

Processed foods are driving up rates of cancer

Major study reveals the health threat including cereal, energy bars, sausages and chocolate

Eating processed food significantly raises the risk of cancer, experts warned. They said the disease was claiming more lives because of the popularity of ready meals and sugary cereals and fizzy drinks.

The products put middle-aged women in particular danger from breast cancer, according to a study in the British Medical Journal. ‘Ultra-processed’ food – any product involving an industrial procedure – now makes up half of our diet. Continue reading

Beat diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dementia by choosing the right foods

If you knew about a “miracle pill” that could significantly boost your health and lifespan, wouldn’t you want to know more about it?

According to Dr. Michael Greger, a renowned doctor at some of the top medical institutions in the United States, a “simple dietary prescription” he calls the “Daily Dozen” can do just that. Continue reading

Cancer doctors don’t like turmeric cancer treatment…

… because it’s too effective and too cheap.

How to make your own cancer treatment at home using turmeric.
As time progresses and more and more money is spent on the research of a cure for cancer, it seems that we are further than ever from finding one.

We can now treat and cure just about every illness known to man whereas cancer still claims the lives of many every year, why is this? Continue reading

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made from organically grown apples and retains many of their beneficial components because organic raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. Organic raw apple cider vinegar undergoes two fermentation processes where it produces enzymes and life-giving nutrients that make it a nutritious powerhouse. Continue reading