Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

Doctors and Hospitals Declare War on Patients

Originally published on this site on June 29, 2016. ~ Ed.

death by medWar is the right word meaning they are killing more patients each year than any war. Over the last ten years, the numbers add up to a minimum of 3.5 million dead and that is only if you count the way doctors count. If you count the way I count, by including doctor ignorance of what can prevent death, like magnesium does in heart disease, the numbers would be millions higher.

After heart disease and cancer, medical errors kill more Americans than anything else does, claiming a quarter of a million lives a year, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University the British Medical Journal reports. Add to this number over 100,000 that die from properly prescribed medicines and you can see how quickly we reach 3.5 million dead over the last decade. Continue reading

Politics Are KILLING Medicine

(September 15, 2021) Recently I needed to visit the Urgent Care Center here in Front Royal, Virginia. I have gone there two or three times over the past four years, usually waiting around 15 minutes to see a doctor or a nurse. This time the woman at the front desk told me my wait would be between three and four hours. I left, but when I returned the next day – their system was down, and I couldn’t make an appointment – I was again given the same long wait.

Since then, I have looked at their jobs site and discovered they have dozens of positions open ranging from cooks to nurses. Was that shortage caused in part by the corporation’s demand that all their employees receive the vaccine? Continue reading

May 26, 2023: Your Health ~ YOUR Choice!

Warning signs of a heart attack a month before
A heart attack is a medical emergency in which the blood supply to the heart is suddenly blocked. Warning signs that occur a month beforehand could be chest discomfort, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

Every year, around 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack, or myocardial infarction, roughly one heart attack every 40 seconds.

Heart attacks have distinct symptoms, meaning people can seek emergency treatment immediately upon noticing them. However, while heart attacks occur suddenly, there may be signs ahead of a major cardiac event, such as chest discomfort.

Being aware of these heart attack warning signs can help people seek treatment quickly, improving the chance of a swift and full recovery… (Continue to full article)

Individuals with a long-term high tea consumption trajectory may have lower risk for all-cause mortality
In a recent study published in the Nutrition Journal, researchers investigated whether the protective effects of consuming tea against hypertension and mortality interact with alcohol intake among Chinese individuals.

Tea is an extensively consumed beverage across the globe. Recently published studies have reported the beneficial effects of consuming tea against various medical conditions, including hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and mortality.

However, several factors, such as milk content, smoking habits, coffee intake, lifestyle, and gender, could lower the health benefits of consuming tea… (Continue to full article)

An apple a day really DOES keep the doctor away
Fruit linked with 20 per cent lower risk of becoming frail

Research suggests eating foods that contain certain dietary compounds – such as blackberries and apples – can lower your chances of becoming weak and delicate in older age.

Known as flavonols, these have been linked to a variety of health benefits, and are found in a range of fruit and vegetables… (Continue to full article)

Drug shortages reach ‘public health emergency levels’ across the US with cancer, heart disease and transplant patients all facing lottery for lifesaving meds

Drug shortages across the US have reached ’emergency’ levels, with cancer, heart disease and transplant patients facing a lottery to get hold of lifesaving meds.

Up to 300 drugs are currently in shortage nationwide, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, which is a five-year high.

They include everything from chemotherapy and antibiotics to a sterile fluid used to stop the heart in bypass operations and an antidote to lead poisoning… (Continue to full article)

Drug overdoses now killing the equivalent of a classroom of high schoolers EVERY WEEK – and nine out of 10 are fentanyl
Deadly fentanyl is killing the equivalent of an entire classroom of children every week, staggering figures show.

Fentanyl, a highly potent synthetic opioid that’s 100 times stronger than morphine, is ravaging America’s youth.

A recent study found that fentanyl was responsible for the death of 1,557 children in 2021 — the equivalent of 30 children every week… (Continue to full article)

Does ADHD even EXIST?
It has a huge and powerful lobby which turns with fury on its critics so I know this question will get me into loads of trouble but…

In online consultations, staff had diagnosed a BBC reporter with ADHD — attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — despite an in-person, and far longer, assessment by an NHS psychiatrist concluding that he didn’t have the condition.

The clinics, while charging rather plump fees, seemed to have an extremely relaxed attitude towards diagnosing this increasingly common complaint.

It is a huge issue. ADHD was once mainly confined to children but is now spreading rapidly into the adult populations of the Western world.

The clinics, one of them working on behalf of the overloaded NHS, were also willing to prescribe powerful stimulant drugs on the basis of this… (Continue to full article)

BIG Pharma

Big Pharma Uses Fuzzy Math to Discredit Discount Drug Program
When it comes to 340B, a program granting cheaper medicines to nonprofit healthcare patients, drug industry innumeracy is only rivaled by its greed.

The recent wave of articles on the 340B Drug Pricing Program’s supposedly “out-of-control” growth relies on faulty comparisons and fuzzy math. News reports and opinion columns often cite misleading statistics from 340B opponents.

Drug makers have the entire commercial insurance and federal entitlement drug markets to reap massive profits. Yet the drug industry remains unsatisfied with less-than-outrageous profits for a small slice of prescription drug sales… (Continue to full article)

America’s Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription

The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on March 5, 2023, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “Big Pharma.”

I developed a serious cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, seven years ago. It worsened over the past summer and early fall, and over the past six weeks I’ve had several ambulance rides and hospitalizations. And my experience through this illustrates the good side as well as the bad side of medicine today.

On the good side, I was fortunate to have the attention of two world-class doctors who spent six hours, one going inside my heart, the other coming through my chest wall to the outside of my heart, to map electrically the aberrant signals in my heart and to ablate them. Since then, I’ve not had a problem. Continue reading

They hate us, don’t they?

A large portion of patriots rightfully do not trust Big Pharma. Think COVID vaccine. Big Pharma is everywhere – in our food, in our medications, in our supplements and vitamins.

People are spending an EXTRA 100 – 150 dollars a month on supplements via Amazon only to digest chemicals catastrophic to their health.

Many Big Pharma companies come out of Ukraine. You’d be surprised how many herbal companies have their farms in Ukraine on old Soviet Union nuclear testing grounds. People THINK they’re taking healthy supplements, yet they’re digesting radioactive products from radioactive soil without even realizing it.

This is why it is so important now to buy American.

Where do you think supplements Amazon, Walmart, Costco, and Target provide come from? Ukraine. China.

Not only that, Big Pharma now wants to inject chickens and other animals with the mRNA vaccine. They hate us don’t they?

Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers

The U.S. government will spend $5 billion on a program to accelerate the development of new coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics, White House officials announced this week. Dubbed “Project NextGen,” the new initiative will serve as the successor to the Trump administration’s “Operation Warp Speed,” launched in March 2020 to expedite the development of COVID-19 vaccines. Similar to Operation Warp Speed, Project NextGen — with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation — will encourage public-private partnerships.

According to Reuters, the project will be managed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which will coordinate across various government agencies and private-sector actors, covering “all phases of development from lab research and clinical trials to delivery.” Continue reading

These 5 states will be the first to kick residents off Medicaid starting in April

Millions of Americans are at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage in coming months, but residents in Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, New Hampshire and South Dakota will be the first to bear the brunt of the terminations.

States have been barred by Congress from winnowing their Medicaid rolls since the Covid-19 pandemic began. That prohibition ends on Saturday, and some states are moving much more swiftly than others to kick off those deemed ineligible for the public health insurance program for low-income Americans. Continue reading

‘Appalling’ Biden Administration Declines to Force Big Pharma to Cut Price of Prostate Cancer Drug

“This decision effectively rubber-stamps continued Big Pharma abuse.”

Activists hit a pinata carrying empty pill bottles during an October 6, 2022 protest against the price of prescription drug costs in front of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) building in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Patient advocates on Tuesday blasted the Biden administration’s refusal to compel the manufacturer of a lifesaving prostate cancer drug developed completely with public funds to lower its nearly $190,000 annual price tag.

In 2021, prostate cancer patient Eric Sawyer petitioned U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra to grant march-in rights — under which the government can grant patent licenses to companies other than a drug’s manufacturer — for enzalutamide, which is sold under the brand name Xtandi by Pfizer and Japanese pharmaceutical giant Astellas. The drug’s development was 100% taxpayer-funded. Continue reading

37-Year-Old Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Had to ‘Learn to Walk and Speak Again

In an interview with The Defender, Dedra Long described how she went from a surgical technologist and busy mother of three to an invalid after her employer pressured her to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dedra Long had a fulfilling life, working as a surgical technologist and raising her three children. After contracting COVID-19 in February 2020, and being exposed to it several more times through her job, she developed health problems that led her to seek new employment at a credit union.

In 2021, Long’s new employer began pressuring employees to get vaccinated — and that’s when things took a turn for the worse for Long. Continue reading

Female serial killers are often nurses or healthcare professionals who kill children or the elderly

Nearly half of female serial killers are nurses or professionals working in healthcare, according to new research from author Dr Marissa A. Harrison.

Released Thursday, Dr Harrison’s latest book, ‘Just As Deadly: The Psychology of Female Serial Killers‘ explores the motivations and circumstances of some of America’s most prolific female serial killers.

Through her research, she found 39% of female mass killers work in healthcare professions, are likely to be of at least average intelligence, to be well educated, and to be after their victims’ money. Continue reading

Why the American Medical System Is Broken

Anyone who’s recently visited a hospital in America knows the system is broken. Prices are outrageous, answers are slim, and insurance companies are insufferable. Each time I think about how the medical system in America is terrible, one of the only small comforts is that Canada’s healthcare situation is worse.

Still, we didn’t arrive here without a string of bad decisions leading to an overpriced, unhelpful, and increasingly woke medical system. So how did we get here?

Big Pharma, Carnegie, and Rockefeller
One gripe many have with the modern medical system is the rejection of diet, exercise, and natural medicine in favor of big pharma and a palmful of pills. But it wasn’t always this way. Continue reading

Health Care — A Monopoly of Monsters

As noted by The Hill’s anchor Briahna Joy Gray in the video above, Americans pay twice as much for their health care yet get the worst care of any developed Western nation. And, while other countries guarantee treatment regardless of income, treatment in the U.S. depends on whether you can afford costly health insurance, or have a job that provides it. Continue reading

A Journey to HELL and Back!

First, Do No Harm…but they did it anyway!

The Beginning, but it was not meant to be the end… ~
September 2, 2021- the day that we buried our son. Late that night I got into somewhat of a vile argument with my daughter in the manner that she was speaking to her daughter – our then seventeen year old daughter (who still lives with us and we have been raising for a good number of years). I told Kylie to go into the house as she did not need to be a part of her Mother’s asininity and vulgarity, at which point – the sperm-doner – the child’s “Daddy” jumped my case and started his crapola, at which time I went over to him and told him to stay out of it. OOPS – that opened up another can of worms and he started getting physical with me and as I was returning his actions – my daughter decides to participate in the action – but against me as well. One thing led to another, and within a half hour – I had a minor heart attack.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho – it’s on the Gurney and off to the Hospital we go.

Continue reading

Wallace: The AMA Will Kill You

Written by Bob Wallace for, and published on, January 2, 2002. (Ed. 01.10.23)

Last year JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) admitted that doctors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Personally, I think the statistics are on the low side. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the leading cause (remember that old saying, “doctors bury their mistakes.” And those mistakes often don’t make it into the records. I’ve seen it.) Continue reading

Huff: People are getting cancer from Covid jabs ~ but the TRUTH is being HIDDEN

An insider who claims to be a former intelligence official is warning that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause cancer, and the government is covering up the truth.

Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the age of Operation Warp Speed, according to seven out of the 11 International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes tracked by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, and it all began around the first week of April 2021. Continue reading